More Than Half A Million People: America’s Homelessness Crisis Is Rapidly Exploding On Both Coasts

The homelessness crisis in the United States is getting a lot worse, and it is happening at a pace that is absolutely frightening.  Did you realize that more than half a million Americans are homeless right now?  One out of every four homeless Americans actually has a job, but thanks to rapidly rising housing prices they are not able to afford a place to live.  So every night in this country, hundreds of thousands of people are sleeping in shelters, in their vehicles or on the streets.  It is a national crisis that isn’t going away, and during the next economic downturn it is only going to intensify. (Read More...)

‘The Church Doesn’t Need Any More Coffee Bars’

Have we lost sight of who we are supposed to be? In December 2014, Kimberli Lira’s husband was diagnosed with cancer. Melchor fought against the cancer as hard as he could for more than two years, but on February 14th, 2017 he passed away. Now Kimberli is struggling to adjust to her new life as a widow with two very young children. On her blog entitled “A Young Widow’s Story” she shares her battles with grief and pain with the world, and one of her recent posts really struck a chord with me. Way too often today churches seem to be much more concerned about keeping up with the latest trends than with bringing in the presence of Jesus. The following is an excerpt from “Why the church doesn’t need anymore coffee bars“… (Read More...)

The Satanic Temple Has Experienced A Huge Surge In Membership Following The Election Of Donald Trump

Donald Trump Mural - Public DomainThe election of Donald Trump has been the best thing that has ever happened to the Satanic Temple. Founded in 2013, this relatively new organization now boasts chapters all over the country, and over the past couple of months they have experienced a huge surge in membership. Recently the Los Angeles chapter held a full-blown Satanic mass that included “a live bloodletting ritual“, but mostly it is the Satanic Temple’s ultra-liberal politics and anti-Trump message that is fueling interest in the group. (Read More...)

Pope Francis Declares ‘Muslim Terrorism Does Not Exist’ As He Continues To Set The Stage For A One World Religion

Pope Francis At The Vatican - Public DomainWhen I first started seeing headlines that claimed that Pope Francis said that “Muslim terrorism does not exist”, I thought that it couldn’t possibly be true. After all, who could possibly deny that Islamic radicals are engaged in terrorism? Within the last 30 days, there have been 127 Islamic terror attacks in a total of 25 different countries. And in 2016 global terror attacks set an all-time record high and were up 25 percent from the year before. Unfortunately, there are many world leaders that are so politically correct and that are so married to the idea that Islam is good that they cannot admit to themselves that radical Islamic terror is being fueled by radical Islamic beliefs. And in the case of Pope Francis, he is exceedingly careful never to say anything negative about Islam because it would greatly hinder his efforts to bring all of the major religions of the planet closer together. (Read More...)

Sabotage: Obama Is Commanding An Army Of 30,000 Anti-Trump Activists From His Home 2 Miles From The White House

Obama And Trump Laughing - Public DomainThroughout American history, most ex-presidents have chosen to move away from Washington D.C. once their terms have ended, and the vast majority of them have tried very hard not to interfere with their successors. Unfortunately, Barack Obama has opted for the exact opposite approach. His new home is less than two miles from the White House, and from this “command center” he will be directing the activities of an army of more than 30,000 anti-Trump activists. In fact, as you will see below, this army has already been heavily involved in many of the protests and riots that have been popping up around the nation in recent days. “Sabotage” is a very strong word, but it is becoming apparent that Obama intends to do all that he can to sabotage the Trump administration, and that is very bad news for the American people. (Read More...)

Based On Current Trends, It Is Only A Matter Of Time Before The Gay Population In The U.S. Is Larger Than The Evangelical Population

LGBT March - Public DomainThe LGBT population in the United States is on the rise, and meanwhile the number of evangelicals is on the decline. For now, evangelicals still greatly outnumber those that identify as LGBT, but if current trends continue it is only a matter of time before the size of the gay population actually surpasses the size of the evangelical population. The primary reason for this is the enormous cultural shift that is taking place among our young people. Millennials are much less likely to identify as “evangelical” than the general population as a whole, but they are more than twice as likely to identify as LGBT. Unless something dramatic happens, the percentage of LGBT Americans will continue to increase and the percentage of evangelical Americans will continue to fall as older Americans slowly die off. (Read More...)

Anarchists Plan To Target Balls, Events And Trump Supporters All Over D.C. During Inauguration Week

Trump Protest Sign - Photo by Fibonacci BlueThe radical left is promising to make this the most chaotic inauguration in U.S. history. As I have written about previously, anarchists plan to do whatever they can to disrupt the inauguration of Donald Trump, but their plans are not just limited to the main event. As far as the protesters are concerned, any event that has anything to do with the inauguration of Trump is fair game, and so if you plan to attend a lunch, a ball or even a prayer meeting you will need to take precautions. Every single officially sanctioned event is on their radar, and those that do not have heavy security will be easier for them to hit. (Read More...)

America Became A Lot Less Christian During The Presidency Of Barack Obama

Barack Obama State Of The Union - Public DomainIn 2006, Barack Obama famously said that “we are no longer just a Christian nation“, and after the last eight years that is now more true than ever. The Pew Research Center has just released a major report entitled “How America Changed During Barack Obama’s Presidency“, and what struck me the most about the report was the fact that it showed that the United States became a lot less Christian while Obama was in the White House. Of course this trend did not begin under Obama, but it seems to have accelerated during his presidency. (Read More...)