Why Are Giant Sinkholes Appearing All Over America? Is Something Happening To The Earth’s Crust?

Why Are Giant Sinkholes Appearing All Over America?  Is Something Happening To The Earth's Crust? - Photo by Brian StansberryWhere are all of these giant sinkholes coming from?  Of course there have always been sinkholes, but over the past few years it seems like both the severity and the number of giant sinkholes has been increasing dramatically.  So exactly why are so many giant sinkholes appearing all over America all of a sudden?  Is something happening to the earth’s crust, or is there some other explanation?  The “experts” are blaming this epidemic of sinkholes on things like loose soil, acidic groundwater, new construction, leaky water pipes, coal mines, fracking, long periods of drought followed by rain, and depletion of underground aquifers, but do they really understand what is going on?  On Thursday, a 37-year-old man named Jeffrey Bush living near Tampa, Florida died when the earth underneath his home suddenly opened up and swallowed him alive.  His brother tried to help him when he heard Jeffrey screaming, but it was too late.  The entire bedroom was sucked deep into the earth and the home had to be rapidly abandoned.  Now authorities are admitting that he will probably never be found.  So is this type of thing really “normal”?  It would be one thing if this was just an isolated incident, but the truth is that giant sinkholes have been appearing with increasing frequency all over the planet lately. Could this be an indication that major earth changes are on the way? (Read More...)

15 Signs That The Ring Of Fire Is Waking Up As We Head Into 2013

Ring Of FireWhile most of the world has been focused on other things, the Ring of Fire has been quietly waking up.  Over the past couple of months, there has been a steady string of noteworthy volcanic eruptions and earthquakes that have occurred along the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean.  But because none of them have happened near a highly populated area, we really haven’t heard much about them in the news.  But if activity along the Ring of Fire continues to increase, it is inevitable that a major event will happen near a major city at some point.  When that happens, the entire world will be focused on the Ring of Fire once again.  Most people don’t realize that approximately 90 percent of all earthquakes and approximately 75 percent of all volcanic eruptions occur along the Ring of Fire.  The entire west coast of the United States sits along the Ring of Fire and a massive network of faults runs underneath California, Oregon and Washington.  Fortunately, the west coast has not experienced any devastating seismic events in recent years, but scientists assure us that will change at some point.  So it is important to sit up and take notice when there are reports of increasing activity along the Ring of Fire. (Read More...)

Monster Sinkholes An Indication That Major Earth Changes Are Coming Along The New Madrid Fault?

The most powerful earthquakes in the history of the United States happened along the New Madrid Fault in 1811 and 1812.  Those earthquakes were reportedly felt more than 1,000 miles away.  Scientists assure us that one day we will once again see very powerful earthquakes along the New Madrid fault.  It is only a question of when it will happen. Today, the New Madrid fault zone covers portions of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi.  However, a major earthquake of magnitude-8.0 or greater would likely have a dramatic effect all the way from the Great Lakes all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico.  When most Americans speak of the “big one”, they think of what may happen along the coast of California someday, but the truth is that a New Madrid earthquake could potentially do far more damage.  So is there evidence that the New Madrid fault zone is waking up?  Yes, there is.  According to Bloomberg, there has been “a sixfold increase in the number of earthquakes that have shaken the central part of the U.S. from 2000 to 2011”.  Much of that increase is being blamed on human activity such as mining, drilling and fracking.  So could human activity aggravate the fault zone so much that it could set off a truly history-making earthquake at some point?  Well, the potential is certainly there.  That is why so many people are so concerned about the monster sinkholes that have appeared in the region in recent months.  For example, a massive sinkhole down in Louisiana is now over 8 acres in size and it has forced hundreds of people to flee from their homes.  You can see video of the Louisiana sinkhole right here.  Over in Ohio, a giant sinkhole has suddenly formed that is more than 30 feet deep and that is the size of four football fields.  That sinkhole caused part of State Route 516 to collapse and authorities say that it will likely be closed for many months.  You can see video of the gigantic sinkhole in Ohio right here.  Are these monster sinkholes an indication that major earth changes are coming along the New Madrid fault?  Has reckless human activity awoken a sleeping giant that we should never have messed with? (Read More...)

Will The Peak Of The Solar Cycle In 2013 Produce Technology Crippling Solar Super Storms?

