Completely Alone And Utterly Depressed

Do you ever feel like you have been completely abandoned by the world?  Do you struggle with feelings of loneliness, isolation and depression?  If so, you are far from alone.  Thanks to technology Americans are more isolated than they have ever been before, and as you will see below, this is really starting to cause a major national crisis.  Humans were designed to be social creatures, and researchers have found that a lack of interaction with others can cause major mental, emotional and social problems.  Not only that, it can also lead to premature death.  We actually have a need to love others and to be loved by them, and if those needs are not met the consequences can be quite dramatic. (Read More...)

Cell Phone Surveillance: Some Cell Phones Record Your Location Hundreds Of Times A Day

Do you own a cell phone?  Do you think that it is private and secure?  You might want to think again.  The truth is that there is virtually no privacy when it comes to cell phones.  In fact, the amount of cell phone surveillance that goes on is absolutely staggering.  For example, one German politician named Malte Spitz recently went to court to force Deutsche Telekom to reveal how often his cell phone was being tracked.  What he found out was absolutely amazing.  It turns out that in just one 6 month period, Deutsche Telekom recorded the longitude and latitude coordinates of his cell phone 35,000 times.  Not only that, in the United States cell phone companies are actually required by law to be able to pinpoint the locations of their customers to within 100 meters.  Most cell phone carriers are able to track their customers far more accurately than that.  The truth is that your location will never again be truly “private” as long as you are carrying a cell phone. (Read More...)