Could Nuclear Radiation From A Meltdown Of The Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Reactors In Japan Reach The United States?

The possibility of a full-blown nuclear meltdown of one or more of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear reactors seems to increase by the hour.  Millions of weary Japanese citizens are desperately hoping that the worst case scenario does not play out.  A major nuclear disaster is the last thing that they need at this point.  So could radiation from a meltdown of one or more of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear reactors reach the United States?  Unfortunately, the answer is yes.  Right now authorities in Japan are hoping to avert a full-blown meltdown and keep the radiation that is escaping to minimal levels, but at this point it appears that they are fighting a losing battle.  Yesterday, yet another of the reactors exploded.  The explosion at Fukushima Dai-ichi unit 2 was the third major explosion in four days.  Previously there had also been huge explosions at unit 3 and at unit 1.  Japanese authorities are feverishly trying to pump sea water into all of the reactors in the complex in an attempt to cool them down.  At this point authorities in Japan have admitted that the levels of radiation in the areas immediately surrounding the reactors “can impact human health”, and Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan is saying that the risk that further radioactive material will be released is “very high”.  Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano has told the media that fuel rods in three of the reactors appear to be melting and that he cannot rule out the possibility of a full-blown meltdown in all three of the problem reactors.  Right now, the Japanese government is advising all people living within a 30 kilometer radius of the reactors to stay indoors. (Read More...)

Was The Magnitude 8.9 Earthquake In Japan A Sign That The Ring Of Fire Is Coming To Life?

Please pray for Japan.  The footage of the devastation caused by the magnitude 8.9 earthquake in Japan is absolutely heartbreaking.  It was the worst earthquake in the history of Japan, and it was one of the five largest earthquakes that has ever been recorded.  The magnitude 8.9 earthquake unleashed a tsunami that was absolutely unprecedented in that part of the world.  30 foot walls of water swept as much as 6 miles inland.  Cars and homes were pushed along by the rushing water as if they were toys for children.  Since the initial quake, there has been over 100 aftershocks of magnitude 5.0 or greater.  Hundreds of dead bodies have been discovered so far, and according to one report, 88,000 people are currently missing.  There is no telling how high the death toll will eventually be.  Large areas of land are now completely under water and 4.4 million households in northeastern Japan do not have electricity.  So will we see more earthquakes like this?  Are there other signs that the “Ring of Fire” is coming to life? (Read More...)

Are The Prophets Of Doom Right About Major War, $200 Oil, $2000 Gold And Dow 5000 By The End Of 2012?

Are the “prophets of doom” right? Is a major war going to erupt in the Middle East? Is the price of oil going to $200 a barrel? Is the price of gold going to hit $2000 at some point over the next two years? Is the Dow going to drop to 5000 by the end of 2012?  Right now there are some very respected financial experts that are making some absolutely stunning predictions.  Charles Nenner, Gerald Celente and Lindsey Williams are all frequent guests on popular television and radio shows and they are all forecasting very difficult economic times over the next couple of years.  So are they right? (Read More...)

The 31 Most Ridiculous Quotes Of 2011 So Far

If you really want to find out what someone is all about sometimes all you need to do is to shut up for a while and let them talk. The truth is that the mouth always eventually reveals what is in the heart.  Most politicians and world leaders are highly skilled at “filtering” what they say to the public, but even most of them will eventually break down and tell us exactly what they are thinking.  Posted below are 31 of the most ridiculous quotes from politicians, celebrities and world leaders so far in 2011.  Some of the quotes are very funny but others are very troubling.  The sad reality is that the more you listen to politicians and world leaders the more you realize that they really are quite clueless.  When I was growing up I assumed that those in positions of power actually did know more than the rest of us, but unfortunately the opposite seems to be true in many cases.  We really do have a bunch of idiots and morons in positions of power around the globe. (Read More...)

