Science Is Not God, So Why Do So Many People Keep Trying To Turn It Into A Religion?

This article is likely to get a lot of people out there quite angry.  In our world today, many have become convinced that science has all of the answers to humanity’s most important questions, and those that question the high priests of this new religion (scientists) are often accused of a form of “blasphemy”.  We saw this clearly on display last Saturday when protesters gathered in Washington D.C. and in about 600 other cities worldwide for “the March for Science”.   Those of us that are skeptical and that don’t necessarily buy into the scientific orthodoxy of the day were accused of “ignoring facts” and being “climate deniers” by various speakers at these protests.  But of course the truth is that scientific theories have always been in flux all throughout history, and this will continue to be the case as time moves forward. (Read More...)

Witchcraft, Islam And Humanism Are Filling The Spiritual Void Left By The Dying Church

Witchcraft - Creative CommonsA dramatic spiritual paradigm shift is taking place in the western world. At the end of last week, I discussed the fact that more Americans than ever before appear to be turning away from the Christian faith, and this is particularly true among our young people. And while it is undeniable that atheism and agnosticism are both growing rapidly, it is also important to point out that other faiths are on the rise in the western world at the exact same time that Christianity is shrinking. If you are a Christian, what you are about to read should concern you greatly. (Read More...)

The One World Religion Cometh: Pope Francis Warmly Welcomes Top Islamic Cleric To The Vatican

Pope Francis 2 - Public DomainWhen Pope Francis met with Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb on Monday, he told him that “our meeting is the message“.  So precisely what kind of “message” was Pope Francis attempting to convey?  Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb is the Grand Imam of Cairo’s Al-Azhar Mosque, and some have described him as “the highest figure in Sunni Islam“.  The Daily Mail said that the meeting between these two men was a “historic bid to reopen dialogue between the two churches”, and as you will see below this is yet another in a long series of attempts by Pope Francis to build bridges between Catholicism and various other faiths.  In the end, what are we to make of all of this?  Could it be possible that Pope Francis is laying the groundwork for the “super world church” and the coming one world religion that David Wilkerson and so many others have warned about? (Read More...)

Something Has Shifted And Things Have Suddenly Become A Whole Lot More Serious

Shift Clock Day Night - Public DomainI don’t do a lot of articles like this, but I want to share something with you that happened to me just recently.  I debated about whether or not to share this, but since this story will be aired on national television in just a few days I decided to go ahead and do it.  On Saturday, May 14th, my wife and I were enjoying a day of peace and rest when something very unusual happened.  I am not sure exactly how to describe it.  I have been describing it to some people as a “wave”, but I am not sure if that is entirely accurate.  It was almost as if I could feel something shift in the spiritual realm, and with it came the sudden realization that things had suddenly become a whole lot more serious. (Read More...)

One World Religion: Pope Francis Says All Major Religions Are ‘Meeting God In Different Ways’

One World Religion - Apostleship Of PrayerA new video has just been released in which Pope Francis very clearly expresses his belief that all of the major religions are different paths to the same God. He says that while people from various global faiths may be “seeking God or meeting God in different ways” that it is important to keep in mind that “we are all children of God”. This is the most recent example that shows that the Pope has completely abandoned any notion that a relationship with God is available only through Jesus Christ. As he has done throughout his papacy, he continues to lay the groundwork for the coming one world religion, and yet hardly anyone seems upset by this. (Read More...)

Stephen Hawking: There is no God and the theory of evolution better explains the origin of life

Stephen Hawking - Public DomainFor someone that is supposedly so “brilliant”, Stephen Hawking really doesn’t have a clue.  In a recent interview with Spain’s El Mundo, Hawking publicly declared that God doesn’t exist, that he is an atheist, and that science provides a better explanation of where the universe came from than the Bible does.  While I certainly respect much of the great work that Hawking has done throughout the years, I don’t think that he has thought through these issues very clearly.  As you will see below, it takes a ridiculous amount of blind faith to believe that the theory of evolution is true, and the cold, hard evidence clearly points to a Creator.  Unfortunately, to be a respected member of the scientific establishment today one must fully embrace an evolutionary model for the origin of life, and at this point Stephen Hawking has left no doubt as to where he stands. (Read More...)

The Pope’s Embrace Of Evolution Brings Us One Step Closer To A One World Religion

Pope Francis - Photo by Alfredo BorbaIf you wanted to create a religion that almost everyone would love, how would you do it?  Perhaps you would change your faith to make it more appealing to a modern world that is changing at blinding speed.  Perhaps you would indicate that you are willing to become more “mainstream” on hot button issues such as gay rights.  Perhaps you would invite leaders of other religions from all over the planet to come visit you and make it clear that you consider all of those religions to be valid as well.  And all of that “unscientific stuff” about God creating the world in six days and creating mankind out of the dust of the Earth?  Well, all of that is just going to have to be thrown out.  If all of this sounds vaguely familiar to you, that is because this is exactly what Pope Francis has been doing. (Read More...)

Pope Francis And Shimon Peres Discuss The Establishment Of A ‘United Nations Of Religions’

Pope Francis - Photo by Edgar JimenezLast Thursday, Pope Francis and former Israeli President Shimon Peres met for an extended 45 minute private conversation.  The focus of this discussion was a proposal by Peres to establish a “United Nations of Religions”.  It was the third meeting between the two men in a little more than four months.  As you will see below, Pope Francis showed “his interest, attention, and encouragement” as Peres explained his proposal.  Of course Pope Francis didn’t commit to anything, and we probably will not see a “United Nations of Religions” any time soon, but every idea has to start somewhere.  If Pope Francis does ultimately decide to actively push for such a thing, could we eventually see a single global body that claims to represent all of the religions of the world? (Read More...)