Food Crisis 2011? 14 Disturbing Facts That Make You Wonder If The Coming Global Food Shortage Has Already Begun

Will 2011 be the year that we point to as the beginning of the great global food crisis?  Food prices are soaring, supplies are very tight and already we have seen some very intense food protests flare up around the globe this year.  When people don’t have enough to eat, they tend to become very desperate, and unfortunately it looks like the global food situation is not going to improve much any time soon.  Right now the world is really struggling to feed itself, and with each passing day there are even more mouths to feed.  It is being projected that the population of the world will reach 9 billion people by the year 2050.  There are already way too many people starving to death around the globe, and unfortunately starvation is only going to become more rampant as food supplies get even tighter.  Some of the key food producing provinces in China are facing their worst drought in 200 years.  Flooding has absolutely devastated agricultural production in Australia and Brazil this winter.  Russia is still trying to recover from the horrific drought of last summer.  Global weather patterns have gone haywire over the past 12 months, and this is putting immense pressure on a global food system that was already on the verge of a major breakdown. (Read More...)

Price Shocks, Food Shortages And Global Economic Riots In 2011?

People need to wake up – 2011 has just begun and yet we are already seeing significant price shocks and serious food shortages in many areas of the globe.  In fact, violent economic riots are now being reported in Algeria, in Chile and in Mozambique.  Food shortages and price increases are also causing political unrest in other nations such as India, Bangladesh and Indonesia.  This is a very serious situation, and if the major food producing nations of the world do not have another record harvest this year there is very likely going to be an incredibly serious global food crunch.  According to the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization, the global price of food hit a new record high in December.  The previous record high for food prices was in June 2008, and we all remember what happened during the summer of 2008.  Massive food riots erupted in countries such as Cameroon, Haiti and Egypt.  So with price shocks and food shortages already being reported all over the globe, will we see even worse global economic riots in 2011? (Read More...)

Is The New Madrid Fault Earthquake Zone Coming To Life?

What in the world is happening in the middle of the United States right now?  Thousands of birds are falling dead from the skies, tens of thousands of fish are washing up on shore dead, earthquakes are popping up in weird and unexpected places and people are starting to get really freaked out about all of this.  Well, one theory is that the New Madrid fault zone is coming to life.  The New Madrid fault zone is six times bigger than the San Andreas fault zone in California and it covers portions of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi.  The biggest earthquakes in the history of the United States were caused by the New Madrid fault.  Now there are fears that the New Madrid fault zone could be coming to life again, and if a “killer earthquake” does strike it could change all of our lives forever. (Read More...)

The 12 Stupidest Ideas That Anyone Has Ever Come Up With To Fight Global Warming

Today, some of the “top scientists in the world” are coming up with some really, really dumb ideas for fighting climate change.  First of all, the theory of man-made global warming is currently falling apart like a 20 dollar suit because it never was backed up by solid scientific evidence, but even if it was true what some of these scientists are proposing to do to stop it is absolutely crazy.  Some of the ideas being proposed are fairly harmless such as putting giant mirrors in space or filling up our oceans with millions of tons of Special K.  However, some of the other ideas being floated by prominent scientists are incredibly frightening.  There are scientists that are now openly proposing strict population control measures and the forced relocation of human populations.  They believe such proposals are necessary “for the good of the planet”, but the truth is that what they are suggesting quickly conjures up images of the worst totalitarian regimes that the earth has ever seen. (Read More...)

The Green Agenda Is About Getting Rid Of As Many Humans As Possible

Most people tend to think of environmentalists as warm, cuddly hippies that just want all of us to love one another and to do what is right for the environment.  And in fact, there are a few people out there who are actually like that.  However, the people at the very heart of the green agenda are a quite different breed.  The truth is that there are a growing number of environmental activists (including some very, very famous people) who are publicly advocating the end of our freedoms, the establishment of a Big Brother style world government and the systematic eradication of at least 90% of humanity all for the good of the environment.  Unfortunately, this is not a joke and it is not an exaggeration.  As you will see below, these people are very, very serious.  To these eco-fascists, climate change is the number one threat to the earth, and in order to eliminate that threat “democracy must be put on hold”, an authoritarian world government must be established and we need to start getting rid of as many humans as possible. (Read More...)

Just One Really Bad Year Away From A Horrific World Famine

The shocking announcement by the Russian government of a 12 month extension of its wheat export ban and the outbreak of food riots in Mozambique are stark reminders that the world is just one really bad year away from a horrific world famine.  As you read this, the world is already really, really struggling to feed itself.  Approximately 1 billion people throughout the world go to bed hungry each night.  Somewhere in the world someone starves to death every 3.6 seconds, and 75 percent of those are children under the age of five.  And those are the statistics that we have seen while North America has been producing record harvests.  So what is going to happen when the United States and Canada have really bad harvests for a year or two as world demand for food continues to skyrocket?  That is a very sobering question. (Read More...)

Warning To Those Cleaning Up The Oil Spill In The Gulf Of Mexico: Most Of The Cleanup Crew Members From The 1989 Exxon Valdez Disaster Are Now Either Sick Or Dead

Are you sure that you want to help clean up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?  In a previous article we documented a number of the health dangers from this oil spill that many scientists are warning us of, and now it has been reported on CNN that the vast majority of those who worked to clean up the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska are now either sick or dead.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Almost all of them are sick or dead.  In fact, the expert that CNN had on said that the life expectancy for those who worked to clean up the Exxon Valdez oil spill is only about 51 years.  Considering the fact that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is now many times worse than the Exxon Valdez disaster, are you sure you want to volunteer to be on a cleanup crew down there?  After all, the American Dream is not to make big bucks for a few months helping BP clean up their mess and then drop dead 20 or 30 years early.  (Read More...)

Is It Safe To Go Swimming In The Gulf Of Mexico?

There have been some really disturbing health reports coming in from the Gulf region, and yet many public authorities have actually reopened beaches that were closed and are letting people go swimming in the Gulf of Mexico once again.  But is this safe?  On the American Dream blog we try to report the facts, but on this question we don’t know what all the facts are.  Perhaps some of those living along the Gulf coast can let us know exactly what is happening down there.  The reality is that there have been a lot of people claiming that they have become seriously ill in recent days.  But could these people just be imagining things?  Are the health dangers being overblown at this point?  Or could the health effects of this oil spill be far worse than authorities are letting on as has happened during so many other disasters in the past? (Read More...)