Are Trump’s Lawyers Tanking The Impeachment Trial On Purpose?

Do they secretly want Trump to lose?  To me, that appears to be the best explanation for the utter incompetence that has been displayed by Trump’s lawyers so far.  Yes, they didn’t have that much time to prepare.  But these are very experienced attorneys that have spent decades perfecting their skills in court.  Even with minimal preparation, these veterans should have been able to put up a competent defense.  But instead, we witnessed the sort of a performance that we might expect from Lionel Hutz from the Simpsons.  Something seems really off, and that does not bode well for Trump. (Read More...)

Ann Coulter Is Exactly Right: Every Time Republicans Compromise On Immigration They Get Nothing In Return

When are Republicans going to learn? In her most recent article, Ann Coulter pointed out that every time Republicans compromise on immigration it turns out to be a total disaster. If you go back all the way to 1986, the Republicans never got the employer sanctions that they were promised even after the Democrats were given amnesty for four million illegal immigrants. And every time Republicans have attempted to push amnesty since that time, it has been a disaster for Republican politicians at the polls. (Read More...)

The Obama Flag: Who Decided That It Was Okay To Replace The Stars On The American Flag With The Face Of Barack Obama?

Democrat Party headquarters in Lake County, Florida has been flying an American flag with a face of Barack Obama on it.  Yes, you read that correctly.  The “Obama flag” features a huge picture of the face of Barack Obama in the area where the stars are usually located.  To many Americans today, the American flag may be “just a piece of cloth”, but when I was young I was taught that one must never desecrate the American flag.  The American flag is our highest national symbol.  Millions of Americans have fought and died defending freedom and liberty under that banner.  To see a photo of Barack Obama plastered on it is an absolute disgrace.  Sadly, there are lots of these flags floating around.  In fact, you can buy them online for $12.95.  Down in Florida, the chairwoman of the Lake County Democratic Party took down the “Obama flag” after a group of veterans protested, but she also said that she is not promising that she will not put it back up and that she is going to consult an attorney about all of this. (Read More...)

This Is What Happens When Establishment Control Of The Media Cracks For A Moment

Every once in a while, establishment control of the mainstream media cracks for a moment.  In an effort to achieve higher ratings, mainstream news programs will invite guests on that promise to be “interesting”, but then they will say something that is not part of the script and the entire system will go into a state of chaos for a moment. One example of this happened recently when two CNN “infobabes” interviewed former CIA officer Michael Scheuer about the situation on the ground in Libya. They asked Scheuer some questions regarding the role of the CIA in Libya, but the interview rapidly moved in some directions that the “infobabes” were not anticipating.  Instead of sticking to the “Republican” or the “Democrat” script, Scheuer ripped both parties and he detailed many of the reasons why we should have never gone into Libya at all. (Read More...)