If Democrats Take The White House And Congress In November, It Will All Be Over For The Republican Party

This is not a normal election, because if Democrats are able to win the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives in November, they will end the two party system as we know it today.  Yes, there will still be two major political parties, but one will essentially be in permanent control.  In recent weeks, there has been so much chatter on the left about ending the filibuster in the Senate permanently, about granting statehood to Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico, and about “packing” the Supreme Court.  Collectively, these three moves would basically make it exceedingly difficult for Republicans to ever become the majority party again.  I know that this is an extreme statement to make, but I think that you will agree with me by the time this article is over. (Read More...)

Will The 2020 Election Be The Beginning Of The End For Our System Of Government?

Most Americans assume that our system of government could never fail, but the truth is that it is failing right in front of our eyes.  In order for our system of government to work, people need to be able to believe that their votes will count and that the outcomes of our elections will be fair.  For over 200 years, most Americans did have faith in the system, but now things are rapidly changing.  Here in 2020, we appear to be heading for a hotly contested result in the presidential election, and many on the losing side are inevitably going to believe that the election was stolen from them.  And day after day we just continue to see more examples that indicate the security of our elections is being compromised on a widespread basis.  Not too long ago, I wrote about the military ballots for Trump that had been discarded in a dumpster in Pennsylvania and the ballots that were discovered in a ditch in Wisconsin.  And now today I came across a report about how memory sticks that are “used to program Philadelphia’s voting machines” were stolen from a warehouse… (Read More...)

Global Food Shortages Are Becoming Very Real, And U.S. Grocery Store Chains Are Preparing For Worst Case Scenarios

The head of the UN World Food Program repeatedly warned us that we would soon be facing “famines of biblical proportions”, and his predictions are now starting to become a reality.  We have already seen food riots in some parts of Africa, and it isn’t too much of a surprise that certain portions of Asia are really hurting right now.  But I have to admit that I was kind of shocked when I came across an article about the “hunger crisis” that has erupted in Latin America.  According to Bloomberg, “a resurgence of poverty is bringing a vicious wave of hunger in a region that was supposed to have mostly eradicated that kind of malnutrition decades ago”.  We are being told that food shortages are becoming acute from Mexico City all the way down to the southern tip of South America, and those that are the poorest are being hit the hardest. (Read More...)

Federal Authorities Have Already Documented Two Cases In Which Votes Have Been “Discarded” In Key Swing States

The integrity of our elections is of paramount importance, because if our ability to choose our own leaders is compromised that undermines everything that our system of government is based upon.  So every American should be hyper-sensitive to any allegation that our votes are being tampered with, because any attack on the voting process is an attack on all of us.  This is one issue that should be able to unite Republicans and Democrats, and hopefully people across the political spectrum will report anything suspicious that they notice over the coming weeks.  And as I become aware of troubling incidents, I will share them with my readers, because the integrity of our elections is definitely one of my hot button issues. (Read More...)

Why Are So Many Asteroids Having Close Calls With Earth In 2020?

Have you noticed that it seems like stories about asteroids that are approaching the Earth are constantly in the news this year?  It wasn’t always this way.  In the old days, maybe there would be a story about an asteroid every once in a while, and those stories were never a big deal.  But now asteroids are zipping by our planet with frightening regularity, and several more very notable passes will happen over the next few weeks.  For example, an asteroid that was just discovered on September 18th will come very, very close to the Earth on Thursday.  According to NASA, it will actually come closer to our planet than many of our weather satellites(Read More...)

An Obscure Law In Pennsylvania Could Result In 100,000 Mail-In Ballots Being Thrown Out Without Ever Being Counted

We are still more than 40 days away from the election, and already we are seeing huge red flags regarding the integrity of the voting process in some states.  No matter who you support, you should want the upcoming election to be fair.  Every American should be able to vote, all of those votes should be counted, and the decision that the American people make should be respected.  Unfortunately, it appears that this is likely to be the most chaotic election in modern American history, and wrangling over what votes should be counted and what votes should not be counted is likely to persist long after election night is over.  In the end, it would not be surprising to see the outcome of the election end up at the Supreme Court, and that is a scenario that none of us should want to see. (Read More...)

The Open Supreme Court Seat Is A Final Test For Trump, Senate Republicans And America’s Conservatives

The sudden passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg shocked the entire country, and it has set up a battle for the ages in Washington.  Democrats are promising to fight with everything that they have got to keep that seat from being filled before the election, but in the end there isn’t that much they can do.  The Republicans control the White House and the U.S. Senate, and so they have the power to fill that seat if they wish to do so.  Unfortunately, there are already cracks in Republican solidarity.  Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins have both publicly stated that they will not support a confirmation vote before election day, and two more defections would push Republicans below the 50 votes that they need to confirm a nominee.  But for the purposes of this article, I will assume that there will be no more defections. (Read More...)

The “Peace Agreement” That Israel Just Signed Is Another Huge Step Toward A Palestinian State

The historic agreement that Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain just signed is being hailed as a major leap toward lasting peace in the Middle East.  But the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are not exactly the major players in the region, and what Israel had to give up in order to get these two Arab nations to “normalize relations” has a lot of people scratching their heads.  First of all, annexation of any territory in Judea and Samaria has now been put on hold indefinitely.  But much more importantly, the treaty that was just signed commits Israel to “a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”, and obviously a “negotiated solution” would involve the creation of a Palestinian state. (Read More...)