Our Society Is Melting Down Even Faster Than Most People Thought That It Would

It can be difficult to believe that the wild scenes that we are witnessing on the streets of America are actually real.  Earlier this week, I wrote an article entitled “What Life Is Really Like In America’s Hellish Inner Cities”.  I wrote that article before the widespread looting that just erupted in Philadelphia.  Just when I think that conditions in our core urban areas have reached a low point, they seem to find a way to get even worse.  Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of this crisis.  As economic conditions continue to deteriorate, countless numbers of people will become very desperate.  And when countless numbers of people become very desperate, our society will descend into a permanent state of chaos. (Read More...)

What Life Is Really Like In America’s Hellish Inner Cities

All over the United States, major cities are descending into a state of chaos.  Every day, more migrants that came pouring through our wide open borders arrive in our inner cities, and many of them end up joining gangs or selling drugs.  Meanwhile, more of our young people get hooked on drugs with each passing day.  In the worst areas, you can see hordes of them literally staggering around like zombies because they have been drugged out of their minds.  All of this addiction is fueling an unprecedented homelessness crisis.  In fact, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that homelessness in the United States is growing faster this year than ever before.  In this sort of an environment, it should be no surprise that violent crime is absolutely exploding all over the nation.  If you choose to wander the streets of America’s hellish inner cities, you are literally taking your life into your hands, because a violent predator could literally be around the next corner.  Unfortunately, we are still only in the very early stages of this crisis.  It will inevitably get even worse in the months ahead as economic conditions deteriorate even more. (Read More...)

While Barely Anyone Was Watching, Leaders At The UN Made A 7 Year Agreement To Implement A Single Global Agenda

Have you heard about the agreement that global leaders adopted at the United Nations during the “2023 SDG Summit” that was held earlier this week?  On Monday and Tuesday, officials from all over the world gathered in New York City to commit their nations to fully implement the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals over the next 7 years.  If you are not familiar with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, you can find them right here.  They are essentially a blueprint for how the globalists want the world to be run.  Just about every area of human activity is covered by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and it would take extreme measures over the next 7 years in order to achieve all of them by the deadline. (Read More...)

Who Could Have Seen This Coming? All Over America, Blue Cities Are Facing A Severe Shortage Of Police Officers

It turns out that we really do need the police after all.  Do you remember a few years ago when blue cities all over the nation wanted to defund the police?  Needless to say, that didn’t work out too well.  Wherever police budgets were slashed, crime rates shot up.  Today, we are in the midst of a massive crime wave that is sweeping the country.  In fact, it has gotten so bad that even many our most liberal politicians are desperate to restore law and order.  But that won’t be so easy, because after everything that has transpired blue cities are discovering that they are having a really difficult time finding enough warm bodies to serve in their crime-ridden communities. (Read More...)

The Rise Of The Pig People

In all of human history, has there ever been a society more gluttonous than our own?  We are addicted to sex, we are addicted to drugs, we are addicted to shopping, we are addicted to eating, we are addicted to entertainment, but our biggest addiction of all may be money.  Even though we were handed the keys to the greatest economic machine the world has ever seen, it was never enough for us.  We always had to have more, and so we have run up the largest single mountain of debt in the entire history of the planet.  If you can believe it, on Monday the size of the U.S. national debt crossed the 33 trillion dollar mark for the very first time(Read More...)

The “Ring Of Fire Eclipse” On October 14th Will Combine With Another Eclipse In 2024 To Form A Giant “X” Over “The Empty Cross” In Texas

Did you know that the path of a “ring of fire” solar eclipse is going to pass directly over the United States next month?  Everyone in the continental United States will be able to see at least a partial eclipse, but those that are in the direct path of the eclipse will get to see a truly spectacular sight.  Because the moon will be so far away from the Earth when this eclipse occurs, it will look like there is a “ring of fire” around the moon as it passes right in front of the sun… (Read More...)

A Virus That Has A Death Rate Of 40 To 75 Percent Is Infecting And Killing People In India

For years, the World Health Organization has considered the Nipah virus to be a “priority pathogen” because it has the potential to cause a worldwide pandemic.  Thankfully, up to this point that has not happened, but now an outbreak in India is making headlines all over the globe.  Two victims have already died, and there are four others that have tested positive.  A five kilometer containment zone has been established around the homes of the two men that died, and schools and businesses in the region are being forced to shut down.  Authorities are hoping that such extreme measures will stop this outbreak before it can really get going.  But as you will see below, that may not be so easy. (Read More...)

Is China “Massing Forces At Coastal Military Bases” In Preparation For An Invasion Of Taiwan?

If the Chinese decide to pull the trigger on an invasion of Taiwan, it will instantly become the biggest news story in the entire world.  Because the moment that an invasion of Taiwan begins, the United States and China will be at war and nothing will ever be the same again.  Of course the Chinese would not consider an attack on Taiwan to be an invasion of a foreign country.  The Chinese consider Taiwan to be part of their territory just like we consider Florida or Texas to be part of our territory.  For a long time, the communist Chinese government had hoped to “reunify” with Taiwan peacefully, but now it has become clear that is never going to happen.  The Taiwanese government continues to boldly declare that Taiwan is not part of China, and the Biden administration recently approved a 500 million dollar arms sale that is intended to help them prepare for a potential invasion.  Needless to say, this arms sale greatly infuriated China, and it appears that the Chinese are gearing up for a big move. (Read More...)