‘Julius Caesar’, Antifa And Kathy Griffin All Show That The Left Has Absolutely No Positive Message To Offer

The endgame of the radical left is a nation filled with hatred, anger and violence. Is this really a message that the American people are going to embrace? For decades, Democrats have been getting a tremendous amount of mileage out of “divide and conquer” tactics. In other words, they get one group of people to support them by pointing a finger of accusation at another group. Just recently, I published an article entitled “A List Of 100 Things That Liberals Hate About America”, and I could have easily doubled or tripled that list. The left specializes in hate, and the presidency of Donald Trump has been like throwing red meat to a bunch of sharks that are in a feeding frenzy. Lacking any kind of a positive message to share, the left is in the process of self-destructing as they show the entire world how intellectually and morally bankrupt they truly are. (Read More...)

They Want To Make The Rest Of The Country Just Like California

If millions are leaving California because life there is so horrible, then why would those same people want to try to make their new communities more like the state that they just left? About five million people have migrated out of the state of California over the past decade, and most of them are leaving for very good reasons. The number one destination for ex-Californians is Texas, and this has caused the state to move a little bit to the left politically. For example, Trump beat Clinton by only about 9 percent in Texas back in November. It is getting to the point where many people in Texas are starting to resent anyone with a California license plate, because there are so many ex-Californians that would like to turn Texas into another version of their home state. (Read More...)

5 Trends That Are Destroying The Middle Class In America

The middle class in America has been shrinking for decades, and our leaders seem powerless to do anything about it. Two years ago, the middle class became a minority in this country for the first time ever. In other words, the middle class now accounts for less than 50 percent of the population. But back in the early 1970s, the middle class made up more than 60 percent of the population. I have often compared being in the middle class to playing a really bizarre game of musical chairs. When the music stops playing each month, more chairs are being pulled out of the middle class, and most of us are just hoping that we will still have a chair for the next go around. (Read More...)

No More Fake Conservatives

Do you want to know why President Trump can’t seem to get much done in Congress? It is because many of the “Republicans” in Congress are actually fake conservatives. For decades, conservative voters have allowed these RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) to use labels such as “Republican”, “conservative” and “Pro-Life” to get votes, but then once they get into office they govern like Democrats and we never seem to hold them accountable. So even though we have given the Republicans control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives, the government continues to function pretty much as it did when the Democrats were running things. (Read More...)

Not Prepared: Will Most Americans Be Absolutely Blindsided By Multiple Wars And A Simultaneous Economic Collapse?

According to CBS News, an astounding three-fourths of all Americans have to “scramble to cover their living costs” each month.  In other words, most of the country is either living paycheck to paycheck or very close to it.  But instead of tightening their belts and trying to put something away for the very hard times that are coming, most Americans are completely and utterly unprepared for what is ahead because the people that they trust on television keep telling them that everything is going to be okay.  Unfortunately, everything is not going to be “okay”, and when things start falling apart all around us there is going to be a lot of anger directed toward those that have been lulling everyone into a false sense of security. (Read More...)

Famous Parenting Author And Her Husband End Their 17 Year Marriage After He Comes Out As Gay

CoupleWhat would you do if you found out that your husband or wife was gay? This is something that is increasingly happening to couples all over the country, and many end up divorcing so that the gay spouse can freely pursue a gay lifestyle. In recent days, the case of Jill and Jeff Smokler has made headlines all over the country. Jill has authored several successful parenting books and is also the editor-in-chief of a parenting website called Scary Mommy. But now she finds herself at the center or a raging controversy. After 17 years of marriage and after having three children together, Jill and Jeff have decided to divorce because of Jeff’s sexuality. (Read More...)

New Report Says Islam Will Surpass Christianity And Become The Largest Religion In The World

Mecca - Public DomainIf current trends continue, Islam is on track to become the largest religion in the entire world by the end of this century according a stunning new report that was just released by the Pew Research Center. While it is true that Christianity is still growing on a global basis, it is not growing nearly as rapidly as Islam. So unless something changes, Christianity will only be the second largest faith in the world by the year 2070. According to this newly released report, Islam is the only major religion that is growing faster than the global population overall, and it is being projected that the number of Muslims on the planet will rise by a staggering 73 percent between 2010 and 2050(Read More...)

In Letter Sent Home To All Parents, Chicago Public Schools Promise To Obstruct ‘The Enforcement Of Federal Civil Immigration Law’

Chicago Public SchoolsThe Chicago public school system has decided to openly defy the president of the United States. More than 392,000 students attend public schools in Chicago, and on Tuesday a letter was sent home with each of those students telling their parents that Chicago schools will not “assist in the enforcement of federal civil immigration law”. In fact, the letter actually says that federal officials will not even be allowed “to access CPS facilities”. In essence, every Chicago public school has now officially been declared to be a “sanctuary” for illegal immigrants. If you would like to see the original document, you can do so right here. This is just another example of how deeply divided we are as a nation. The entire public school system of one of our largest cities is now in open rebellion against the president, and that is a very dangerous sign. (Read More...)