There Are Population Control Centers All Over America – They Are Called ‘Planned Parenthood Clinics’

The phrase “family planning” is just a more palatable way of saying “population control”. In the United States today, Planned Parenthood operates 650 “health centers” that work tirelessly to promote abortion and other “family planning measures”. Planned Parenthood says that approximately 2.5 million people visit their “health centers” each year, and somewhere around 60 million people visit their website. If you are pregnant and you visit one of their clinics, abortion will be pushed very hard. In fact, former Planned Parenthood workers have told us that they actually have abortion sales quotas, and workers that meet those quotas are rewarded with pizza parties and other incentives. Of course making money is one of the primary goals, but Planned Parenthood has also always had a very deep connection to eugenics and population control. (Read More...)

Is The UN Using Vaccines To Secretly Sterilize Women All Over The Globe?

Vaccines - Public DomainIn some areas of the world, purposely cutting off someone’s family line is considered to be one of the most wicked things that you can possibly do.  But that appears to be precisely what the United Nations is doing.  Two UN organizations, the WHO and UNICEF, have just been caught red-handed administering “tetanus vaccines” laced with sterilizing agents to girls and women in Kenya.  And as you will see below, this is not the first time that this has happened.  Apparently there is a well-coordinated international program to use vaccines to secretly sterilize women in poor countries all over the planet.  The United States needs to immediately demand a full investigation of the UN vaccine program, but I wouldn’t count on that ever happening under the Obama administration. (Read More...)