Crackdown! Is The Massive Wave Of Strategic Defaults About To Come To A Screeching Halt?

As housing prices have plummeted over the last several years, an increasing number of U.S. homeowners have suddenly found themselves with home loans that are much larger than what their homes are now worth.  So a large number of them have opted for what is known as a “strategic default” – they have simply walked away from their homes and have let the banks take them back.  Many Americans simply decided that it was not a part of their “American Dream” to pay off a loan that is for two to three times what a house is actually worth.  Over the last several years, strategic defaults have enabled more than a million Americans to get out from under crippling mortgages.  But now, Fannie Mae has announced a massive nationwide crackdown on strategic defaults.  Fannie Mae says that it will be closely examining the mortgage data to determine who is strategically defaulting and who is not, and they are going to be “going after” those who they believe have committed strategic defaults. (Read More...)

Warning To Those Cleaning Up The Oil Spill In The Gulf Of Mexico: Most Of The Cleanup Crew Members From The 1989 Exxon Valdez Disaster Are Now Either Sick Or Dead

Are you sure that you want to help clean up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?  In a previous article we documented a number of the health dangers from this oil spill that many scientists are warning us of, and now it has been reported on CNN that the vast majority of those who worked to clean up the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska are now either sick or dead.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Almost all of them are sick or dead.  In fact, the expert that CNN had on said that the life expectancy for those who worked to clean up the Exxon Valdez oil spill is only about 51 years.  Considering the fact that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is now many times worse than the Exxon Valdez disaster, are you sure you want to volunteer to be on a cleanup crew down there?  After all, the American Dream is not to make big bucks for a few months helping BP clean up their mess and then drop dead 20 or 30 years early.  (Read More...)

Is It Safe To Go Swimming In The Gulf Of Mexico?

There have been some really disturbing health reports coming in from the Gulf region, and yet many public authorities have actually reopened beaches that were closed and are letting people go swimming in the Gulf of Mexico once again.  But is this safe?  On the American Dream blog we try to report the facts, but on this question we don’t know what all the facts are.  Perhaps some of those living along the Gulf coast can let us know exactly what is happening down there.  The reality is that there have been a lot of people claiming that they have become seriously ill in recent days.  But could these people just be imagining things?  Are the health dangers being overblown at this point?  Or could the health effects of this oil spill be far worse than authorities are letting on as has happened during so many other disasters in the past? (Read More...)

Does America Deserve What Is Happening In The Gulf Of Mexico?

Before you read this, please be warned that the subject matter of this article is controversial.  It is going to upset a lot of people who read it.  In fact, it is likely to absolutely infuriate a large number of people.  Why?  Well, because it asks some really hard questions.  You see, most Americans prefer to see this nation as a “good” and “moral” country that God has richly blessed.  And there is no denying that God did tremendously bless the United States in the past.  But over the past several decades we have been relentlessly pushing God away as a society.  We have indulged in an orgy of endless greed, we have made lust and sexual gratification a national pastime and we have killed over 40 million babies since abortion was legalized in 1973.  Our families are fractured and our love has grown cold, and yet we continue to borrow mountains of money so that we can go buy things at the store to make ourselves feel better as we pursue “the American Dream”.  The truth is that the United States is not a “good” nation anymore.  In fact, we have become filled with evil and wickedness.  But most Americans seem to think that there will never be any consequences for all of this evil and wickedness.  In fact, most Americans seem to expect God to snap to attention whenever we decide that we need to ask Him to do something for us.  Of course the rest of the time we are more than happy to totally ignore Him.  As the Gulf of Mexico oil spill crisis continues to get worse, many Americans are beginning to wonder where God is in all of this.  Well, is it possible that God has taken His hand of protection off of us due to all of our wickedness?  Is it possible that America could actually deserve what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico right now? (Read More...)

Environmental Devastation In The Gulf Of Mexico: Dolphins Covered In Oil, Sea Turtles Burned Alive And Massive Underwater Dead Zones

It is hard to put into words the environmental devastation taking place in the Gulf of Mexico right now.  Thousands upon thousands of sea creatures have died from the oil already, and the ultimate death toll could be in the millions.  In addition, as BP uses “burn boxes” to burn off some of the oil floating on the surface of the Gulf, thousands more sea creatures are literally being burned alive.  The tragedy is unspeakable.  Not only that, but scientists are now warning that the massive amounts of methane escaping into the Gulf could potentially create massive underwater dead zones in which nothing can live.  Meanwhile, massive amounts of oil are coating American coastlines and beaches.  And unfortunately, all of this is just going to get even worse as more oil continues to gush violently into the Gulf of Mexico each day.  It is like a really bad dream that we just can’t wake up from. (Read More...)

Invasion! Mexican Drug Cartels Are Openly Conducting Military Operations Inside The United States

Many people wonder why so many of us are so hard on illegal immigration.  Well, it is not because we are against migrant workers coming into the United States to help agricultural giants pick fruit.  Certainly those workers should not be entering the country illegally – so if there is a real need for them a mechanism for bringing them in legally should be worked out.  No, the reality is that securing our border is actually a national security issue.  Federal agents and local law enforcement officials are now openly announcing that they are outgunned, outmanned and are increasingly being shot at by the Mexican drug cartels that are openly conducting military operations inside the United States.  Things have actually gotten so bad that the U.S. government is warning U.S. citizens to permanently stay away from certain areas of Arizona.  The truth is that so many of us are so worked up about illegal immigration not because we want to deny the “American Dream” to all of the people south of the border, but rather because we are actually witnessing a military invasion of our soil by some of the most ruthless and powerful drug cartels on earth.  It is unconscionable for our politicians to stand by and do nothing to secure the border as foreigners continue to pour in and openly conduct military operations against the American people. (Read More...)