The Censorship Is Real – Is Being Completely Blocked By Library Internet Filters

Somebody out there definitely does not want you to see what I have to say. On Sunday I received an email that upset me greatly, and I am about to share it with you. One of my readers recently went to his local library to print off a couple of copies of one of my articles, and it turns out that was completely blocked by the Internet filter that the library was using. I have been writing a lot about how conservative voices are being systematically censored on the Internet, but it becomes more real when it happens to you. The following is the message that my reader sent me via email… (Read More...)

Governments And Social Media Companies Are Collaborating To Censor Anyone That Would Dare To Question Mainstream Media Narratives

The era of free and unfettered speech on the Internet is rapidly ending.  All over the world, national governments are working very closely with social media companies to take control of “Internet news”.  Up until recently, the Internet really was a wonderful marketplace of ideas, and ordinary people like you and I were empowered to share information with one another like never before in human history.  But now the elite have seen the power that this can have, and they are cracking down hard.  The term “fake news” has come to mean any source that would dare to question the official narratives that are being fed to us from the mainstream media, and in reality the push to censor “fake news” is really just an all-out effort to eliminate independent thought.  Before the Internet, it was much easier for the elite to control the flow of information, and now they are taking unprecedented measures to control the flow of information in the digital age. (Read More...)

Will The Globalists Use The New Net Neutrality Rules To Shut Off Access To Alternative News Websites?

Many are applauding the FCC’s decision to repeal net neutrality, but I believe that this is a huge mistake.  Hopefully the worst case scenarios will not play out, but if they do we could be looking at the end of the Internet as we know it today.  We have all become quite accustomed to going anywhere on the Internet that we would like, but thanks to this decision the big Internet service providers could start to turn the Internet into another version of cable television.  Websites that are not part of your “Internet package” would either load much slower or would not be accessible at all.  Essentially, the big Internet service providers could eventually become “gatekeepers” that would decide what you would and would not be able to see on the Internet.  So if they didn’t like the views of a particular website (such as this one), they could simply block access to it and their subscribers would no longer be able to get to it. (Read More...)

ACTA = Global Internet Censorship – Now Even Foreign Governments Will Be Able To Have Your Website Shut Down

Global Internet censorship is here.  SOPA and PIPA have been stopped (at least for now) in the United States, but a treaty known as ACTA (the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) is far worse than either of them.  ACTA was quietly signed by Barack Obama back on October 1st, 2011 and most Americans have never even heard of it.  But it could mean the end of the Internet as we know it.  This new treaty gives foreign governments and copyright owners incredibly broad powers.  If you are alleged to have violated a copyright, your website can be shut down without a trial and police may even show up at your door to take you to prison.  It doesn’t even have to be someone in the United States that is accusing you.  It could just be a foreign government or a copyright owner halfway across the world that alleges that you have violated a copyright.  It doesn’t matter.  So far, the U.S., the EU and seven other nations have signed on to ACTA, and the number of participants is expected to continue to grow.  The “powers that be” are obsessed with getting Internet censorship one way or another.  The open and free Internet that you and I have been enjoying for all these years is about to change, and not for the better. (Read More...)