‘Limits On Free Speech’ – The Pope’s Latest Effort To Bring Muslims And Catholics Closer Together

Pope Francis - Photo by Alfredo BorbaShould criticism of Islam be banned?  Should the kinds of cartoons depicting Muhammed that were published by French magazine Charlie Hebdo be against the law?  In recent days, there has been a massive outpouring of support for free speech in the western world in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo massacre.  But there have also been a few dissenting voices.  One of these dissenting voices belongs to Pope Francis.  He has publicly stated that “there is a limit” to free speech and that “you cannot insult the faith of others”.  So obviously he does not approve of the cartoons of Muhammed that Charlie Hebdo has been publishing.  By taking this kind of public stand, the Pope is going to further endear himself to the more than one billion Muslims in the world.  Since he was elevated to Pope, he has been doing more than any of his predecessors to build bridges to Islam.  So precisely why is he doing this?  Why is he working so hard to bring Muslims and Catholics together?  Could it be possible that he is laying the groundwork for a future one world religion? (Read More...)

The Pope’s Embrace Of Evolution Brings Us One Step Closer To A One World Religion

Pope Francis - Photo by Alfredo BorbaIf you wanted to create a religion that almost everyone would love, how would you do it?  Perhaps you would change your faith to make it more appealing to a modern world that is changing at blinding speed.  Perhaps you would indicate that you are willing to become more “mainstream” on hot button issues such as gay rights.  Perhaps you would invite leaders of other religions from all over the planet to come visit you and make it clear that you consider all of those religions to be valid as well.  And all of that “unscientific stuff” about God creating the world in six days and creating mankind out of the dust of the Earth?  Well, all of that is just going to have to be thrown out.  If all of this sounds vaguely familiar to you, that is because this is exactly what Pope Francis has been doing. (Read More...)

Pope Francis And Shimon Peres Discuss The Establishment Of A ‘United Nations Of Religions’

Pope Francis - Photo by Edgar JimenezLast Thursday, Pope Francis and former Israeli President Shimon Peres met for an extended 45 minute private conversation.  The focus of this discussion was a proposal by Peres to establish a “United Nations of Religions”.  It was the third meeting between the two men in a little more than four months.  As you will see below, Pope Francis showed “his interest, attention, and encouragement” as Peres explained his proposal.  Of course Pope Francis didn’t commit to anything, and we probably will not see a “United Nations of Religions” any time soon, but every idea has to start somewhere.  If Pope Francis does ultimately decide to actively push for such a thing, could we eventually see a single global body that claims to represent all of the religions of the world? (Read More...)

Is Pope Francis Laying The Groundwork For A One World Religion?

Is Pope Francis Laying The Groundwork For A One World Religion? - Photo by FczarnowskiDoes Pope Francis intend to help the global elite achieve their goal of uniting all of the religions of the world under a single banner?  Will he be instrumental in establishing a single global religion for the glorious “new age” that the global elite believe is coming?  After he was elected, the cover of Time Magazine declared Pope Francis to be the “New World Pope“, and since his election Pope Francis has made it abundantly clear that he is going to make ecumenical outreach a top priority.  He has spoken of his “determination to continue on the path of ecumenical dialogue“, and he has already held a number of very high profile ecumenical meetings.  Not only has he worked hard to reach out to leaders from various Christian traditions, he has also made it a point to try to acknowledge the mutual bonds that he feels with all other religions.  For example, in one recent address he made it a point to say that he believes that Muslims worship and pray to the “one God” that he also worships.  This “all roads lead to the same God” philosophy is a hallmark of the one world religion that the global elite have been slowly building toward for decades.  The global elite know that even with a one world economy and a one world government, humanity will never be truly united until there is a single global religion.  Unfortunately, this one world religion that they are seeking to establish is diametrically opposed to the Christianity that we find in the Bible.  By throwing out Biblical truth for the sake of “friendship between men and women of different religious traditions“, is Pope Francis fundamentally betraying the faith that he claims to represent? (Read More...)

12 Pictures That Demonstrate How The New World Order Openly Mocks Us

If you know what to look for, it quickly becomes obvious that the elite of the world are not even trying to hide their insidious plans for the planet.  They hope to unite the entire globe under their leadership, and they don’t think that we are strong enough or smart enough to stop them.  They openly embed symbols expressing their desire for a one world economic system, a one world religion and a one world government on our buildings, on our monuments and on our money and they think that it is funny that most people have no idea what those symbols mean.  The New World Order openly mocks us and they seem to take pleasure in giving us “clues” about what their plans for humanity are.  In the “global society” that they have planned for us, individual freedoms and liberties will be greatly restricted “for the good of humanity” and they will use the emerging Big Brother police state control grid to monitor and control everything that we do.  It would be a totalitarian regime unlike anything the world has ever seen before.  That is why it is absolutely imperative that we wake people up and get them educated about what the globalists plan to do so that they can resist this growing tyranny. (Read More...)