What In The World Has Happened To Our System Of Education?

Our kids can’t really read very well.  And it turns out that they aren’t very good at math either.  But those running our system of education continue to tell us that they are doing a wonderful job.  If they just had more funding, they insist, our test scores would go way up.  Of course that is complete and utter nonsense.  Our system of public eduction was a failure back when I was in school many years ago, and it is much worse now.  At this point, only about one-third of all U.S. students in the fourth, eighth, and twelfth grades are proficient in reading(Read More...)

Pastor John Kilpatrick Just Issued An Ominous Prophetic Warning About What Is Coming That You Must Hear

For only the third time in his 53 year ministry, Pastor John Kilpatrick has issued an urgent prophetic warning to the public.  The first warning came just before 9/11, the second warning came just before the COVID pandemic, and now this new warning is the third one.  Kilpatrick has ominously declared that “the land is going to manifest the sins that are proliferating” in our nation.  He says that there will be problems with “earthquakes”, “volcanoes” and “the weather”.  Of course this lines up perfectly with what Perry Stone was just shown and with what I warn about in my latest books.  Our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and we will soon witness unprecedented shaking. (Read More...)

Evil On A Scale That I Don’t Even Know How To Describe

This is not an easy article to write.  In fact, it would probably be easier if I did not write about this at all.  But if we do not speak out, that is a victory for evil.  So I am going to share some truly horrible things with you in this article.  Everything that I am going to share comes from a mainstream news source, but I have to warn you in advance that this material is not for the faint of heart.  So if you do not want to read about the sexual violence that Hamas has been committing, you should stop reading now.  I do not really want to write about this stuff, because these acts are evil on a scale that I don’t even know how to describe.  But we must expose the truth, because the future of the nation of Israel hangs in the balance.  Much of the world is enthusiastically supporting Hamas, and they need to understand why they should stop supporting these extremely wicked monsters. (Read More...)

Another Tsunami Prophecy – When Will The American People Start Listening To The Warnings?

We have been warned for decades that someday gigantic tsunamis will hit the United States.  Unfortunately, most of the population is not interested in such warnings at all.  When I was a child, I was shown giant tsunamis in my dreams over and over again, but at that time I had no idea what I was seeing.  It was only many years later that I started to understand.  As an adult, I discovered that men and women of God all over the world have been shown enormous tsunamis that will absolutely devastate the coastlines of America.  One will hit the west coast, and one will hit the east coast.  I shared many of these warnings in Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America, and since that time I have heard from even more people that have had similar experiences.  God has been warning us over and over again, but most of those warnings have fallen on deaf ears. (Read More...)

Right Now Venezuela Is Literally Holding A Vote To Decide If It Will Invade A Neighboring Country

Has the whole world gone completely nuts?  Normally, South America is one continent that doesn’t have to worry about war.  Unfortunately, just like so many other politicians all over the globe, the leaders of Venezuela appear to have caught a case of war fever.  They are apparently quite eager to get their hands on Guyana’s oil resources, and so they held a national vote on Sunday that will determine if the government of Nicolas Maduro is permitted to invade Guyana or not… (Read More...)

A Shocking New Survey Reveals The Greatest Threats That Preppers In The U.S. Believe We Are Facing

I was very surprised by the results of a survey of preppers that was recently conducted by Fortitude Ranch.  The CEO of Fortitude Ranch, Drew Miller, says that preppers are “folks who watch events and read up on threats” and so they have a really good feel for what is really going on out there.  Today, millions of Americans are preparing for the collapse of society because we really are facing very serious existential threats which could cause the complex systems that we depend upon on a daily basis to fail at any time.  So I was very interested to examine the results of this new survey, because it gives us some insight into what the prepping community is thinking right now. (Read More...)

The Iranians Seem To Believe That The War In The Middle East Is Going To Get Much More Violent

Rumors that the war in the Middle East is about to go to the next level are flying all over social media right now.  The Iranians and the terror organizations that they support absolutely hate what is going on in Gaza, and they have been preparing to take action.  So will we see a major move soon?  That is hard to say, because there is so much that goes into such a decision.  But the former commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards is publicly telling us that “in the coming days” we will see “additional fronts join the conflict in Gaza”(Read More...)

4 Key Areas To Focus On As You Prepare For The Chaotic Events Of 2024 And Beyond

Are you ready for what is coming next?  Recently, I have been getting a lot of questions about prepping.  Thanks to the war in the Middle East, a lot of people out there are realizing that we really are running out of time.  So in this article, I am going to give some very basic practical advice.  In the short-term, it is going to be very important for you to build up your emergency fund.  Times are going to get a lot harder, and in the midst of those hard times you are going to need to continue to pay the bills.  Looking beyond a short-term perspective, you are going to need to be prepared to survive in a world that has gone completely mad. (Read More...)