All Of The Bad News In 2020 Is Causing A Shockingly High Number Of Americans To “Seriously Consider” Suicide

This is a very difficult article for me to write, but I definitely need to write it.  All over the country, people are considering suicide because of all the bad things that have happened this year, and things are only going to get even more challenging in 2021 and beyond.  This greatly grieves me, because suicide is never the answer to anything, and I wish that I could sit down individually with every person that is considering suicide and get them to understand this.  Our lives are meant to be lived with purpose, passion and great joy, and that doesn’t change when times get very difficult.  In fact, when challenging times come that is when bright lights are needed the most. (Read More...)

Have You Noticed That The Crazy People Are Starting To Take Over Our Society?

It is getting scary out there.  In order for society to function properly, we need to be able to assume that most people are going to behave rationally.  And when I was growing up, it was generally safe to make that assumption.  But now things have completely changed.  No matter how hard one may try, there is simply no avoiding the hordes of crazy people that seem to be taking over our society.  It is almost as if millions of us never learned the basic rules for how civilized people should treat one another.  Sometimes this manifests in behavior that is simply rude, other times it manifests in behavior that is actually dangerous, and if you are really unlucky you will personally encounter someone that has fully embraced depravity on a level that most of us never even want to think about. (Read More...)

The Most Depressing Time Of The Year In The Most Depressed Nation On The Planet

Christmas Street - Public DomainDid you know that the rate of suicide is highest during this time of the year and that 45 percent of all Americans dread the Christmas season?  We are constantly being told that Christmas is the happiest time of the year, but mental health professionals tell us that the exact opposite is true.  For large numbers of Americans, the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas is filled with stress, anxiety, loneliness and family squabbles.  And for most people, the reality of the holidays never even comes close to matching up with the glittering ideal portrayed in movies and on television.  As a result, depression tends to spike during the month of December.  And of course Americans are quite depressed most of the time anyway.  In fact, one out of every ten Americans is on an antidepressant as you read this article.  No other nation in the world even approaches that level.  So right now we are in the midst of the most depressing time of the year in the most depressed nation on the entire planet.  What is wrong with this picture? (Read More...)