Today, some of the “top scientists in the world” are coming up with some really, really dumb ideas for fighting climate change. First of all, the theory of man-made global warming is currently falling apart like a 20 dollar suit because it never was backed up by solid scientific evidence, but even if it was true what some of these scientists are proposing to do to stop it is absolutely crazy. Some of the ideas being proposed are fairly harmless such as putting giant mirrors in space or filling up our oceans with millions of tons of Special K. However, some of the other ideas being floated by prominent scientists are incredibly frightening. There are scientists that are now openly proposing strict population control measures and the forced relocation of human populations. They believe such proposals are necessary “for the good of the planet”, but the truth is that what they are suggesting quickly conjures up images of the worst totalitarian regimes that the earth has ever seen. (Read More...)
Americans Are Willing To Trample One Another To Get Their Hands On Cheap Foreign-Made Plastic Crap Even As The United States Turns Into A Post-Industrial Wasteland
As this latest Black Friday clearly demonstrated, Americans are literally willing to trample one another to get the best deals on cheap foreign-made plastic crap. Meanwhile, as thousands of factories and millions of jobs continue to get shipped overseas, the United States is rapidly turning into a post-industrial wasteland. Once great manufacturing cities such as Camden, New Jersey have become crime-ridden, gang-infested hellholes. In some U.S. cities, the “real” unemployment rate is around 30 or 40 percent. The American people desperately need jobs, but the American people are also showing no signs that they plan to give up their addiction to cheap foreign goods. Our politicians keep insisting that the American people just need “more education” and “more skills” in order to compete, but they don’t ever seem to explain how more education and more skills are going to make new jobs pop into existence out of thin air. The truth is that the American Dream is rapidly becoming the American Nightmare and there is not much hope that any of this is going to turn around any time soon. (Read More...)
Vladimir Putin’s Vision Of A Socialist European Free Trade Zone That Stretches From The Atlantic To The Pacific
Back during the Cold War, one of the great fears was that the Soviet Union would invade western Europe and absorb it into their socialist empire. But now could essentially that exact same thing happen in the name of free trade? Over the past couple of decades, the European Union has gone from being just a “free trade area” to a highly repressive socialist regime run by a bunch of control freaks. As many in Europe have correctly noted, the European Union is highly centralized, deeply corrupt and almost entirely undemocratic – just like the former Soviet Union. Now Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is publicly proposing that all of Europe should join with Russia to create an absolutely gigantic “free trade zone” that would stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific. (Read More...)
Home Sales Drop Once Again
Existing home sales in the U.S. are down again. New home sales in the U.S. are down again. What else is new? The U.S. housing industry just cannot seem to bounce back. Mortgage lenders have really, really tightened up lending standards and so now there are a lot fewer qualified buyers than there used to be. It is as if the big financial institutions have nearly shut off the flow of credit. But without credit, the vast majority of American families don’t have a prayer of achieving the American Dream of owning a home. Even with mortgage rates close to record lows the housing market is still languishing. Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter how low mortgage rates are if American families can’t get home loans approved. With unemployment still staggeringly high and with incomes still declining, it appears that the U.S. housing market is going to continue to suffer for some time to come. (Read More...)
22 Incredibly Revealing Quotes About Enhanced Pat Downs And TSA Groping
At what point will Americans finally stop losing more liberty and freedom? With each passing year, the iron grip of the government gets even tighter, and each time it does we are told that it is either for “our safety” or for “national security”. One can only imagine what is going to happen the next time there is any kind of “terror incident” on an airplane. They are going to point to all those Americans who are complaining about “enhanced pat downs” and TSA groping as the reason why security is not tough enough. So where does all this end? Will we eventually all have to go through a body cavity search just to get on an airplane? Will they start groping us at school, at work and at sporting events? Are we going to have to “lock down” America from coast to coast to ensure that no terrorist ever is able to harm any American? (Read More...)
Will TSA Groping Destroy Tourism In The United States?
One of the things that has not been considered in the debate over the horrific new TSA security procedures is the economic impact that all of this is going to have. The rest of the world is watching what is going on, and millions of people are going to decide that they simply do not want to go through the hassle of flying to the United States. There are some cultures where allowing a strange person to touch your private areas is unthinkable. In 2009, 54.9 million tourists visited the United States, and those tourists spent approximately 93 billion dollars. That doesn’t even count all of the internal tourism in the United States which is far greater. Tourism is the first, second or third biggest employer in 29 U.S. states. So what happens if a significant chunk of tourists decide that they are simply not going to fly because of the new full body scanners and the new “enhanced pat-downs”? (Read More...)
Senator Rockefeller To TSA Chief John Pistole: “I Think You’re Doing A Terrific Job”
The backlash against new TSA airport screening procedures has reached a deafening crescendo, and so you would think that the politicians in Washington D.C. would be getting the message. But so far, most of them seem to be just as supportive of the TSA as ever. For example, what did the chairman of the Senate committee overseeing air travel, Jay Rockefeller, have to say to TSA chief John Pistole during a Senate hearing on these new security procedures the other day? “I Think You’re Doing A Terrific Job.” Yes, you read that correctly. Senator Rockefeller had nothing but praise for Pistole and the new screening procedures. Apparently Rockefeller thinks that TSA officials feeling up the genitals of U.S. air travelers with the fronts of their hands is a wonderful thing. It is even being reported that in some instances TSA officials are actually reaching down the pants of men and up the skirts of women during these enhanced pat-downs. Not only is this totally criminal, but considering the fact that TSA officials do this countless times without changing their gloves it is also a serious health hazard. But most of our “leaders” in Washington D.C. continue to insist that we should stop protesting because this is all being done “for our own good”. (Read More...)
Is America In Danger Of Turning Into One Gigantic Hellhole?
What in the world is happening to America? Are there still places in America where liberty and freedom are respected, where taxes are low, where regulations are not suffocating, where the people are friendly and where Americans can be free to live an independent lifestyle? In a previous article entitled “What Is The Best U.S. State To Move To If You Want To Insulate Yourself From The Coming Economic Meltdown?“, I asked readers what they thought were some of the best places in America to move to for people wishing to ride out the coming economic collapse. Well, the response was overwhelmingly negative. Readers were even highly negative about states that have been very popular for “independent thinking” Americans to move to such as Montana, Idaho, Alaska, Washington and Colorado. So are there any “good” places in America left? Or is America in danger of turning into one gigantic hellhole? (Read More...)