Kamala Harris Just Made A Colossal Mistake – Here Are 7 Things You Should Know About Tim Walz

What in the world was Kamala Harris thinking?  There is a reason why the Trump campaign is so giddy right now.  Kamala Harris could have had Josh Shapiro, but instead she picked Tim Walz.  When I wrote that “Kamala Harris has a tendency to really mess things up”, I was not exaggerating one bit.  This election is going to be decided by the swing states, and the most critical swing state by far is Pennsylvania.  Whoever wins Pennsylvania is almost certainly going to win the presidency.  Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro has a 61 percent favorability rating in his state, and so he was seemingly the obvious pick.  The following comes from CNN(Read More...)

Is Kamala Harris Going To Make The Entire Country As Lawless As Her Hometown Is?

Kamala Harris is being touted as the solution to all of America’s problems.  Since she didn’t do much as vice-president, and since she didn’t really accomplish much while she was in the U.S. Senate, many Americans feel like they don’t really know her too well.  So a lot of them are buying into the carefully crafted image that is now being projected by the Democratic Party.  But is that image accurate?  Harris spent many years ascending through the ranks of the Democratic Party in California, and of course the Democratic Party has been systematically transforming that state into a hellhole.  There is a reason why millions of people have been moving out of California in recent years.  But Harris isn’t just from California.  Her hometown is literally one of the worst places in the entire country(Read More...)

Life After Death Is Real! Here Are 5 Examples Of People That Met Jesus During Near Death Experiences

We aren’t supposed to talk about what happens after we die.  In fact, our society trains us not to even think about it.  But the clock is ticking.  Your body is wearing out and your time is limited.  Of course the truth is that your number could be up at any time.  If you died tonight, where would you go?  The good news is that “the other side” is not a mystery.  Countless numbers of people have been to “the other side” and have come back to tell us about it.  According to a study that was conducted in 2019, approximately 10 percent of the entire population has had a near death experience.  In this article, I am going to share 5 examples of people that actually met Jesus during their near death experiences. (Read More...)

The U.S. Is Not Prepared To Fight One Major War, But Three Major Wars Are Rapidly Approaching

What in the world has happened to our military?  When I was growing up, I was proud that my father was an officer in the U.S. Navy.  At that time we possessed the most powerful military in the entire world by a wide margin, and as a result nobody wanted to mess with us.  But now everything has changed.  Our military has been transformed into a “woke” joke, and we all saw what happened during the absolutely disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.  We desperately need to get our act together, because war is coming.  In fact, we could soon find ourselves fighting multiple major wars simultaneously.  Unfortunately, a study that was just released by a congressional panel concluded that we are not even ready to fight one major war at this point… (Read More...)

Will Turkey Try To Invade Israel Once The End Times War In The Middle East Spirals Out Of Control?

Did you see what just happened in the Middle East?  We live at a time when the entire world is going crazy, and I am entirely convinced that it won’t be too long before the war in the Middle East takes an apocalyptic turn.  Even CNN is admitting that we are dangerously close to witnessing an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah, and in such a war both sides would not hold anything back.  Of course once Israel and Hezbollah start pummeling one another with everything that they have got, other interested parties are likely to join the fighting.  Could that potentially include the nation of Turkey?  On Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made headlines all over the world when he suggested that his forces could actually enter the land of Israel at some point(Read More...)

5 Things That Most People Do Not Know About Kamala Harris

Who is she?  Even after serving as the vice-president of the United States for more than three years, Kamala Harris continues to be somewhat of a mystery to most Americans.  She will soon become the presidential nominee for the Democratic Party, and with that title will come a tremendous amount of scrutiny.  Will the American people like what they see once her past is under a magnifying glass?  The national spotlight can be excruciatingly painful, and that is especially true if you have lots of skeletons in your closet.  In this article, I am going to share a few pieces of information that I have gathered.  The following are 5 things that most people do not know about Kamala Harris… (Read More...)

Did The Opening Ceremony For The Paris Olympics Foreshadow The Coming Of The Antichrist?

The opening ceremony for the Paris Olympics is being called the most anti-Christian opening ceremony in history.  Approximately 6,000 athletes, 3,000 performers, 300,000 spectators and numerous celebrities participated in a festival of blasphemy and wokeness that is being widely criticized all over the globe.  Most of the criticism has to do with a scene during the opening ceremony that appeared to mimic Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper painting.  I am going to get to that in this article, but first I want to discuss something that happened during the opening ceremony that I think is not getting nearly enough attention. (Read More...)

Science And The Bible Just Keep Confirming One Another

If the universe and everything in it really were designed by some entity, that entity would have to possess extremely advanced scientific knowledge.  In fact, that entity would need to have a far greater understanding of scientific principles than we do.  Despite all of the incredible technology that we have developed, a single human cell is far more complex that anything that we have ever created.  It is just within that past several decades that we have begun to understand the sheer complexity of life on this planet. (Read More...)