“I Cry When I Think Back How Things Used To Be” – What In the World Has Happened To The America We Grew Up In?

Earlier today, my attention was directed to a thread on an Internet discussion forum that lamented how much America had changed over the years.  I don’t know exactly why, but the posts on that thread really touched me.  Those of us that are old enough to remember what America was like before the Internet grew up in a much simpler time.  Yes, we didn’t have all of the luxuries that we take for granted in 2019, but we found joy in the simple things and people were generally much happier.  Today, we seemingly have so much going for us, and yet people are lonelier, more disconnected and more depressed than ever before.  The suicide rate in the United States is up 34 percent since the year 2000, approximately 40 million American adults have an anxiety disorder, and overdosing on drugs is now the leading cause of death for Americans under the age of 50.  Clearly our society is not heading in the right direction. (Read More...)

U.S. Life Expectancy Is Falling – And The 2 Biggest Reasons Why Will Absolutely Stun You…

Life expectancy in the United States has been falling in recent years, and we haven’t seen a trend like this since the days of World War I.  When I was growing up, life expectancy was continually rising, and it was generally believed that it would keep rising for many decades to come.  But that hasn’t happened.  Instead, average life expectancy started to stall and now it has been declining.  You might assume that this is because rates of cancer, heart disease and diabetes are going up, but the numbers are telling a different story.  In fact, brand new numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are telling us that life expectancy is going down in the United States because of a dramatic increase in drug overdoses and suicides(Read More...)

Obama’s War On Coal Is Going To Kill Jobs And Sent Electricty Rates ‘Skyrocketing’

The General James M. Gavin coal plant on the Ohio RiverWhen Barack Obama was running for president in 2008, he stated that under his plan “electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”.  Well, now it looks like he is finally getting around to keeping his promise.  New EPA rules that are designed to cripple the coal industry could send electricity rates soaring by up to 40 percent in many rural areas.  And even though we have enough coal in the ground to provide hundreds of years of energy at current levels of consumption, Obama’s plan is going to force large numbers of coal plants to completely shut down because they are simply going to become too expensive to operate.  If Americans living in rural communities didn’t care for Obama before, they really are not going to like him much when these new EPA regulations start kicking in. (Read More...)