Our sun is becoming increasingly unstable, and most people have no idea the complete and utter devastation that a massive solar storm could potentially cause.  A giant solar storm could potentially take out satellites, GPS systems, electrical grids, communication networks and pretty much anything else that runs on electricity or that relies upon electronics.  And considering how dependent our society has become on technology, we are talking about an event that could possibly bring about the end of the world as we know it.  Right now, solar activity is increasing as we approach the peak of Solar Cycle 24.  But the worst is yet to come.  Scientists are expecting a significant increase in coronal mass ejections and geomagnetic disturbances as we approach the peak of this solar cycle in 2013.  A number of scientists are warning that there is a chance that we could even see an event similar to the solar storm of 1859 that fried telegraph machines all over Europe and North America.  Other scientists are warning that our sun is starting to behave so unusually that it is becoming very difficult to predict what may be coming next.  If our sun starts to behave even more erratically, that could mean big trouble for all of us.  If our sun fails, there is no backup plan.  We only have one sun.  Most of us take the stability of the gigantic ball of fire that our very small planet is circling for granted, but what if it becomes apparent that we can’t take that for granted any longer?  That can be very frightening to think about. (Read More...)

How To Prepare For A Hurricane? Some Lessons That Preppers Can Learn From Hurricane Sandy

If you are just starting to prepare for Hurricane Sandy, the truth is that you are already too late.  Most of the essential supplies have already been stripped from store shelves.  If you don’t have an emergency generator, you might be without power for quite some time.  It is being estimated that up to 10 million people could lose power during this storm, and it is already being projected that some people may end up being without power for a week or more in the worst hit areas.  Hopefully you have already boarded up your windows.  They can be broken very easily during a hurricane, and you certainly don’t want to be dealing with a broken window during the worst moments of the storm.  Those that have prepared ahead of time are likely to be in good shape to ride this storm out, but sadly the reality is that most people have not prepared ahead of time.  Every time a major storm or natural disaster strikes, we always see the same thing happen.  Hordes of half-crazed people storm into the stores hoping to find the things that they need, and many of them end up leaving disappointed because what they were looking for has already sold out.  Thankfully, most of our “disasters” have typically only lasted a few days at most, but what will happen someday if a disaster ends up being permanent?  What if there is a disaster that is so bad someday that things never return to “normal”?  Would you and your family be able to survive on only the preparations that you have made so far? (Read More...)

U.S. Super Soldiers Of The Future Will Be Genetically Modified Transhumans Capable Of Superhuman Feats

The future of war is going to look really, really weird.  The “super soldier” research that DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is working on right now is unlike anything we have ever seen before.  If DARPA is successful, and if the American people don’t object, the soldiers of the future will be genetically modified transhumans capable of superhuman feats.  Do you want a soldier that can run faster than Usain Bolt?  DARPA is working on that.  Do you want a soldier that won’t need food or sleep for days?  DARPA is working on that?  Do you want a soldier that can regrow lost limbs?  DARPA is working on that.  Do you want a soldier that can outlift Olympic weightlifters and that can communicate telepathically?  DARPA is working on that.  Americans flock to movies about superheroes and mutants, and soon they may actually have real life “superheroes” and “mutants” fighting their wars for them.  But at what cost? (Read More...)

Historic Drought, Giant Dust Storms And Massive Power Grid Failures – A Glimpse Into Our Future

This week has provided two very clear examples of why it is so important to keep on prepping.  In the United States, the historic drought ravaging the central part of the country is absolutely devastating our crops.  According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, drought is affecting nearly 90 percent of all corn crops in America at this point.  This is pushing the price of corn to levels never seen before.  On Tuesday, the price of corn hit another new record high of $8.20 a bushel on the Chicago Board of Trade.  Over the past six weeks the price of corn has risen more than 50 percent, and it could go a lot higher as the drought continues to absolutely bake America.  Meanwhile, the massive power grid failures in India are reminding us all just how incredibly dependent we are on electricity and technology.  Power was cut off to nearly a tenth of the entire global population on Tuesday, and there was quite a bit of panic about that even though power is rapidly being restored.  So what would happen to them (or to us) someday if the power went off for good? (Read More...)

Why Are So Many Bad Things Happening To America?

Have you ever wondered why things have been going so badly for the United States in recent years?  Our economy is falling apart, we have been plagued with heat, drought and endless natural disasters, our cities are absolutely crumbling, we just keep getting involved in even more wars and Americans are more anxious and more overweight than ever before.  So why are so many bad things happening to America?  Why do we lead the world in so many bad categories?  Why does nothing seem to be going right?  Are we under some kind of a curse?  It is almost as if we have entered a “perfect storm” that just keeps getting worse.  In the old days it would seem like something bad would happen to the United States every once in a while, but now massive problems seem to be hitting us in rapid fire fashion.  At this point, many Americans have “crisis fatigue” because our problems never seem to end.  Each new crisis just seems to overlap with all of the other problems that are still going on.  So why is this happening, and what is our country going to look like if our problems continue to multiply at this rate? (Read More...)