The Shockingly High Cost Of Free Trade: 10 Reasons Why Globalism Is Bad For Middle Class Americans

Today, there are very few national figures that are dissenting from the politically-correct viewpoint that free trade is a good thing.  The vast majority of Republican politicians believe in free trade.  The vast majority of Democrats believe in free trade.  Barack Obama believes in free trade.  Nancy Pelosi believes in free trade.  Rush Limbaugh believes in free trade.  Glenn Beck believes in free trade.  In fact, just about anyone who goes on mainstream media and starts speaking out against free trade is immediately branded an idiot who does not understand the first thing about economics.  So considering the fact that leaders on both sides of the “political spectrum” fully embrace free trade, shouldn’t we just go with the consensus and consider the debate about trade to be over?  Well, there is just one problem.  All of this globalism and free trade is killing the American Dream and is destroying the American middle class.  (Read More...)

10 Reasons Why We Might Not See Anything Less Than A Trillion Dollar Deficit For Decades To Come

Do you know how enormous one trillion dollars is?  If you were alive when Christ was born, and on that day you started spending a million dollars every single day, you still would not have spent one trillion dollars by now.  If right this moment you went out and started spending one dollar every single second, it would take you over 31,000 years to spend one trillion dollars.  A trillion $1 bills, if they were taped end to end, would wrap around the globe more than 38 times.  That is how big one trillion dollars is.  But right now, if the U.S. government could actually reduce the federal budget deficit to one trillion dollars that would be a major victory.  In 2009, the U.S. government ran a budget deficit of more than 1.4 trillion dollars.  The U.S. government will run a budget deficit of more than 1.4 trillion dollars in 2010.  Not only that, the Obama administration is already admitting that the budget deficit will be over 1.4 trillion dollars again in 2011.  In fact, the truth of it is that we are looking at trillion dollars deficits for as far as the eye can see.  In the process we are piling up the biggest mountain of debt the world has ever seen.  What we are doing to future generations is unfathomable.  Servicing this monolithic debt is going to devastate the U.S. economy and is going to absolutely crush the American Dream for future generations of Americans.  But we can’t seem to help ourselves.  We just keep spending.  (Read More...)

Only 23 Percent Of Americans Believe That The Federal Government Has The Consent Of The Governed

Have you ever noticed that no matter what political party is in power in America nothing really seems to change that much?  Sure, a lot of the faces change and there are some small shifts in ideology here and there, but more or less the policies of the U.S. government have been remarkably consistent over the last 40 years.  Have you ever wondered why that is?  Well, the truth is that America’s “ruling class” has an absolute stranglehold on both political parties.  You see, the little lie that we were told that “anyone can grow up and be president” simply is not true.  Living the American Dream takes connections.  Without the backing of the “establishment”, you simply are not going to go very far in politics.  In fact, without the “establishment” you aren’t going to go very far in law, the corporate world, the media or in the highest levels of education either.  Sure you might experience some success on the lower levels, but without fully becoming “connected” to the establishment to at least some degree you just are not going to advance to become one of the elite in any of those fields. (Read More...)

Will The Tea Party Movement Succeed Or Will Ideological Divisions Doom It To Failure?

The Tea Party movement has been one of the most exhilarating things to happen to American politics in decades.  Millions of Americans who have become increasingly frustrated with government and who feel that they are not being represented have banded together to take collective action in what is truly one of the greatest grass roots movements in U.S. political history.  Some have even suggested that the Tea Party movement should become a new political party.  Every single day now, the Tea Party movement makes headlines all over the globe and it has had some tremendous success in getting some candidates elected recently.  But are there problems on the horizon?  The truth is that there are only a few things that almost everyone in the Tea Party movement agrees on.  But there are a whole bunch of issues that are creating major ideological divisions among Tea Party activists.  In fact, most of the issues listed below will create huge arguments at any Tea Party gathering.  The reality is that the Tea Party movement has attracted a very diverse group of people, and there are only a few points that they all agree on.  So can such a fractured movement survive in the long-term? (Read More...)

Illinois Bankrupt?

