The NFL has announced that it will be implementing “enhanced” pat-downs at all 32 NFL stadiums. Once this is fully implemented, the 16 million fans that attend games each season will be frisked from the ankles to the knees and from the waist up. Apparently this new level of security was brought on by a recent incident where a Cowboys fan smuggled a stun gun into a game between the New York Jets and the Dallas Cowboys and started zapping other fans with it. As usual, authorities have responded to a minor security incident by massively overreacting to it. In the post-9/11 world in which we live, paranoia is standard operating procedure. Those that are responsible for security are far more interested in “covering their backsides” than they are in respecting the liberty, freedom and dignity of average Americans. America is rapidly turning into a high-security prison. When naked body scanners and “enhanced pat-downs” went into U.S. airports, those that warned that we would soon see these types of “Big Brother” security measures pop up at train stations, bus stations, shopping malls and sporting events were dismissed as “conspiracy theorists”. But it turns out that the “conspiracy theorists” did not even fully understand how quickly all of this nonsense was going to spread. How much “security” is going to be enough? Where in the world is the line going to be drawn? If groping all fans is “necessary” for security at all NFL games, how long will it be before it is implemented at all other sporting events across the United States? (Read More...)
Rick Perry And The HPV Vaccine: Would A Real Conservative Attempt To Forcibly Vaccinate 12 Year Old Girls For A Sexually Transmitted Disease?
The debate about Rick Perry and the HPV vaccine is a battle for the very soul of the Republican Party. Right now, Rick Perry is parading around the country talking about how “conservative” he is, but would a real conservative attempt to forcibly vaccinate 12 year old girls for a sexually transmitted disease? If Rick Perry really wants government to be as “inconsequential” in our lives as possible, then why did he issue an executive order that mandated that 12 year old girls in the state of Texas be injected with a highly controversial vaccine? Rick Perry did not even consult the Texas legislature and he spat right in the face of parental rights when he did this. Conservatives in the United States love to talk about how much they love individual liberty and about how much they love parental rights, but they keep supporting candidates that are trampling on our liberties and our freedoms. Forcing young girls to be injected with a highly controversial government-mandated STD vaccine is something that we would expect Barack Obama to do. Rick Perry keeps saying that he wishes he would “have done it differently”, but you will notice that he is not saying that he was wrong for trying to do it at all. The really sad thing is that you have all kinds of “conservative Republicans”, “evangelical Christians” and “Tea Party activists” running around defending Rick Perry on the HPV vaccine issue. All of those people should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. (Read More...)
Lawless America: 20 Examples Of Desperate People Doing Desperate Things
All over America today, desperate people are doing desperate things. As the economy continues to crumble, the American people are starting to become very frustrated. Millions have lost their homes and millions have lost their jobs. As hopelessness and despair rise, an increasing number of Americans are turning to crime or are lashing out in unpredictable ways. Many parts of America are rapidly turning into lawless hellholes. In some of the areas that have been the hardest hit by the declining economy, police forces are being severely cut back and desperate criminals are being given a lot of freedom to roam. In fact, in some major cities (such as Oakland, California), the police have announced that there are certain types of crime that they will not even respond to any more. For a couple of decades, crime had been steadily declining in the United States, but now we are seeing very disturbing reports from all over the nation of desperate people doing desperate things as they scramble to survive or as they vent their frustrations. If the examples that you are about to read are any indication, then America is headed down a very dark path. (Read More...)
They Want A “United States Of Europe” But They Are Going To Need A Massive Financial Crisis In Order To Get It
Are we about to see a huge push for a “United States of Europe”? As the sovereign debt crisis in Europe continues to spiral out of control, suddenly this term is popping up in the New York Times and in major newspapers all over Europe. So is this by accident? Surely not. The truth is that there is an overwhelming consensus among the political and financial elite of Europe that a “United States of Europe” is what would be best for the eurozone. However, they are likely going to need a massive financial crisis in order to reach their goal. Right now, the citizens of the countries that make up the eurozone are overwhelmingly against deeper European integration. Without experiencing a massive amount of financial pain, they are unlikely to change their minds any time soon. So who is going to win in the end? Unfortunately, the clock is ticking because Greece is on the verge of defaulting on their debts and several other countries are not that far behind. If Europe does not decide on a course of action soon, the euro is going to collapse and financial institutions all over Europe are going to come crashing down. (Read More...)
