Divide And Conquer: Are The Left And The Right In America About To Go To War With Each Other?

Every single day, America is becoming a little bit more divided.  It is probably not a stretch to say that there could be more political hatred in this country today than at any time since the Civil War.  In fact, there are some very disturbing signs that the very heated war of words between the two major political parties could soon spill over into very real violence in the streets.  Instead of uniting and focusing on our real enemies and on our real problems, the left and the right in America seem ready to go to war with each other.  The mainstream media and those that control both political parties love to play “divide and conquer”, and in America today we are taught to pick one political “team” and to absolutely hate those on the other side.  But instead of two real choices, what we really have is a false left/right paradigm.  The reality is that the two political parties are controlled by the same people at the highest levels.  For example, did you know that 3 of the top 7 donors to Barack Obama’s campaign in 2008 were major Wall Street banks?  Both the Republicans and the Democrats are very tightly controlled.  That is why nothing seems to really change no matter who we elect.  But rather than waking up and uniting to take on our real problems, the American people are increasingly choosing to hate one another. (Read More...)