What Do You Think Of The New “COVID Vaccination Cards” That Were Just Revealed To The Public?

This is starting to get really frightening. This week, the U.S. Department of Defense unveiled the very first images of the “COVID-19 vaccination record cards” that will be given to every person that gets one of the COVID-19 vaccines.  Now that such a record is going to be available, it is probably inevitable that some schools, businesses and government entities will want to starting requiring people to provide “proof of vaccination”.  If this starts to happen, the public needs to protest very loudly against it.  In addition, when someone receives a COVID-19 vaccine, that fact will be reported to state immunization registries and to the CDC.  So they will know exactly who has been vaccinated, and that will also know exactly who has not been vaccinated. (Read More...)

“Dark Winter” Was The Code Name For A Scenario In Which A Biological Weapon Was Used Against The American Populace

Could it be possible that the phrase “dark winter”  has some sort of deeper meaning that most of us are not meant to understand?  We have heard that phrase over and over again in recent weeks, and usually it has been used in discussions regarding the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic.  But it also turns out that “Dark Winter” was also a code name for a high level simulation that was conducted back in 2001.  That simulation envisioned a scenario in which a widespread smallpox attack was unleashed inside the United States.  As you will see below, the simulation was “designed to spiral out of control”, and the hypothetical consequences were absolutely disastrous. (Read More...)

They Are Developing A “Digital Passport” For International Travel That Will Show If You Have Been Vaccinated

International travel will soon look far different than it once did.  Now that multiple vaccines for COVID-19 have been rushed through the development process, it is just a matter of time before they start being widely distributed.  In fact, we are being told that the rollout for COVID-19 vaccines here in the United States will likely begin some time in the middle of December.  There will be millions of people that will be quite eager to rush out and get injected, but of course there will be millions of others that never intend to get vaccinated under any circumstances.  Unfortunately, those that choose not to get vaccinated could soon find themselves being unable to travel internationally. (Read More...)

A Previously Unknown “Mystery Disease” That Causes Sores On The Skin Has Already Spread To 700 People In Africa

Something is happening in Senegal that we need to watch very closely.  Hundreds of fishermen have developed “a mysterious skin disease” after coming back from sea, and so far nobody can identify what it is.  But the fact that so many are catching it is causing some experts to become very alarmed.  At first it was reported that about 100 people were infected, then the number was 200, and then there were numerous reports that 500 victims had been identified, and now the latest reports indicate that more than 700 people have been infected.  The following comes from an African news source(Read More...)

New Strains Of COVID Could Render Vaccines Completely Useless, And 2 Dangerous New Strains Are Already Spreading

What if all of the assumptions that people are making about this COVID pandemic are completely wrong?  When Pfizer announced that they had developed a successful vaccine for COVID, the world cheered.  And then when Moderna announced that they had developed a successful vaccine for COVID, the world cheered even more.  But COVID has been mutating, and scientists assure us that it will keep mutating.  So what happens if the vaccines that are being developed end up being completely useless against new mutant strains of the virus?  Would that put us all the way back to square one (or even worse)? (Read More...)

14 Absolutely Horrible Things That Were Said About Trump After He Was Diagnosed

There was a time when a moment like this would have brought the entire nation together in unity.  Decades ago, news that the president of the United States was the victim of a deadly virus and had been rushed to the hospital would have been received with grave seriousness.  But in 2020, much of the population responded to the news that President Trump had been infected by the coronavirus with jokes, sarcasm and death wishes.  In fact, there were so many death wishes for Trump on Facebook and Twitter that major news outlets all over the U.S. were doing news stories about it.  We have never seen anything like this before, and it says a lot about where we are headed as a nation. (Read More...)

All Of The Bad News In 2020 Is Causing A Shockingly High Number Of Americans To “Seriously Consider” Suicide

This is a very difficult article for me to write, but I definitely need to write it.  All over the country, people are considering suicide because of all the bad things that have happened this year, and things are only going to get even more challenging in 2021 and beyond.  This greatly grieves me, because suicide is never the answer to anything, and I wish that I could sit down individually with every person that is considering suicide and get them to understand this.  Our lives are meant to be lived with purpose, passion and great joy, and that doesn’t change when times get very difficult.  In fact, when challenging times come that is when bright lights are needed the most. (Read More...)

How Would You Feel About A Nationwide Mask Mandate That Forced You To Wear A Mask In Public At All Times?

I think that this headline is going to upset a lot of people, and it should.  Personally, I believe that if you want to wear a mask you should be able to wear a mask, but if you don’t want to wear a mask you should not be forced to wear one.  And I also believe that we should be respectful of the choices that others have made.  I have seen so many instances where a crazed individual has viciously gone after someone else for either wearing or not wearing a mask, and that should not be happening.  Why don’t we all just chill out and let people deal with this pandemic however they want to deal with it?  To me, that makes a whole lot of sense.  Unfortunately, many of our control freak politicians want to micromanage our behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic, and that includes the Democratic candidate for president. (Read More...)