Valerie Jarrett Has Moved Into Obama’s Anti-Trump Command Center To Aid In The Effort To Sabotage The President

Barack Obama And Valerie Jarrett - Public DomainNever before have we seen a previous president and his team openly attempt to sabotage the next president, but that is precisely what is happening. Traditionally, most ex-presidents have chosen to move far away from Washington, but Barack Obama decided to purchase a home less than two miles from the White House, and many of his former staff members are either working directly with him or are working for his political organization Organizing for Action. And of particular concern is the fact that Valerie Jarrett has actually moved into Obama’s five million dollar home, which many are referring to as Obama’s “anti-Trump command center”. For eight years the Obamas wouldn’t even sneeze without consulting Valerie Jarrett first, and needless to say Jarrett has not moved in to help them pick out wallpaper and drapes. Jarrett is a hardcore political operative, and she has reportedly convinced Obama that he needs to lead the fight against Trump. (Read More...)

A New Tape Has Emerged Which Could Completely Derail Trump’s Presidency

trump-pence-official-photo-of-the-presidential-transition-of-donald-trump-with-vice-president-elect-mike-penceJust when you thought it was all over, a new Trump scandal has emerged that could potentially be the biggest one of all. During an interview with KIRO Radio on Friday, comedian Tom Arnold claimed to be in possession of Apprentice outtakes that show Donald Trump using the N-word. There is reportedly other vulgar and offensive language in the outtakes, but Trump could survive being vulgar and offensive. What matters is if he used the N-word in an offensive manner, because that could be significant enough to derail his presidency. (Read More...)

I Just Lost All Faith In Our Deeply Corrupt Legal System And In The Rule Of Law In The United States

hillary-clinton-photo-by-nathania-johnsonThe FBI just gave Hillary Clinton the biggest gift in the history of presidential politics. Two days before the election the FBI has announced that they are ending their investigation into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information. After reviewing the emails that were found on electronic devices owned by Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner, FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to Congress telling them that “we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton.” That means that there will be no indictment, and the path is now clear for Hillary Clinton to become the next president of the United States on Tuesday unless an election miracle happens. (Read More...)

Another NFL Player, A Major Soccer Star And An Entire Church Join Colin Kaepernick’s National Anthem Protest

Colin Kaepernick - Photo by Mike Morbeck on WikipediaThanks to Colin Kaepernick, the playing of the national anthem before a sporting event is never going to be the same again. At first there was a vicious backlash against Kaepernick for refusing to stand for the national anthem, but now large segments of the population are enthusiastically embracing him and his cause. This week, Kaepernick’s jersey became the top selling jersey in the entire NFL. If it wasn’t for this controversy that would be very odd, because Kaepernick has played very, very poorly over the past couple of years. (Read More...)

Is Hillary Clinton The Athaliah Of Our Generation? Just Check Out What One Eyewitness Is Saying…

Hillary Clinton Benghazi - Public DomainIt is amazing to me that the American people would willingly choose an exceedingly wicked woman such as Hillary Clinton to lead them.  Perhaps this is just more evidence of how incredibly far we have fallen as a nation.  There are many out there that are comparing Hillary Clinton to Queen Jezebel from ancient Israel, but to me there is another figure in the Bible that is much more appropriate.  Somewhere around 2800 years ago, King Jehoram of Judah was married to a very wicked woman named Athaliah.  When Jehoram unexpectedly died, his son Ahaziah became king of Judah for about a year, but then he died too.  At that point Athaliah seized power and tried to kill off all male descendants that might pose a threat to her reign.  Fortunately, one very young male descendant did survive, and Athaliah was finally deposed after six horrible years.  If you take a close look at the careers of Hillary Clinton and Athaliah, there are definitely some striking parallels between the two… (Read More...)

Putin Vs. Obama: Shall We Compare The Two Leaders Or Will That Be Too Embarrassing For America?

Putin Vs. ObamaHave you noticed that the United States and Russia are heading in two very different directions?  United behind a very strong leader with an 89.9 percent approval rating, Russia is stunning the world with the efficiency with which it is striking ISIS in Syria.  Of course Vladimir Putin is far from perfect, and there are real questions about what Russia’s true motives in Syria and elsewhere are, but this is a leader and a country that have shown that they can get things done.  In the U.S., on the other hand, we are being led by a weak, ineffective con man in the White House that has just a 45.3 percent approval rating.  Under Obama, the federal government seems to be inept at just about everything, and this is especially true when it comes to foreign policy. (Read More...)

7 Key Events That Are Going To Happen By The End Of September

7 SignIs something really big about to happen?  For months, people have been pointing to the second half of this year for various reasons.  For some, the major concern is Jade Helm and the unprecedented movement of military vehicles and equipment that we have been witnessing all over the nation.  For others, the upcoming fourth blood moon and the end of the Shemitah cycle are extremely significant events.  Yet others are most concerned about political developments in Washington D.C. and at the United Nations.  To me, it does seem rather remarkable that we are seeing such a confluence of economic, political and spiritual events coming together during the second half of 2015.  So is all of this leading up to something?  Is our world about to change in a fundamental way?  Only time will tell.  The following are 7 key events that are going to happen by the end of September… (Read More...)