We Are In The Process Of Completely Losing America

When I was growing up, I was taught to love America.  My father was in the U.S. Navy, our family spent six years overseas as he served at a military base in a foreign land, and every day I would say the Pledge of Allegiance at the local school for military children that I attended.  It was during this period of time that Ronald Reagan was first elected president of the United States, and the things that he said about the greatness of America’s values really inspired me.  Of course no nation has ever been perfect, but at one time the United States was united by a common set of values that we were constantly striving to live up to.  And one of the reasons why I am often so hard on America in my articles is because I want us to rediscover those values and start trying to live up to them once again. (Read More...)

COVID-19 Shows America Is Vulnerable To Biological Terror, And Weaponized Viruses Are Surprisingly Easy To Make

In this article, I want to talk about something that has been on my heart for quite a while.  Over the last several months, we have all seen the chaos that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused all over the globe.  Overall, more than 16 million confirmed cases have been reported worldwide, and more than 650,000 people have died.  But of course those raw numbers do not tell the entire story.  This virus has struck fear into the hearts of billions of people all over the world and has thrown the entire global economy into a devastating economic depression.  After watching what COVID-19 has done to us, it is inevitable that many of those that wish to do us harm will be inspired to look into the feasibility of purposely releasing viruses that are even deadlier than COVID-19 inside the United States.  Thanks to dramatic leaps in technology over the last couple of decades, it has become very easy to create and weaponize viruses, and once such a biological weapon is released we may never even know who attacked us. (Read More...)

America’s Major Cities Are Being Turned Into War Zones, And It Is Not Going To End In November

The civil unrest that we witnessed all across America this weekend was extremely alarming.  For a few weeks, it seemed like the chaos that erupted in the immediate aftermath of the tragic death of George Floyd was subsiding, but in recent days there has been a dramatic resurgence.  Within the last 48 hours, there have been eruptions of violence in major cities such as Seattle, Portland, Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Oakland, Louisville, Austin and Richmond.  At this point we have seen sustained protests and rioting for nearly two months straight, and it looks like the chaos isn’t going to disappear any time soon. (Read More...)

Many Americans See The Hand Of God At Work In Current Events

2020 has been an incredibly bizarre year up to this point, and this has many people wondering if the hand of God is at work.  And the worse things get, the more this sort of speculation will heat up.  When things get crazy, people search for answers, and that can be a good thing.  Because the truth is that during normal times most of us are way too self-absorbed and most of us spend far too little time thinking about the things that really matter.  2020 has really shaken up a large portion of the U.S. population, and we should hope that all of this shaking ultimately moves our society in a more positive direction. (Read More...)

1.5 Billion Children Are Dead – What Is The Appropriate Sentence For Such A Crime?

One out of every six people in the world is missing.  If 1.5 billion children had not been systematically killed over the past 50 years, the total population of the planet would be 9 billion instead of the current level of 7.5 billion.  And of course I am not even counting the children and the grandchildren that the missing 1.5 billion would have had if they had been allowed to grow up.  There have been other great genocides throughout human history, but there has never been one that has literally wiped out one-sixth of humanity.  Virtually every nation in the world has eagerly participated in this horrific genocide, and that arguably makes us the most evil generation to ever walk the face of the Earth. (Read More...)

California Churches Have Been Shut Down Indefinitely, And The NFL Season May Be In Jeopardy

As I have warned many times before, life is not going to be getting back to normal any time soon.  The state of California just instituted a whole bunch of new COVID-19 restrictions, and the California Department of Health has confirmed that as a result of those new restrictions all in-person church gatherings have been banned “with no definite end date”.  Of course many churches will continue to have online services, but it just isn’t the same.  And with greatly reduced revenues coming in for the foreseeable future, a lot of smaller churches may not be able to survive.  It is one thing to lock down a state for a few weeks so that hospitals do not get completely overwhelmed during a pandemic, but it looks like California may be locked down for months to come, and some are even speculating that the restrictions could stretch into next year. (Read More...)

“Something Big Is Coming”: Pastor Dana Coverstone Just Had Another Prophetic Dream About The Month Of September

Christians all over America are talking about Pastor Dana Coverstone, and he just had another prophetic dream about the month of September that everyone should hear.  He is warning that “something big is coming”, and he is calling Christians all over the country to pray for our nation from the beginning of the month of September to the end.  Hopefully many will heed this call, because we are definitely at a major turning point in our history.  I have been hearing from so many readers lately that feel such an urgency about the second half of this year and beyond, and I think that is a big reason why Pastor Coverstone’s original video resonated so strongly with so many people.  What he shared in that video exactly matches what countless believers have been feeling, and it also perfectly lines up with experiences that other prophetic voices have been having. (Read More...)

Another Bombshell: A 3rd Study Has Now Found That COVID-19 Antibodies Disappear Very, Very Rapidly

Scientific evidence continues to emerge that indicates that COVID-19 is going to be with us for a very long time to come.  Yesterday, I reported on a recent study that was conducted in China and another recent study that was conducted in Spain that both showed that COVID-19 antibodies start to disappear very, very quickly.  In fact, the study that was conducted in Spain discovered that some patients that originally tested positive for antibodies “no longer had antibodies weeks later”.  Well, now we have a third study to add to the list.  A study of COVID-19 patients that was conducted at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ National Health Service Foundation Trust in London found that “just 16.7 percent of the patients had a potent antibody response” after a couple of months had passed… (Read More...)