Why I Am On High Alert During The Month Of September

In these troubled times, it pays to be on alert, because global events are moving at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking.  But I will be on a higher state of alert than usual during the month of September, and I will explain why in this article.  Many people instinctively understand that things are taking a very bad turn, and sales at emergency food companies have gone through the roof in recent months.  Unfortunately, the vast majority of those that are feverishly preparing don’t understand the bigger picture, and that is one of the reasons why I wrote my new book.  I want people to understand where we are in history and the extremely chaotic times that are rapidly approaching.  The Bible has a tremendous amount to say about the period of time that we commonly refer to as “the end times” or “the last days”, and I believe that it won’t be too long before God starts intervening in the affairs of humanity in some pretty extraordinary ways. (Read More...)