Is the return of Jesus Christ getting closer? According to a survey conducted by the Brookings Institute’s Center for Middle East Policy entitled “American Attitudes Toward The Middle East And Israel“, 79 percent of all evangelical Christians in America believe that “the unfolding violence across the Middle East is a sign that the end times are nearer”. In addition, the survey also discovered that evangelical Christians are also far more likely to be pro-Israel than the population as a whole, and most of them believe that Israel will control more territory than it currently possesses before Jesus comes back. Many “secular” Americans may find this strange, but evangelical Christians really do view everything that is going on in the Middle East through the lens of Bible prophecy. The vast majority of evangelicals truly believe that Jesus is actually coming back to our world, and most of them are fully convinced that Israel is going to play a leading role in the events of the last days. (Read More...)
20 Super Wealthy Individuals Have More Money Than The Poorest 152 Million Americans Combined
Do we need any more evidence before we will finally admit that the middle class in America is being systematically destroyed? As you will see below, when you add together all of the wealth of the poorest 152 million Americans, it still falls short of the combined net worth of the 20 wealthiest Americans. This is a list that includes Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Mark Zuckerberg. To many, the core of the problem is that people like Gates and Buffett are making too much money. But I disagree. There is nothing wrong with working hard, building a company and making lots of money. The real problem is the fact that the bottom half of the country is steadily getting poorer. Once upon a time, this nation had the healthiest and most vibrant middle class in the history of the world, but now that middle class is dying. If we don’t do something about this, soon we may not have much of a middle class left. (Read More...)
Was A Pro-Israel Messianic Jewish Christian The Primary Target Of The San Bernardino Shootings?
Why is the mainstream media ignoring evidence that the primary reason why Sayed Farook and his wife went on a deadly shooting spree in San Bernardino, California was because Farook wanted to get revenge on a pro-Israel Messianic Jewish Christian co-worker? 52-year-old Nicholas Thalasinos had worked alongside Farook as an inspector for an extended period of time, and it is being reported that they would often have discussions about religion and politics. As you will see below, the two had been arguing about whether Islam was a peaceful religion or not, Farook had reportedly made threats to kill Thalasinos, and Farook had was quite insistent that Islam would someday “rule the world”. (Read More...)
Islamic Terrorists Are Not Coming To America ‘Someday’ – The Truth Is That They Are Already Here
Random Islamic terror attacks are now going to be part of every day life in America. Once upon a time, those of us that warned that Islamic terrorists were already in this country were branded “alarmists”, but not anymore. When Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez gunned down four U.S. Marines at a Navy and Marine reserve center in Chattanooga, Tennessee earlier this year, that was just a very small preview of what is coming. On Wednesday, a married couple named Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik fired at least 65 shots at a holiday office party in San Bernardino, California. 14 people were killed and 21 were wounded. Later on, hundreds of shots were exchanged as police officers pursued the vehicle that Farook and Malik were attempting to escape in. Fortunately, Farook and Malik are no longer a threat to any of us, but there are thousands more radicals just like them that are already living in this country and that are ready to act at any time. (Read More...)
Obama’s ISIS Oil Scandal Deepens As Russia Produces Stunning Photographic Evidence
How is Barack Obama going to get out of this one? On Tuesday, the Russian military produced an impressive array of evidence that clearly shows that ISIS oil is being smuggled into Turkey on an industrial scale. The evidence included photographs taken by satellite and during aerial reconnaissance missions. What the Russians have shown the world is extremely compelling, and it raises some very disturbing questions. First of all, how involved is the Turkish government in all of this? There is no way in the world that an endless parade of trucks carrying ISIS oil could have marched through Turkish border checkpoints without the cooperation of the central government. Secondly, what did Obama know and when did he know it? The U.S. military has far better surveillance capabilities than the Russians do, and so it seems absolutely absurd to suggest that Obama didn’t know what was going on. (Read More...)
Donald Trump Dares To Say That Turkey ‘Looks Like They’re On The Side Of ISIS’
Donald Trump just said something that he was not supposed to say, and it is something that Barack Obama will never admit. During an appearance on Sirius XM’s “Breitbart News Daily” on Tuesday morning, Trump stated that the Turkish government “looks like they’re on the side of ISIS more or less based on the oil”. This makes Trump the first presidential candidate to tell the truth about this to the American people. By now, just about everyone knows that ISIS is using Turkey as a home base, and I have previously written about how Turkey is “training ISIS militants, funneling weapons to them, buying their oil, and tending to their wounded in Turkish hospitals”. But a major U.S. politician, especially one running for the White House, could get into really hot water for saying these kinds of things about our NATO ally. You see, the truth is that the American people are not supposed to know that Turkey is actually on the same side as ISIS and has been facilitating the sale of hundreds of millions of dollars of oil that has been stolen by ISIS. (Read More...)