Is the state of Illinois bankrupt?  Well, if Illinois is not totally broke already it is certainly well on its way.  The state government has now quit paying even the most essential bills.  It spends three dollars for every two dollars that it takes in.  The state of Illinois now ranks eighth in the world in possible bond-holder default.  That is actually one spot ahead of the state of California.  As much of a mess as California is (as we have previously detailed at length), Illinois is in even worse shape.  Every major rating agency has downgraded Illinois debt, and Illinois now pays millions of dollars more to insure its debt than any other state in the nation.  So yes, the state of Illinois is a complete and total basket case.  For a long time, many analysts had expected California to be the first state to go “belly up” financially, but now Illinois seems to be the favorite.  Not that Illinois is alone.  Thousands of state, city and local governments across the United States are facing massive debt problems.  All of the borrowing that was done to push communities towards achieving the American Dream is now coming back to haunt localities with a vengeance.  Debt is a very seductive and yet very cruel master, and the government of Illinois is rapidly finding out just how painful it can be to drown in a sea of debt.  (Read More...)

The Open Society Is Dying

Once upon a time, the United States was a place where you felt like you had almost unlimited freedom.  You could get in your car and travel from coast to coast without anyone hassling you.  You could do any type of work you wanted – or even not work at all if that is what suited you.  You could say whatever you wanted to say and associate with whoever you wanted to associate with.  You could write mail without fearing that the government would read it and you could make phone calls without fearing that the government was listening in.  It was a place where freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion and freedom of movement were respected and protected.  But over the past couple of decades (and especially since 9/11), things have been fundamentally changing in America.  The American Dream used to be about liberty and freedom, but now it seems to be all about giving up our liberty and freedom for safety and security.  Today, tens of millions of frightened Americans are cheering as the U.S. government implements Big Brother security measures that are so extreme that they would have made even Stalin, Hitler and Mao cringe.  But it is not just in America where the open society is dying.  It is literally happening all over the globe.  In a world where real and imagined terrorism is perceived to be the greatest threat, governments are increasingly feeling the need to watch, track, trace and control everyone and everything. (Read More...)

14 Reasons Why The U.S. Government Will Never Have A Balanced Budget Ever Again

The United States government will never have another balanced budget again.  Yes, you read that correctly.  U.S. government finances have now reached a critical “tipping point” and things are going to spin wildly out of control from this time forward.  Why?  Spending on entitlement programs and interest on the national debt are now accelerating at exponential rates.  Some time around 2020 they will eat up every single dollar of federal revenue that is brought in before a penny is spent on anything else.  Of course the solution to all of this would be to radically cut entitlement programs, but no U.S. politician in his or her right mind would do that.  After all, do you think elderly people (who vote in droves by the way) would vote for you after you just cut their Social Security checks in half?  That is not the way the world works.  You see, democracies always get into trouble once the people realize that they can vote for the candidates that promise them the largest gifts out of the public treasury.  That is where the United States is at now.  Over 100 million Americans now receive direct payments from the United States government.  For millions of Americans, the American Dream now means getting a government check and kicking back and enjoying life.  We have become a nation that is chock full of people that can’t take care of themselves and that are totally dependent on the monolithic nanny state that the U.S. government has created. (Read More...)

Yes, They Really Do Want To Reduce The Population – 22 Shocking Population Control Quotes From The Global Elite That Will Make You Want To Lose Your Lunch

Most Americans have absolutely no idea, but a very dark philosophy is spreading like wildfire among the global elite.  This philosophy is an obsessive belief that humanity has become a cancer that is destroying the earth.  There are now large numbers of global leaders that are convinced that the exploding population of the world has become like a virus or a plague, and that it must be combated as such.  In fact, it would be very difficult to understate just how obsessed many members of the global elite are with population control.  The United Nations puts out position papers about it, universities have entire courses dedicated to it, radical population control advocates have been appointed to some of the highest political positions in the world, and some of the wealthiest people on the planet get together just to talk about it.  Those who believe in this philosophy are constantly talking about the need for “increased access” to abortion, contraception and other “family planning” services.  But even with all of their efforts, the population of the world is still expanding and those who believe in this population control philosophy are getting nervous. (Read More...)