John Bolton Warns That Obama May Divide The Land Of Israel At The UN Before The Inauguration

barack-obama-at-the-un-security-council-public-domainIs Barack Obama about to make the most catastrophic decision of his entire presidency? Former UN Ambassador John Bolton is warning that there is “a lot of speculation” over at UN headquarters right now about “resolutions that recognize a Palestinian state or that try and set a boundary for Israel based on the 1967 ceasefire lines”. Of course this would have to happen before the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20th, because Trump has already made it quite clear that he will not support any UN resolution of such nature. Knowing that Trump is about to take office, advocates of the “two state solution” are putting an immense amount of pressure on Obama to support a UN Security Council resolution that would permanently divide the land of Israel while he is still in the White House, and at this moment we do not know what Barack Obama’s final decision will be. (Read More...)

The Biggest Supermoon Since Israel Became A Nation In 1948 Will Happen 6 Days After The Election

supermoon-public-domainOn November 14th, something extraordinary is going to happen. On that date we will witness the closest full moon that we have seen since 1948. Known as a “supermoon”, this full moon will happen just six days after the U.S. presidential election. If you look up into the night sky on November 14th, you will notice that the moon appears to be much bigger and much brighter than usual. Could it be possible that there is some special meaning to the biggest supermoon in almost 70 years? The last time we witnessed a supermoon of this size Israel become a nation, and as you will see below, many believe that the last couple months of 2016 could have historic significance for the Jewish people as well. (Read More...)

136 Nations Recognize A Palestinian State – Only Obama Stands In The Way Of Full Global Recognition

Countries That Officially Recognize A Palestinian State - Photo by Night wWill a UN Security Council resolution formally recognizing the establishment of a Palestinian state be passed by the end of 2015?  Now that the Vatican has formally recognized a Palestinian state, there is a tremendous amount of international momentum for precisely such a UN Security Council resolution.  In fact, France plans to push really hard for one by the end of this year.  At this point, the only thing that could derail those plans is Barack Obama.  For years, the threat of a Security Council veto has been the one thing stopping a resolution from moving forward.  But now that Benjamin Netanyahu has been re-elected and has put together a cabinet that does not seem inclined to negotiate with the Palestinians, the Obama administration is pledging to “reevaluate our approach” and says that it will not “prejudge” what it will do if a vote comes up at the United Nations.  And as you will see below, one news source is now reporting that behind the scenes Barack Obama has already given the “green light” for France to go ahead with a resolution on a Palestinian state at the UN.  If this is truly what Obama plans to do, it will absolutely shatter U.S. relations with Israel and plunge the entire Middle East into chaos. (Read More...)

Israel Wants To Give Mount Zion And The Tomb Of David To The Vatican?

Tomb Of David On Mount ZionWhat would make Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu want to hand over Mount Zion and the Tomb of David to the Vatican?  One member of the Knesset has publicly stated that Chief Sephardic Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef has informed him that Netanyahu has formally asked for halakhic permission to give the Tomb of David to the Roman Catholic Church.  And there have been persistent rumors of secret negotiations between the Israeli government and the Vatican regarding Mount Zion and the Tomb of David.  So why would Netanyahu want to do such a thing?  In any peace deal with the Palestinians, the Tomb of David and the Mount Zion complex should remain under Israeli control.  So what is Netanyahu thinking? (Read More...)