Why Has The White House Suddenly Released A Strategy For Dealing With The Threat Of A Catastrophic Meteor Impact?

Meteor Impact - Public DomainDoes the White House know something that the rest of us do not? As the Obama administration draws to a close, the White House has suddenly released a major document that details a multi-pronged strategy for dealing with the threat of a catastrophic meteor impact. Most of us remember movies such as “Deep Impact” and “Armageddon” that attempted to depict what such a crisis would look like, but up until fairly recently the U.S. government has never seemed to take this kind of threat very seriously. (Read More...)

Proof That The Elite Really Do Want A Global Society With No Possessions, No Privacy And No Freedom

global-elite-public-domainIf you listen closely, the global elite are telling us exactly what they intend to do. If they get their way, our world is going to look vastly different than it does now in the not too distant future. These elitists share a dream of an environmentally-friendly dystopian socialist paradise in which individual freedom is severely restricted for the good of the collective. Where you live, what you do for a living, what you are allowed to eat and how many children you are permitted to have would all be determined by an all-powerful central government that nobody would question or challenge. This may sound very bizarre to you, but the global elite really do dream of these things. (Read More...)

The Drought That Was Prophesied To Hit The Southern United States Is Now Here

us-drought-monitor-november-8-2016A record-setting drought has gripped the southern United States, but most people have no idea that this drought is the fulfillment of a prophecy that was given four years ago. Back in 2008, John Paul Jackson released a DVD entitled “The Perfect Storm” in which he detailed many of the prophetic events that God showed him would soon come to America. In 2012, he released a video update to “The Perfect Storm” that you can view on YouTube right here. In that update, he shared a list of future headlines that God had revealed to him over the years. Some of these headlines have already happened since that time, and now we are watching another be fulfilled right in front of our eyes. (Read More...)

The Storm Of The Decade: 23 Key Facts About Hurricane Matthew As It Prepares To Slam Into The East Coast

hurricane-matthew-nasa-earth-science-officeThe worst storm to hit the United States since Hurricane Katrina is expected to slam into the east coast on Friday. The governors of Florida, Georgia and South Carolina are strongly urging millions of people living in the evacuation zones to leave, but a lot of residents are choosing to not take this storm very seriously. After about a decade of very low hurricane activity, a lot of people have forgotten how immensely destructive storms like this can be. Inevitably, there will be damage to homes and businesses that could have been prevented by proper preparation, and there will be some very foolish people that will die because they chose to stay behind instead of evacuating. Just like with so many other things, “normalcy bias” has lulled millions of Americans living in the Southeast into a false sense of security, and many of them will discover the foolishness of not taking storms like this seriously the hard way. The following are 23 key facts about Hurricane Matthew as it prepares to slam into the east coast of the United States… (Read More...)

An ‘Unprecedented’ Wildfire Hits California At The Same Time ‘Unprecedented’ Heat Strikes The East Coast

Wildfire In A Forest - Public DomainIt is starting to look more than just a little bit “apocalyptic” out there.  If you follow my work closely, you already know that weather patterns in the United States have been going absolutely crazy and that last year was the worst year for wildfires in all of U.S. history.  Well, this week things have gotten even worse.  A “heat dome” has brought triple digit temperatures to much of the country, and an “unprecedented” wildfire is ripping through the hills north of Los Angeles “like a freight train“.  The so-called Sand Fire started on Friday, and since that time it has been burning 10,000 acres a day.  An acre is approximately the size of a football field, so that means this fire has been burning the equivalent of 10,000 football fields every single day, and it is only “10 percent contained” at this point. (Read More...)

A New Madrid Earthquake Is Coming And America Will Be Shaken Like Never Before

New Madrid Fault Earthquake ZoneMost Americans expect the next great earthquake in the United States to come on the west coast.  But what if it strikes right down the middle of the country instead?  The New Madrid fault zone is six times larger than the San Andreas fault zone in California and it covers portions of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi.  Back in 1811 and 1812, a series of absolutely devastating earthquakes along the New Madrid fault zone opened very deep fissures in the ground, caused the Mississippi River to run backwards in some places, and were reportedly felt as far away as Washington D.C. and Boston.  They were the strongest earthquakes ever recorded east of the Rocky Mountains, and scientists tell us that it is only a matter of time before we experience similar quakes.  In fact, the U.S. Geological Survey has admitted that the New Madrid fault zone has the “potential for larger and more powerful quakes than previously thought“, and the number of significant earthquakes in the middle part of the country has more than quintupled in recent years.  Someday, perhaps without any warning, an absolutely massive earthquake will strike the New Madrid fault.  Thousands of Americans will die, tens of thousands of structures will be completely destroyed, and millions of people will find themselves homeless. (Read More...)

Wildfires And Tornadoes In December? Two More Major Disasters Hit America

Tornado Destruction - Public DomainIt is not normal for the United States to experience massive wildfires and giant tornadoes right around Christmas. The huge wildfire that erupted northwest of Los Angeles on Christmas Day and the devastating tornadoes that ripped through the Dallas area on Saturday can be added to a growing list of freakish disasters that have hit the United States since the month of September. So why in the world is this happening? Many are blaming the worst El Nino pattern that we have seen in at least 15 years. Right now we are witnessing very strange weather all over the world, including an unprecedented heat wave in Australia and the worst flooding in South America in 50 years. And it is true that El Ninos have significantly disrupted weather patterns in the past. But is the current El Nino really to blame for everything that we have been seeing? Because without a doubt, the last few months have been truly bizarre. (Read More...)

In September 2015, Agenda 21 Will Be Transformed Into The 2030 Agenda

United Nations - Public DomainIf you didn’t like “Agenda 21”, then you really are not going to like “The 2030 Agenda”.  Next month, the United Nations is going to launch “The 2030 Agenda” at a major conference that will be held from September 25th to September 27th in New York City.  The Pope is actually traveling to New York to deliver an address which will kick off this conference.  Unlike Agenda 21, which primarily focused on the environment, the 2030 Agenda is truly a template for governing the entire planet.  In addition to addressing climate change, it also sets ambitious goals for areas such as economics, health, energy, education, agriculture, gender equality and a whole host of other issues.  As you will see below, this global initiative is being billed as a “new universal Agenda” for humanity.  If you are anything like me, alarm bells are going off in your head right about now. (Read More...)