Science Proves That Time Is Running Out For Humanity…

Even if we weren’t facing an apocalyptic future of our own making, humanity would still be doomed due to the nightmarish reproductive crisis that we are now facing.  Just about every measure of human fertility that you can measure is dropping precipitously, and this is particularly true in the western world.  As a result, we have vast numbers of young adults that are either infertile or that deeply struggle with fertility issues, and the number of babies born with birth defects has been soaring.  It gets worse with each passing year, and the future for humanity is exceedingly bleak unless we find a way to turn things around. (Read More...)

Dangerous New Pestilences Are Breaking Out All Over The Globe

Did you hear about the outbreak of the new “mystery disease” in Tanzania?  What about the alarming new outbreak in Congo?  New developments in South Africa are making headlines all over the globe as well.  Despite all of our advanced technology, humanity remains extremely vulnerable to outbreaks of disease, and many believe that the COVID pandemic is just the beginning.  Fearsome new bugs are constantly being cooked up in labs all over the planet, and it is inevitable that there will be more “accidents” that result in more of these bugs getting released in the future.  As we have seen, a single virus can rapidly spread throughout the entire world, and it is just a matter of time before a pandemic comes along that will wipe out tens of millions of people. (Read More...)

This Is Why The New Mutant COVID Strain That Is Ravaging South Africa Has Scientists Extremely Worried…

Over the past couple of weeks, the new coronavirus strain known as “Super COVID” has been racing through the UK and making headlines all over the globe, but scientists insist that the new mutant COVID strain in South Africa is potentially much more dangerous.  Just like “Super COVID” in the UK, there is evidence that the South African strain spreads faster, and South Africa’s health minister has warned that there is “anecdotal evidence” of a “larger proportion of younger patients with no co-morbidities presenting with critical illness”.  But the biggest reason why health authorities are so concerned about this particular strain is because it has mutated so dramatically that the current vaccines that have been developed may not work against it.  The following comes from a Reuters article entitled “UK scientists worry vaccines may not protect against S.African coronavirus variant”(Read More...)

“Super COVID” Is Spreading In The United States – Should We Be Scared?

This pandemic just entered an alarming new phase.  The new mutant strain of the virus commonly known as “Super COVID” has been creating a tremendous amount of panic in the UK, and cases have also been confirmed in Canada, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Australia, Japan, Singapore, India, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates.  But until Tuesday there were no known cases in the United States, and many were urging for travel restrictions to be instituted in order to keep it from gaining a foothold here.  Unfortunately, it appears that it is now too late for that, because a case of “Super COVID” has now been identified in Colorado(Read More...)

“The Russians Hacked Us!”: They Are Pushing A Narrative That We Are Heading For A Conflict With Russia

Not this again.  In the aftermath of the 2016 election, Democrats squarely blamed “Russian interference” for Trump’s election victory, and they spent the next several years going down the rabbit hole of that conspiracy theory.  So here we are in the aftermath of the 2020 election, and once again they are pushing another “blame Russia” narrative.  In recent days the mainstream media has been breathlessly telling us about “a massive cyberattack” that was “the largest espionage attack in history”, and even though they are not giving us any evidence that would point to the Russians, they are insisting that Russia must have been behind the attack. (Read More...)

Famine Is “Knocking On The Door”

Unless there is some sort of unforeseen miracle, millions of people could literally starve to death in 2021.  We are facing a global food crisis that is unlike anything we have ever seen before in modern times, and 2021 is going to be the year when it starts to become extremely painful all over the globe.  But don’t take my word for it.  David Beasley is the head of the UN World Food Program, and so he is in a better position to assess the global hunger crisis than any of us.  According to Beasley, 2021 “is literally going to be catastrophic” and his organization is facing “the worst humanitarian crisis year since the beginning of the United Nations”… (Read More...)

“Dark Winter” Was The Code Name For A Scenario In Which A Biological Weapon Was Used Against The American Populace

Could it be possible that the phrase “dark winter”  has some sort of deeper meaning that most of us are not meant to understand?  We have heard that phrase over and over again in recent weeks, and usually it has been used in discussions regarding the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic.  But it also turns out that “Dark Winter” was also a code name for a high level simulation that was conducted back in 2001.  That simulation envisioned a scenario in which a widespread smallpox attack was unleashed inside the United States.  As you will see below, the simulation was “designed to spiral out of control”, and the hypothetical consequences were absolutely disastrous. (Read More...)

They Are Developing A “Digital Passport” For International Travel That Will Show If You Have Been Vaccinated

International travel will soon look far different than it once did.  Now that multiple vaccines for COVID-19 have been rushed through the development process, it is just a matter of time before they start being widely distributed.  In fact, we are being told that the rollout for COVID-19 vaccines here in the United States will likely begin some time in the middle of December.  There will be millions of people that will be quite eager to rush out and get injected, but of course there will be millions of others that never intend to get vaccinated under any circumstances.  Unfortunately, those that choose not to get vaccinated could soon find themselves being unable to travel internationally. (Read More...)