Trillions Of Microplastic Particles Are In Our Air, Our Water And Our Bodies And They Are Literally Destroying The Earth

No matter where you go, you won’t be able to escape the nightmarish plague of microplastics that is absolutely devastating our environment.  Microplastics are in the air that you breathe, they are in the water that comes out of your faucet, they are in the rain that falls from the sky, and there are countless microplastic particles inside your body right now.  When you throw away a piece of plastic, you probably never think about it again, but it doesn’t go away.  In fact, a plastic trash bag that you may have thrown out decades ago could have disintegrated into thousands upon thousands of tiny microplastic particles at this point.  Needless to say, humanity as a whole produces giant mountains of plastic waste each year, and things have already gotten so bad that microplastic particles can now be found “from the highest mountains to the deepest marine trenches”(Read More...)

Slowly But Surely, The Truth Is Coming Out

Don’t you hate it when what you get turns out to be far different from what you were promised?  In this article, I am only going to share facts that have been documented by corporate media sources.  These facts are going to upset a lot of people, because they prove that much of what we had been promised didn’t turn out to be true.  So many people that I know were convinced that if they just got their two shots they would be 100 percent protected for the rest of their lives and they would never have to be concerned about getting COVID ever again.  In addition, most Americans still seem to believe that if a high enough percentage of the population gets their shots COVID will be defeated and the pandemic will be brought to an end.  Unfortunately, all of those assumptions have turned out to be dead wrong. (Read More...)

We Are Now Entering Full-Blown Tyranny In The Western World

If we accept what they are doing to us now, they are just going to keep pushing the envelope.  Over the past 12 months, authorities throughout the western world have used the pandemic as an excuse to impose Orwellian measures that we never would have accepted during normal times.  They are promising us that these measures are just “temporary”, but the pandemic has already been with us for a year and there are no signs that it is going away any time soon.  If those governing us are willing to go to such ridiculous extremes during a relatively minor pandemic, what are they going to be willing to do once things start getting really crazy? (Read More...)

Deadly New COVID Strains Have Turned Brazil Into “A Biological Fukushima”, And The Rest Of The World Is Next

Just when it seemed like the U.S. and Europe were starting to get the COVID pandemic under control, extremely dangerous new variants that have emerged in Brazil threaten to plunge us into an even more deadly nightmare.  As you read this article, hospitals all over Brazil are packed to capacity and thousands of people are dropping dead each day.  But the COVID that is currently ravaging Brazil is not the same COVID that the rest of the globe has become accustomed to dealing with.  Authorities tell us that a total of 92 COVID variants have now been identified in the country, and these variants have sent the death toll absolutely soaring(Read More...)

Rumors Of War, Pestilences, And Earthquakes In Diverse Places…

Most people still don’t realize this, but the truth is that we have entered an apocalyptic time in human history.  War, natural disasters, disease outbreaks, economic problems and civil unrest are all in the headlines on a daily basis already, and they are all going to be a bigger part of our lives moving forward.  Those that have been hoping that our lives would soon “return to normal” will be greatly disappointed, because what we have experienced so far is just the beginning. (Read More...)

A Highly Resistant New COVID Variant That Originated In Brazil Is Being Compared To “An Atomic Bomb”

Global health authorities had been hoping that 2021 would be the year when the COVID pandemic was brought under control, but COVID just keeps mutating over and over again.  I have written articles about other new COVID variants in the past, but now scientists are warning us that a highly resistant new variant in Brazil could be the most dangerous one of all.  In fact, down in Brazil it is being compared to “an atomic bomb”.  This new variant is known as “P.1”, and according to a new study that was just released it is “between 1.4 and 2.2 times more transmissible than other variants”.  But that isn’t why this variant is considered to be so dangerous.  What is really alarming experts is the fact that tests have shown that P.1 is “able to evade 25-61 percent of protective immunity elicited by previous infection”.  If those that are supposed to have built up immunity against COVID are not protected, that could potentially render all existing vaccines useless against this new strain. (Read More...)

A New Highly Resistant COVID Variant Has Emerged In California, And It Could Make This Plague Far Worse

Just when it seemed like the COVID pandemic may be subsiding, a new COVID strain has emerged in California that has the potential to change everything.  According to tests conducted by Dr. Charles Chiu and his team, this new strain appears to result in more severe illness, and it also appears to result in more people dying from the virus.  Even more troubling, Chiu’s team discovered that there is “a two- to four-fold reduction in the ability of antibodies to fend off the variant virus”.  In other words, those that have already been vaccinated may or may not have protection against this new variant.  When Californians start to figure out that the vaccines that they have been taking may not even be effective against the strain that is rapidly becoming dominant in their state, a lot of them won’t be happy. (Read More...)

Science Proves That Time Is Running Out For Humanity…

Even if we weren’t facing an apocalyptic future of our own making, humanity would still be doomed due to the nightmarish reproductive crisis that we are now facing.  Just about every measure of human fertility that you can measure is dropping precipitously, and this is particularly true in the western world.  As a result, we have vast numbers of young adults that are either infertile or that deeply struggle with fertility issues, and the number of babies born with birth defects has been soaring.  It gets worse with each passing year, and the future for humanity is exceedingly bleak unless we find a way to turn things around. (Read More...)