New Undercover Video Shows An Abortionist Joking About An Eyeball Rolling Down Into Her Lap

An incredibly shocking new undercover video that was recently released by the Center For Medical Progress shows various abortionists joking about the gruesome realities of performing abortions. This undercover footage was taken during the annual conventions of the National Abortion Federation in 2014 and 2015, and perhaps the most disturbing moment is when one abortionist jokes about an eyeball rolling into her lap. All of the undercover videos that have been released by the Center For Medical Progress are very startling and very graphic, but it is absolutely imperative that the American people be told the truth about what is actually happening in these abortion clinics. If these crimes against humanity do not stop, there is no hope and no future for our nation. (Read More...)

The Pledge For Republican Candidates In 2018: ‘No Money For Planned Parenthood Under Any Circumstances’

It is time for conservative voters to draw a line in the sand when it comes to Planned Parenthood. For decades, Republican politicians have been winning conservative votes by labeling themselves Pro-Life, but once they take office many of them don’t do anything to advance the cause. In fact, many “Pro-Life” members of Congress have been voting to fund Planned Parenthood year after year after year without any consequences. In 2018, we aren’t going to put up with this any longer. The following is an extended free preview of a book that I am working on about how to turn America in a positive direction… (Read More...)

Is God Going To ‘Bless’ A Government That Gives $500 Million A Year To Fund Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Holocaust?

More video has just been released which proves that Planned Parenthood has been selling off aborted baby parts to the highest bidder.  The crimes against humanity that Planned Parenthood is committing are off the charts, and yet nobody ever goes to jail, and the federal government keeps on giving them about half a billion dollars a year.  If the federal government did not give Planned Parenthood giant mountains of money every year, there are real doubts about whether it would be able to survive or not.  Planned Parenthood is the number one abortion provider in the United States, and the U.S. government is their number one financial supporter by a very, very wide margin.  So no matter how you want to look at the issue, the truth is that America’s abortion holocaust is being bankrolled by the U.S. government. (Read More...)

America Is Done: Only 29 Percent Of Americans Want To Cut Off Funding For Planned Parenthood

Tattered American Flag - Public DomainI recently came across one of the saddest statistics that I have ever seen in my entire life.  Less than a week ago, I was roaming around Denver International Airport and I decided to pick up a copy of USA Today and catch up with what was going on in the world.  As I read the paper, one particular story really grabbed my attention.  A poll had been taken to find out how Americans felt about potentially cutting off federal funding for Planned Parenthood.  I figured that it would be pretty close to 50/50, and considering all of the revelations that have come out in recent months I wouldn’t have even been surprised if a majority of Americans wanted to defund the organization.  Well, it turns out that the survey discovered that Americans are against cutting off federal funding for Planned Parenthood by a more than two to one margin.  Here is an excerpt from that USA Today article(Read More...)

Barack Obama, Planned Parenthood And The Demonic Population Control Agenda Of The New World Order

Skull Demon - Public DomainDid you know that Planned Parenthood gets more than half a billion dollars from the federal government every single year?  Did you know that the Obama administration gives an additional 35 million dollars each year to the United Nations Population Fund to promote abortion and sterilization around the globe?  And did you know that the radical new sustainable development agenda that is being launched by the United Nations in September includes a goal of providing access to abortion services to every single woman on the entire planet by the year 2030?  The things that you are going to read about in this article are very disturbing.  The demonic population control agenda of the New World Order is greatly advancing, and Barack Obama and the U.S. government are at the tip of the spear. (Read More...)

Stone Cold Proof That America Deserves Judgment

Selling Human Body Parts - YouTube screenshotWhat should be done to a nation that has killed more than 56 million babies and doesn’t even feel bad about it?  And why is the U.S. government giving hundreds of millions of dollars each year to an organization that murders hundreds of thousands of babies, harvests their organs, and then sells them to medical researchers?  An extremely disturbing video that was just released shows a top Planned Parenthood coldly discussing the sale of aborted body parts over lunch.  But now that this has been revealed, will America do anything about it?  The purchase and sale of human body parts is a felony according to federal law, and the commercial trafficking of aborted baby parts is “punishable by up to 10 years in prison and/or a fine of $500,000”.  So will anything happen to Planned Parenthood and the executives involved in this illegal activity, or will Planned Parenthood just continue to collect hundreds of millions of dollars from the federal government every year?  I think that we all know that the answer is going to be, and it will be yet another reason why America will deserve every ounce of the judgment that is about to hit this nation. (Read More...)

Feminist Aborts Male Child Because She ‘Couldn’t Bring Another Monster Into The World’

Baby Crying - Public DomainA feminist blogger has created a massive uproar by detailing her decision to kill her male child in an article entitled “I Aborted My Baby – Because it was a Boy“.  She initially believed that she was going to have a girl, and she was making all sorts of plans for her future.  But when an ultrasound showed that it was going to be a boy, she decided that she must have an abortion because she “couldn’t bring another monster into the world”.  And she says that she would do it again “if the curse returns”.  So what would cause a woman to want to kill her own child just because it is a boy?  How twisted has feminism in America become if this is the result? (Read More...)

What Should Be Done To A Country That Kills 56 Million Of Its Own People?

Baby 2014Do you know how many babies have been murdered in America since 1973?  It is a number that is almost too horrible to think about.  An astounding 56 million American babies have been killed by various abortion methods since Roe v. Wade was decided back in 1973.  So what should be done to a country that kills 56 million of its own people?  We rightly condemn other totalitarian regimes throughout history such as Nazi Germany, the USSR and Communist China that have killed millions (or tens of millions) of their own people.  But what about us?  What do we deserve for slaughtering more than 50 million of our own precious children on the altar of convenience?  What kind of punishment would be large enough to fit such a monstrous crime?  I hope that you will share what you think by posting a comment at the end of this article.  Sadly, most Americans don’t even think much about abortion these days.  Most Americans consider it to be a “political issue” that has already been “settled”.  But of course that is what most Germans thought about the treatment of the Jews during World War II as well.  And the truth is that the percentage of Americans that consider themselves to be “pro-choice” has been declining over time.  Perhaps it is still possible to see a shift on this issue in the United States.  We just need more people to start standing up for those that cannot stand up for themselves.  The following are 26 facts about abortion in America that every American should know… (Read More...)