22 Surveys Which Prove That Americans Never Want To Go Back To The Way America Used To Be

For a long time a great battle has been fought to determine the future direction of this country, and at this point one thing has become exceedingly clear.  America is never going to be the country that it once was.  Of course for millions of Americans this is actually very welcome news, but for those of us that have been working so hard for so long to restore the values that this nation was founded upon, it is incredibly sad to finally come to this realization.  In order for America to return to her glory days, our nation would need to embrace the values that once made our nation so great, and the truth is that the American people have resoundingly rejected those values.  This is especially true for our young people, and it won’t be too long before they are running everything.  The other side has control of our education system, of our major media outlets, of our entertainment industry and of our legal system.  They are literally systematically training future generations what to think, and that has proven to be an insurmountable advantage.  The “culture war” has been over for a long time, and they won.  But that doesn’t mean that the broader conflict is over. (Read More...)

Americans Under The Age Of 39 Have Completely Different Values Than The Generations That Came Before Them

America’s values are shifting at a pace that is unlike anything that we have ever seen before.  During the 2020 election season, we are going to hear a lot about “the generation gap”, and the numbers clearly tell us that this gap is very, very real.  And as older generations of Americans slowly die off, it appears inevitable that the values that are dominant among younger generations of Americans are going to become the values of the country as a whole.  Essentially, “American values” are going to mean something completely different from what they meant to previous generations, and that should absolutely terrify all of us. (Read More...)

55 Things About America You May Not Know

American Flag 2014 - Photo by HARRIS NewsIs America the greatest nation on the planet?  Before you answer that question, you might want to check out the statistics that I have shared in this article first.  The reality is that the United States is in a deep state of decline, and it is getting harder to deny that fact with each passing day.  Mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially we are a train wreck.  Many that are “patriotic” attempt to put a happy face on our growing problems, but the truly patriotic thing to do is to admit just how bad things have gotten so that we can start finding solutions.  If you truly love this country, then you should know that this nation needs a huge wake up call.  We have abandoned the values and the principles that early Americans held so dear, and as a result our society is a giant mess.  The following are 55 things about America that you may not know… (Read More...)

16 Examples That Show The United States Has Become A Seriously Messed Up Country

Inside My Head By Andrew MasonIn recent years, it has been quite common to hear our politicians and top media personalities talk about the need for America to use military force to impose “our values” on the rest of the world.  But what “values” could they possibly be talking about?  The truth is that we don’t have any “values” worth sharing with anyone at this point.  America has become a festering cesspool of garbage and filth, and it is getting worse with each passing day.  As a nation, we need to humble ourselves and turn away from our wicked deeds and rediscover the values that once made this country great.  But instead, we seem to have developed a thirst for evil that can never be satisfied.  The entire nation seems to be slowly going insane, and not that many people are even alarmed by this.  I hope that you will share this article with others, because the American people desperately need a giant wake up call.  The following are 16 examples that show that the United States has become a seriously messed up country… (Read More...)