Virulently Anti-American: 81 Percent Of Russians Now View The United States Negatively

Russia - Public DomainRussians view the United States much more unfavorably today than they did during the end of the Cold War era.  As you will read about below, an astounding 81 percent of all Russians now view the United States negatively, and only 13 percent have a positive opinion of this country.  In all of the years when Russians have been surveyed on their attitudes toward the U.S., they have never been this negative.  But of course Americans generally do not view the Russian people unfavorably.  So why is this happening?  Well, it all comes down to the actions of the Obama administration.  The Russian people are convinced that U.S. organizations organized, funded and armed the rebels that violently overthrew the democratically-elected Ukrainian government.  And once it was overthrown, the Obama administration immediately recognized the rebels as the legitimate government of Ukraine.  And now most Russians are convinced that the U.S. government is trying to promote a similar revolution inside Russia.  In recent years, the Russian people have become increasingly nationalistic, and at this point they view U.S. meddling in their affairs as a direct threat to their way of life.  Even while most Americans are extremely apathetic about what is going on over in Russia, an increasingly large chunk of the Russian population is angry enough to go to war. (Read More...)

This Is How Much Russians Hate America…

American Flag Doormat - Video ScreenshotIn Russia, shopping malls are putting out American flag doormats for people to wipe their feet on, and there are stores that are selling toilet paper with the American flag imprinted on it.  Surveys show that Russian attitudes toward the U.S. are now even worse than they were during the end of the Cold War, and ordinary Russians are blaming America for everything from the overthrow of the Ukrainian government to the collapse of the ruble.  The Russian government has just authorized a new military doctrine which identifies the United States as a top threat, and commentators on Russian television are using extremely strong language to condemn the United States.  In fact, one of the most prominent Russian commentators has referred to the United States as “the kingdom of the Antichrist“.  To the Russians, a new Cold War has erupted, and they very clearly view the United States as enemy number one. (Read More...)

Obama’s Strategy Of Fomenting Revolution In Ukraine Is Backfiring Dramatically

Obama On The Phone Talking To Russian President Vladimir PutinWhen the Obama administration was plotting to overthrow the democratically-elected government of Ukraine, what in the world did they expect to happen in the aftermath?  Did they just expect Russia to roll over and play dead as the U.S. and the EU installed a rabidly anti-Russian government in Kiev?  Over the past few years, the U.S. government has chosen to foment violent political revolutions all over the globe.  We have seen violent revolutions overthrow governments all across the Middle East and Africa, but when the U.S. government decided to do the same thing in Ukraine they went way too far.  When you mess with Ukraine, and when you mess with Crimea in particular, you are crossing a huge red line as far as the Russians are concerned.  By crossing that red line, the Obama administration has ensured that the relationship between the United States and Russia will never be friendly again. (Read More...)

Will Russian And Chinese Military Forces On Syrian Soil Prevent Obama From Bombing Syria?

Everyone knows that the Obama administration has been steadily gearing up for a military campaign against Syria.  Everyone also knows that Russia and China do not want to see this happen.  Now Russia and China are sending military forces to Syria.  It is being reported that Russia, China, Iran and Syria will be conducting the “Middle East’s largest ever military exercise” next month.  Apparently tens of thousands of troops will be involved.  This will be the first time that the Russians and the Chinese have jointly deployed large numbers of troops in Syria.  Will this show of military power be enough to prevent Barack Obama from bombing Syria?  Or will Obama go ahead anyway and risk ruining relations with the Russians and the Chinese?  Tensions are rising in the Middle East and the region is a powder keg that could erupt at any time.  If someone makes the wrong move we could end up with World War III. (Read More...)