Betrayed! Tea Party Politicians Vote To Renew The Patriot Act As America Is Slowly Transformed Into A Big Brother Police State Worse Than George Orwell’s 1984

For a moment, imagine that you are awakened one night by a heavily-armed team of federal agents dressed in all black breaking into your home.  As you confront them, they hand you a piece of paper that says that your son has been identified as a “terrorist” and that they are there to take him away.  They pull your son out of bed, they throw him on the floor and the use a taser on him repeatedly.  Then they handcuff him and haul him away without telling you a thing about where they are taking him.  Your son suddenly has no rights because the Patriot Act supersedes the U.S. Constitution.  That’s right – because your son has been identified as a “terrorist” because of something that he has said on the Internet he no longer has any constitutional rights.  Your underage son is held indefinitely and is subjected to “enhanced interrogation” because he has been identified as a “threat”.  You are not able to get your son back for years even though it turns out that he is completely and totally innocent.  If you think that such a thing cannot happen to you then you are a fool, because this kind of thing is happening over and over across the United States and it is all legal because of the Patriot Act. (Read More...)

Smoking In The Park Banned, Ticketed For Cussing In Class And 14 Other Examples Of How Big Brother Is Systematically Ripping Our Liberties And Freedoms Away

When our founding fathers established this nation, they did so with the intention that government would be very limited and that there would be a tremendous amount of liberty and freedom.  But today that is such a distant memory that we don’t even remember what “the land of the free and the home of the brave” actually means anymore.  Our lives are constrained by literally millions of laws, rules and regulations and it gets worse every single day.  The federal government, state governments, local governments and even homeowners associations have become absolutely tyrannical.  There is a “law” or a “rule” for almost everything now, and many of them are absolutely ridiculous.  Big Brother is ripping our liberties and freedoms away from us at a blistering pace.  Just about any activity that you can think of other than sitting completely still in utter silence in your own home is tightly regulated by government.  This is not what our founding fathers intended. (Read More...)

Are You Ready For The Universal Internet ID That Barack Obama Wants To Impose On All Of Us?

The Obama administration is developing a “universal Internet ID” program that would watch, track, monitor and potentially control your activity on the Internet. These “trusted identities” are being touted as a way to increase safety and security on the Internet and as a way to eliminate the need for dozens of different usernames and passwords.  But is a universal Internet ID that is issued and controlled by the U.S. government really a good idea?  Right now, Obama administration officials are trying to make it seem as non-threatening as possible.  They are insisting that it will not be mandatory.  They are insisting that it would be impossible for hackers to steal the universal Internet identities.  They are insisting that none of our personal information will be gathered or used by federal agencies.  But in light of how regularly the government has abused our liberties and freedoms in recent years in the name of “security”, should we really believe what they are saying about this new universal Internet ID? (Read More...)

22 Incredibly Revealing Quotes About Enhanced Pat Downs And TSA Groping

At what point will Americans finally stop losing more liberty and freedom?  With each passing year, the iron grip of the government gets even tighter, and each time it does we are told that it is either for “our safety” or for “national security”.  One can only imagine what is going to happen the next time there is any kind of “terror incident” on an airplane.  They are going to point to all those Americans who are complaining about “enhanced pat downs” and TSA groping as the reason why security is not tough enough.  So where does all this end?  Will we eventually all have to go through a body cavity search just to get on an airplane?  Will they start groping us at school, at work and at sporting events?  Are we going to have to “lock down” America from coast to coast to ensure that no terrorist ever is able to harm any American? (Read More...)

Will TSA Groping Destroy Tourism In The United States?

One of the things that has not been considered in the debate over the horrific new TSA security procedures is the economic impact that all of this is going to have.  The rest of the world is watching what is going on, and millions of people are going to decide that they simply do not want to go through the hassle of flying to the United States.  There are some cultures where allowing a strange person to touch your private areas is unthinkable.  In 2009, 54.9 million tourists visited the United States, and those tourists spent approximately 93 billion dollars.  That doesn’t even count all of the internal tourism in the United States which is far greater.  Tourism is the first, second or third biggest employer in 29 U.S. states.  So what happens if a significant chunk of tourists decide that they are simply not going to fly because of the new full body scanners and the new “enhanced pat-downs”? (Read More...)

Senator Rockefeller To TSA Chief John Pistole: “I Think You’re Doing A Terrific Job”

The backlash against new TSA airport screening procedures has reached a deafening crescendo, and so you would think that the politicians in Washington D.C. would be getting the message. But so far, most of them seem to be just as supportive of the TSA as ever. For example, what did the chairman of the Senate committee overseeing air travel, Jay Rockefeller, have to say to TSA chief John Pistole during a Senate hearing on these new security procedures the other day? “I Think You’re Doing A Terrific Job.” Yes, you read that correctly. Senator Rockefeller had nothing but praise for Pistole and the new screening procedures. Apparently Rockefeller thinks that TSA officials feeling up the genitals of U.S. air travelers with the fronts of their hands is a wonderful thing. It is even being reported that in some instances TSA officials are actually reaching down the pants of men and up the skirts of women during these enhanced pat-downs. Not only is this totally criminal, but considering the fact that TSA officials do this countless times without changing their gloves it is also a serious health hazard. But most of our “leaders” in Washington D.C. continue to insist that we should stop protesting because this is all being done “for our own good”. (Read More...)

The American People Are Taking A Stand Against Naked Body Scanners And TSA Groping

An amazing thing is happening.  Americans from every walk of life and from across the political spectrum are standing up and are saying “NO” to naked body scanners and TSA groping.  It isn’t as if we are against airport security.  For decades, the vast majority of us have been more than happy to walk through metal detectors in order to get on an airplane.  But when the government wants to look at our naked bodies and fondle our wives and our children that is just too much.  The truth is that these new “enhanced pat-downs” would be considered sexual assaults if they were committed out on the street.  Horror stories have been pouring in from airports across the United States and the American people have had enough. (Read More...)

If You Want To Board An Airplane In America You Now Have Two Options: Let Airport Security Gawk At Your Exposed Body Or Let Airport Security Feel You Up

In America today, we have become so spooked by “terror threats” that now we will submit to just about anything in the name of security.  At this point, we are allowing ourselves to be treated as little more than cattle.  Procedures that would once be considered an affront to human dignity are now accepted as “the new normal”.  If you want to get on an airplane in America today, you must either go through one of the incredibly intrusive full body scanners that are going into all U.S. airports and let airport security gawk at your exposed body, or you must allow airport security to feel you up using the new “enhanced pat-down” techniques they are being instructed to employ.  As you will see below, these new pat-down procedures are incredibly intrusive.  If anyone tried to touch us like that out on the street they would be put in prison.  But this is the new America where all of us must give up all of our privacy and all of our dignity just so that everyone can feel a little bit safer. (Read More...)