10 Shocking Videos Of The Protests In Egypt That Are Almost Too Graphic To Watch

Over the past week, the mainstream media has not really done a good job of communicating how intense the violence and bloodshed in Egypt has become.  Trucks and cars have been plowing into groups of protesters at high speed, dozens of protesters have been shot and killed, and the violence only seems to get more crazy with each passing day.  Seriously, if you cannot handle scenes of graphic violence and people dying, then you probably should not watch the videos posted below.  These are 10 of the most shocking videos of the protests in Egypt, and they are incredibly graphic.  This is a real revolution that is happening in Egypt and it is very bloody. (Read More...)

Uh Oh – The Internet Is About To Run Out Of IP Addresses!

Yes, you read the headline correctly.  The Internet is about to run out of IP addresses.  The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority has scheduled a press conference in Miami on Thursday to announce that they are distributing the last blocks of new Internet addresses.  It is expected that all of those IP addresses will be fully distributed within 6 to 9 months and then there will be no more.  The current IP address system, known as “IPv4”, can only support a little over 4 billion IP addresses and we have now almost reached that limit.  The good news is that a replacement for the current system already exists, but the bad news is the the vast majority of Internet devices around the globe do not speak the “language” of the new system.  This has the potential to create an Internet “headache” of mammoth proportions in the coming years. (Read More...)

40 Percent Of Egyptians Live On 2 Dollars A Day Or Less And The Global Elite Like It That Way

After thousands of years of “progress” and “societal evolution”, how is it possible that most of the world is still living in soul crushing poverty?  In recent days, it has been reported all over the media that 40 percent of Egyptians live on 2 dollars a day or less.  Sadly, there are lots of other countries where even larger percentages of the population live in abject poverty.  So how in the world did this happen?  We can send men into space, we can send electronic communications to the other side of the globe in an instant and we can destroy entire cities with a single bomb and yet we can’t figure out how to set up an economic system that will provide jobs, food and housing for everyone on the planet?  That doesn’t seem right.  That doesn’t seem right at all. (Read More...)

10 Things That The Egypt Riots Can Teach Us About What Happens When Society Breaks Down

The rioting in Egypt is perhaps the biggest single news story so far in 2011.  The pace at which Egyptian society has been transformed over the past week has been absolutely breathtaking.  A few months ago, nobody would have ever dreamed that there would be huge riots in the streets of major Egyptian cities calling for the resignation of Hosni Mubarak.  But it has happened, and now Egypt will never be the same again.  So what does the future hold for Egypt?  Well, many are hopeful that this revolution will bring about a better government in Egypt and a better way of life for average Egyptians.  Personally, I am not nearly so optimistic.  In fact, I believe that there is a great danger that an even more repressive government could take the place of the current regime.  But in any event, there are important lessons that the Egypt riots can teach all of us about what happens when society breaks down.  Societal collapse is often a very messy, very violent affair.  Someday if the global economy completely implodes, we may see economic riots erupt all over the world (including inside the United States) and we all need to get prepared for that. (Read More...)

Price Shocks, Food Shortages And Global Economic Riots In 2011?

People need to wake up – 2011 has just begun and yet we are already seeing significant price shocks and serious food shortages in many areas of the globe.  In fact, violent economic riots are now being reported in Algeria, in Chile and in Mozambique.  Food shortages and price increases are also causing political unrest in other nations such as India, Bangladesh and Indonesia.  This is a very serious situation, and if the major food producing nations of the world do not have another record harvest this year there is very likely going to be an incredibly serious global food crunch.  According to the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization, the global price of food hit a new record high in December.  The previous record high for food prices was in June 2008, and we all remember what happened during the summer of 2008.  Massive food riots erupted in countries such as Cameroon, Haiti and Egypt.  So with price shocks and food shortages already being reported all over the globe, will we see even worse global economic riots in 2011? (Read More...)

Bye Bye American Pie: 10 Reasons Why America’s Economic Pie Is Rapidly Shrinking

All over the mainstream media today, the wealthy are being pitted against the poor.  Those advocating for the wealthy claim that if we could just cut the taxes for the rich and make things easier for them that they will create lots of jobs for the rest of us.  Those advocating for the poor claim that the gap between the rich and the poor is now larger than ever and that if we could just get the workers to fight for their rights that we could get things back to how they used to be.  It is a very interesting debate, but it totally ignores a reality that is even more important.  America’s economic pie is rapidly shrinking.  As part of the new globalist economy, every single month massive amounts of U.S. wealth is being transferred out of the United States and into foreign hands in exchange for oil and cheap plastic trinkets.  In addition, every single month our national government goes into more debt, our state governments go into more debt and our local governments go into more debt.  The interest on all of this debt represents a tremendous transfer of wealth.  What most Americans fail to grasp is that our collective wealth is getting smaller.  There is now less of an “economic pie” for all of us to divide up. (Read More...)

Buying Gold: Why Are The Chinese Gobbling Up Gold Like There Is No Tomorrow?

Why are the Chinese buying so much gold?  In 2010 it has been demand out of China that has been one of the primary factors for the dramatic rise in the price of gold.  Gold is up approximately 26 percent this year, and most analysts expect it to go even higher in 2011.  So is China buying gold at a breathtaking pace because they view it as a good investment, or are there other factors at work here?  Do the Chinese view gold as a hedge against inflation?  Is China seeking to get out of U.S. Treasuries?  Has gold simply become much more attractive than paper currencies such as the euro and the U.S. dollar?  Or could China be preparing for the coming financial collapse that so many economists see coming?  It is always difficult to tell exactly what China is up to, but one thing is for sure – they are buying gold like there is no tomorrow. (Read More...)

China #1, United States #2? 25 Facts That Prove The Transition Is Really Happening

On a recent episode of The Office, Michael Scott spent much of the show bemoaning the fact that China could soon become the number one economic superpower.  Of course by the end of the episode everyone had concluded that the United States would continue to be number one indefinitely, but in the real world things are not so simple.  Sadly, the cold, hard facts reveal that China is on the rise and the United States is experiencing a dramatic economic decline.  The world is changing and China is projected to become the largest economy in the world at some point during the next decade.  Americans have been taught from birth that “the U.S. is number one”, but the transition is really happening.  China is passing the United States even in quite a few high tech industries and in many areas of scientific research.  The numbers that you are going to read below are absolutely staggering.  It is getting really hard to deny that the Chinese are wiping the floor with us economically.  In fact, they are beating us so badly that it is hard to put into words. (Read More...)