21 Signs Of Impending Doom For The 2011 Economy

If you are not aware of how rapidly the global economic situation is unraveling you need to snap out of it and start paying attention.  The world economy was relatively stable in 2010, but here in 2011 things are deteriorating very quickly.  Right now there is major civil unrest in at least a dozen different nations in Africa and the Middle East.  The civil war going on in Libya has sent the price of oil skyrocketing and the protests that are scheduled to begin in Saudi Arabia later this month could send oil prices even higher.  Meanwhile, the sovereign debt crisis in Europe just seems to get worse by the day.  Several nations in Europe are suddenly finding that it has become extremely expensive to finance more debt.  It appears that it will only be a matter of time before more bailouts are needed.  Meanwhile, the United States is also covered in a sea of red ink and the economic situation in the largest economy on earth continues to deteriorate rapidly.  It is as if the entire world financial system has caught a virus that it just can’t shake, and now it looks like another massive wave of financial disaster could be about to strike.  Does the global economy have enough strength to weather a major oil crisis in 2011?  How much debt can the largest nations in North America and Europe take on before the entire system collapses under the weight?  Will 2011 be a repeat of 2008 or are we going to be able to get through the rest of the year okay?  Only time will tell. (Read More...)

25 Bizarre Examples That Show That The U.S. Government Is Absolutely Brimming With Idiots, Incompetents And Incredibly Corrupt Politicians

If our founding fathers could see us today, what would they think?  Unfortunately, they would probably come to the exact same conclusion that so many of us have come to – the U.S. government is absolutely brimming with idiots, incompetents and incredibly corrupt politicians.  Today it is very rare to come across a politician that still has any integrity left.  Washington D.C. has become such a cesspool that it seems to corrupt even most of the politicians that originally go there with good intentions.  We have created the most complicated government in the history of the world and we have hundreds of thousands of pages of laws, and yet nothing seems to work right.  Our economy is dying, our relationships with the rest of the world are a mess and we have accumulated the largest debt in the history of mankind.  Meanwhile, our politicians openly hand out our money to their friends and to those that have donated money to their campaigns and they waste our money on some of the stupidest things imaginable.  Have we now gotten to the point where our system of government has become so corrupted that it is almost impossible to repair it? (Read More...)

Don’t Worry, Be Happy: Unemployment Is Down, The Stock Market Is Up And The Economy Is Going To Be Just Fine

Haven’t you heard?  The coming economic collapse has officially been canceled.  The U.S. economy is in full recovery mode.  It has just been announced that the U.S. unemployment rate fell to 8.9% in February.  That was the third monthly decline in a row.  192,000 new jobs were created in the U.S. during February.  That was the fifth month in a row in which the U.S. economy has gained jobs.  Corporate profits are way up.  For the most recent month that numbers are available, sales of GM vehicles were up 49%, sales of Chrysler vehicles were up 13%, and sales of Ford vehicles were up 10%.  Can’t you see?  The great American economic machine has roared back to life.  The stock market is way up this year.  The recession is over.  Our financial system is more stable than ever.  Pretty soon all Americans that want jobs are going to be able to get jobs and all of our government debts are going to be paid off.  The greatest days for the U.S. economy are just around the corner.  So don’t worry, be happy. (Read More...)

Yes, You Can Survive The Coming Economic Nightmare – One Family In California Grows 6,000 Pounds Of Produce On Just 1/10th Of An Acre

If you work hard and get prepared, you can survive the economic nightmare that is coming.  All over the United States and around the world there are millions of people that are learning how to become more self-sufficient.  For example, there is one family that is actually producing 6000 pounds of produce on just 1/10th of an acre right in the middle of Pasadena, California.  In fact, they grow so much food that they are able to sell much of it to restaurants in the area.  Video of this incredible “urban homestead” is posted below.  The key is to start with what you have.  The family in the video below would like to have a large acreage, but for now they have turned what they do have into an absolute miracle.  Yes, a horrific economic nightmare is coming to this country, but you don’t have to be afraid.  One of the main reasons why so many of us are trying to warn people about what is coming is so that they will wake up and take massive action to become self-sufficient like the people in the video below have. (Read More...)