Solid Proof That Weather Modification Projects Are Being Conducted All Over The United States

Most Americans still believe that our weather patterns are 100% natural and that our government has absolutely no control over the weather.  Unfortunately, that is not the case at all.  What you are about to read is evidence that weather modification is happening right now all over the United States.  This is never acknowledged by our politicians and it is never talked about by the mainstream media.  But it is very, very real.  Weather modification programs in some parts of the country have been going on for many years and evidence of these programs is hidden in plain view.  So does this mean that if we don’t like the weather we can just blame the government?  Well, yes it does, but it also means that the government has been seriously messing around with our environment and there could be “unintended consequences” that are far more dramatic than any of us ever dared to imagine. (Read More...)

Major Earth Changes Coming? Earthquakes Are Becoming Much More Frequent And Much More Powerful

Are earthquakes becoming more frequent and more powerful?  With only two months to go, we are on pace to have more earthquakes of magnitude-5.0 or greater this year than we have had during any other year over the past decade by far.  In fact, as you will see in this article, since the year 2000 there has been a very clear upward trend in the number of major earthquakes.  So is this an indication that major earth changes are coming?  Is our planet becoming increasingly unstable?  We are currently witnessing tremendous political, social and financial upheaval all over the globe.  Every week the economic crisis in the United States and elsewhere seems to get even worse.  So what is going to happen if the shaking of the earth becomes even more intense and major cities all over the planet start getting leveled?  For most of human history we have seriously underestimated the awesome destructive power of natural disasters, and the fact that the number of earthquakes around the world seems to be going up consistently should be a huge wake up call for all of us. (Read More...)

From 7 Billion People To 500 Million People – The Sick Population Control Agenda Of The Global Elite

The United Nations has officially designated October 31st as 7 Billion Day.  On that day, the United Nations estimates that the population of the earth will hit 7 billion for the very first time.  But instead of celebrating what a milestone 7 billion people represents, the UNPF is focusing instead on using October 31st to raise awareness about “sustainability” and “sustainable development”.  In other words, the United Nations is once again declaring that there are way too many people on the planet and that we need to take more direct measures to reduce fertility.  In recent years, the UN and other international organizations have become bolder about trying to push the sick population control agenda of the global elite.  Most of the time organizations such as the UN will simply talk about “stabilizing” the global population, but as you will see in this article, there are many among the global elite that are not afraid to openly talk about a goal of reducing the population of the world to 500 million (or less).  To you and I it may seem like insanity to want to get rid of more than 90 percent of the global population, but there is a growing consensus among the global elite that this is absolutely necessary for the good of the planet. (Read More...)

Fukushima Is Continually Blasting All Of Us With High Levels Of Cesium, Strontium And Plutonium And Will Slowly Kill Millions For Years To Come

Fukushima is now far and away the worst nuclear disaster in all of human history.  Chernobyl was a Sunday picnic compared to Fukushima and the amount of cesium-137 released at Fukushima this year so far is equivalent to 168 Hiroshima bombs.  The crisis at Fukushima is far, far worse than you have been told.  We are talking about multiple self-sustaining nuclear meltdowns that will not be fully contained for years.  In an attempt to keep people calm, authorities in Japan (and around the rest of the world as well) have lied and lied and lied.  Over the months that have passed since the disaster began, small bits of the truth have slowly started to come out.  Authorities are finally admitting that the area immediately surrounding Fukushima will be uninhabitable indefinitely, and they are finally admitting that the amount of radioactive material that has been released is far higher than initially reported.  It is going to take the Japanese years to fully contain this problem.  Meanwhile, Fukushima will continue to blast all of us with high levels of cesium, strontium and plutonium and will slowly kill millions of people around the globe for years to come. (Read More...)

Hurricane Irene, Unusual Earthquakes, Unprecedented Tornadoes, Historic Flooding And Horrific Drought: Why Is All Of This Stuff Happening To America?

What in the world is happening to America?  In more normal times it would be easy to dismiss Hurricane Irene as an isolated incident, but so far this year we have had some sort of a “major disaster” almost every single month.  In addition to Hurricane Irene, this year we have also had truly unusual earthquakes, unprecedented tornadoes, historic flooding along the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, horrific drought, massive wildfires and a continuous onslaught of nuclear radiation from Fukushima.  Almost every single area of the United States has been affected by at least one of these disasters.  So why is all of this stuff happening to America all of a sudden?  Does anyone have any theories?  Right now we are having a “once in a century” disaster every few weeks, and either we are just extremely “unlucky” or there is a reason why all of this is happening. (Read More...)

Is The Number Of Earthquakes Increasing? Why The 5.8 Virginia Earthquake Might Just Be A Preview Of Things To Come

Is the number of earthquakes increasing?  Are major earthquakes becoming more frequent?  In the aftermath of the magnitude-5.8 earthquake in Virginia, a whole lot of people are asking those questions.  All over the mainstream media, “experts” are coming on and assuring the public that all of this is “normal” and that the number of earthquakes is not actually increasing.  The USGS continues to insist that the frequency of major earthquakes has been “fairly constant” and that there is no reason for alarm.  But is that really the truth?  In this article, you will be presented with evidence that the number of earthquakes is definitely increasing.  Please approach the evidence with an open mind.  The truth is that this year we are on pace to have more than twice the number of major earthquakes than we did just 10 years ago.  The mainstream media is much more interested in keeping people calm than it is in telling them the truth.  Our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and the magnitude-5.8 Virginia earthquake that we just witnessed might just be a preview of things to come. (Read More...)