Divide And Conquer: Are The Left And The Right In America About To Go To War With Each Other?
Every single day, America is becoming a little bit more divided. It is probably not a stretch to say that there could be more political hatred in this country today than at any time since the Civil War. In fact, there are some very disturbing signs that the very heated war of words between the two major political parties could soon spill over into very real violence in the streets. Instead of uniting and focusing on our real enemies and on our real problems, the left and the right in America seem ready to go to war with each other. The mainstream media and those that control both political parties love to play “divide and conquer”, and in America today we are taught to pick one political “team” and to absolutely hate those on the other side. But instead of two real choices, what we really have is a false left/right paradigm. The reality is that the two political parties are controlled by the same people at the highest levels. For example, did you know that 3 of the top 7 donors to Barack Obama’s campaign in 2008 were major Wall Street banks? Both the Republicans and the Democrats are very tightly controlled. That is why nothing seems to really change no matter who we elect. But rather than waking up and uniting to take on our real problems, the American people are increasingly choosing to hate one another. (Read More...)
15 Examples Of How “The Little Guy” Is Getting Absolutely Killed In America Today
Those without a lot of wealth or a lot of power are getting absolutely killed in America today. The big corporations, the major financial institutions, the ultra-wealthy and those connected to the top levels of government are absolutely thriving even though the economy overall is in shambles. Meanwhile, “the little guy” is being abused, harassed, regulated, taxed and mistreated like never before. In general, the big corporations and the government don’t spend a lot of time tangling with each other. Instead, mostly they seem content with attacking the weak members of the herd (the rest of us). In the United States today, wealth and power have become more concentrated than ever, and the big corporations and the government have figured out thousands of different ways to drain even more wealth and power away from the rest of us. Most of the time, “the little guy” is not even able to fight back. Most Americans have very limited resources and a very limited knowledge of the law. Meanwhile, the “big guys” have almost unlimited resources and can hire huge numbers of lawyers. So what does that mean for the rest of us? Well, it means that until society becomes a lot more just, you better do your best to keep from becoming a target of the “big guys”. (Read More...)
The Future For Most Americans: Pathetic Jobs, Bad Debts And A Crappy Economy
Sorry to break this to you, but the future for most Americans is going to be pretty crappy. Unless you are independently wealthy, the chances are good that you will have a low paying job, that you will be drowning in a sea of bad debts and that you will have to go on government assistance at some point. Most American families are completely dependent on their jobs for income, and right now good jobs are disappearing at a frightening pace. Over the last couple of decades, millions of high paying manufacturing jobs have been shipped out of the country and they are being replaced by low paying service jobs. Small business creation is being absolutely crushed by the federal government, and millions of illegal immigrants have been allowed in to the country and they are now competing for the limited number of jobs that are still available. The vast majority of the money and the vast majority of the power in this country are now in the hands of either the big corporations or the government. Together, the big corporations and the government are absolutely crushing everyone else. If you are not part of the “privileged class”, there is a good chance that your job is serving them. Perhaps you are bringing them lunch or cutting their hair or stocking shelves for them. Once upon a time, America was “the land of opportunity”, but now that has all changed. Tomorrow morning, millions of Americans will get up and go to pathetic, low paying jobs and millions of others will wonder why they can’t find anyone to hire them. Sadly, if nothing is done to reverse the long-term trends that are destroying our economy, the number of “working poor” is going to continue to increase. (Read More...)
Chaos On The Streets Of America
Should we just expect mass chaos on the streets of America every time a major holiday rolls around? At least 42 people were hit by gunfire in New York City over the Labor Day weekend. The violence got so bad that even the mayor felt compelled to publicly address it. In Chicago, at least 6 people (including a man in a wheelchair) were killed over the Labor Day weekend. Sadly, this is just a continuation of a trend that we have seen build over the past few years. At the beginning of the summer, there was terrible violence all over America during the Memorial Day weekend. We also saw violence break out during 4th of July celebrations. It appears that wherever large groups of young people gather in America today, there is going to be a very good chance that chaos is going to erupt. (Read More...)