Attacks On Churches Are Up 800 Percent, But That Is Only A Small Preview Of What Is Coming In 2024 And Beyond

Anti-Christian violence in the U.S. has risen dramatically in recent years, but what we have seen so far is nothing compared to what is coming if the 2024 presidential election goes a certain way.  You see, the truth is that most of the violence being directed at Christian churches is being done for political reasons.  Whether it is accurate or not, many on the left consider evangelical Christians to be Donald Trump’s most hardcore supporters, and church buildings are the most visible representation of the evangelical movement.  Since church buildings are not guarded most of the time, they are easy targets, and they are being attacked at a frequency that we have never seen before in the entire history of this country. (Read More...)

Gang Members Outnumber Police 22 To 1 In The City Of Chicago, And The Ratio Just Keeps Getting Worse

The city of Chicago has become a time bomb, and it is a prime example of a very disturbing trend that is happening all over America.  Criminal gangs are thriving in most of our major urban areas, and Joe Biden’s open border policies are greatly fueling their growth.  With each passing day, more deeply impoverished young migrants pour into our cities, and many of them are quickly recruited by gangs.  It would be difficult for me to overstate the seriousness of this crisis, but it is largely being ignored by the mainstream media. (Read More...)

There Is A War On Free Speech, And They Won’t Ever Be Satisfied Until It Is Completely Eradicated

The freedom to say whatever we want is one of the most fundamental rights in a free society.  If we are not free to speak up, it is is just a matter of time before all of our other rights are taken away as well.  So it should deeply alarm all of us that free speech is under attack like never before.  Much of the population has become convinced that “hate speech” is a special class of speech that does not deserve protection.  Of course in practice “hate speech” ends up being whatever forms of expression that the leftist elite hate.  That is why “hate speech” laws are always written so vaguely.  That way they can be used to go after whoever the leftist elite feel like going after at the time. (Read More...)

Alarm Bells For The U.S. Food Supply

How much more are you spending on food each month compared to two or three years ago?  In recent years, our leaders have been flooding the system with money at the same time that global supplies of food have been getting tighter and tighter.  On the other side of the world, hundreds of millions of people do not have enough food to eat on a regular basis and children are literally dropping dead from starvation.  Here in the United States, nobody is dropping dead from starvation, but demand at food banks is absolutely exploding as U.S. households struggle to deal with how oppressively expensive groceries have become.  Unfortunately, things are about to get even worse. (Read More...)

The Record-Breaking Natural Disasters That We Are Witnessing In Texas And California Right Now Are Truly Historic

If you think that what we are witnessing is “normal”, I honestly don’t know what to say.  Over the past few years, the United States has been getting pummeled by one major natural disaster after another.  The number of billion dollar natural disasters in 2023 established a new all-time record high for a single year, and 2024 is certainly off to a roaring start.  It seems like each new week brings multiple new disasters, and right now we are watching a couple of whoppers.  The blizzard that has started to hammer the state of California is so immense that it is difficult to believe that it is actually real, and the Stonehouse Creek Fire in the panhandle of Texas has officially become the largest fire in the entire history of that state(Read More...)

Why Are Billionaires Selling Off Stocks And Building Massive Survival Bunkers?

If you want to determine what people believe, don’t listen to what they say.  Rather, closely watch what they actually do.  In recent days, the stock market has been hovering near all-time record highs and business leaders have been assuring us that good days are ahead.  But meanwhile many of our most famous billionaires have been doing things that indicate that they are extremely concerned about what is coming in the future.  For example, during the first two months of this year Jeff Bezos, Jamie Dimon and Mark Zuckerberg “have all sold big chunks of shares in their own companies”(Read More...)

4 Absolutely Massive Bombshells About The War In Ukraine That Every American Needs To See

No matter who the American people elect as their representatives, the permanent ruling class in Washington D.C. remains the same.  Unfortunately for all of us, this permanent ruling class has become absolutely desperate to win the war in Ukraine.  One member of that permanent ruling class, Victoria Nuland, is pleading with Congress to approve more funds for the war.  One of her arguments is that “we have to remember that the bulk of this money is going right back into this economy to make those weapons”.  Oh yes, pouring giant mountains of money down the gullet of the military-industrial complex would certainly be good for economic growth.  But if we allow the permanent ruling class to drag us into a shooting war with Russia, millions of Americans could end up dead. (Read More...)

The Level Of Crazy In Our Society Has Reached Heights Never Seen Before

What happens to a society when the number of crazy people surpasses the number of normal people?  Unfortunately, I think that we aren’t too far away from finding out.  A survey that was conducted late last year discovered that 90 percent of Americans believe that we are experiencing a mental health crisis right now.  Tens of millions of Americans are currently taking pills for their mental or emotional health, and the number of Americans that are killing themselves just keeps going higher and higher with each passing year.  But numbers certainly aren’t necessary to prove that the level of crazy in our society has reached heights never seen before.  All you have to do to prove that our society is descending into an abyss of insanity is to go out into the streets. (Read More...)