If you are trying very hard to ignore any evidence of the supernatural, you are probably not going to like this article. Our society has trained us to view literally everything through the lens of Darwinism. Therefore, any supernatural events that may happen are to be regarded with extreme skepticism or are to be ignored entirely. In other words, if there isn’t a perfectly acceptable natural explanation, it didn’t happen. Those that reject the supernatural are thought to be “reasonable”, while those that openly talk about supernatural things are thought to be “unreasonable”. But the truth is that supernatural events really are happening around us all the time. We just need to open up our eyes and acknowledge them. (Read More...)
2024 Will Be A Year Of Catastrophic War In The Middle East
The war in the Middle East that began in 2023 is going to go to an entirely new level in 2024. As you will see below, fighting along Israel’s northern border has escalated significantly in recent days, and this is causing a great deal of concern. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly stated that he plans to finish the conflict in the south before dealing with Hezbollah, but he may not have a choice in the matter. Hezbollah forces continue to fire at targets in northern Israel and the IDF continues to carry out strikes in response. In fact, it is being reported that the IDF just attacked “a Hezbollah military headquarters in Lebanon”… (Read More...)
Have You Ever Wondered Why There Is An Endless River Of Sewage Coming Out Of Washington D.C.?
If you don’t understand how broken the system has become, you will never understand what is necessary to fix it. Every election cycle the American people just keep sending the same faces back to Congress, and then they are shocked that those politicians just keep doing things that are against the interests of the American people. The reason why we see key votes go a certain way time after time is because most members of Congress have been compromised in one way or another. If members of Congress that have been compromised get out of line, their dirty little secrets will be publicly exposed. During a recent interview with Benny Johnson, U.S. Representative Tim Burchett explained how this works… (Read More...)
It Looks Like “The Gates Of Hell” Have Opened In Iceland As Our Planet Continues To Tremble In Wild And Unpredictable Ways
Those that insist that what is happening to our planet is perfectly “normal” suffered another blow on Tuesday when we witnessed an absolutely massive volcanic eruption in Iceland. Since it sits directly along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Iceland experiences quite a bit of seismic activity, but one prominent volcanologist named Porvaldur Póroarson is warning that the eruption that just took place is “a different creature” from anything we have ever seen before. The eruption on the Reykjanes peninsula sent fountains of lava shooting up to 330 feet into the air, and residents of Reykjavik are being warned that toxic gas is heading their way… (Read More...)
We Are Facing A Demographic Collapse Of Epic Proportions
Birth rates have plummeted to record lows all over the industrialized world, and this has very serious implications for our future. If something is not done to reverse this, native populations will fall very rapidly in wealthy countries during the years ahead, and there won’t be nearly enough young workers to support the entitlement programs that the elderly are counting on. Meanwhile, nations where birth rates are still above replacement level (such as in the Islamic world) will become more powerful and will play a more dominant role in world affairs. Despite all of our advanced technology, population numbers still matter, and we really are facing a demographic collapse of epic proportions. (Read More...)
We Wanted Our Lives To Be Just Like What We Saw On Television, And Now We Have The Demonic Society That We Were Wishing For
Americans have had a love affair with their televisions for decades. Most of us consume more than a thousand hours of “programming” each year, and the vast majority of that “programming” literally celebrates evil. Just think about it for a moment. When is the last time that you watched a program on television that focused on things that are noble, true, honest, pure and virtuous? From time to time you can find a show like that, but most of the content on our televisions is full of garbage. And if you pour thousands of hours of garbage into the minds of the American people, you are going to get a demonic society in which just about every form of wickedness that you can possibly imagine is exploding all around us. (Read More...)
What In The World Has Happened To Our System Of Education?
Our kids can’t really read very well. And it turns out that they aren’t very good at math either. But those running our system of education continue to tell us that they are doing a wonderful job. If they just had more funding, they insist, our test scores would go way up. Of course that is complete and utter nonsense. Our system of public eduction was a failure back when I was in school many years ago, and it is much worse now. At this point, only about one-third of all U.S. students in the fourth, eighth, and twelfth grades are proficient in reading… (Read More...)
Pastor John Kilpatrick Just Issued An Ominous Prophetic Warning About What Is Coming That You Must Hear
For only the third time in his 53 year ministry, Pastor John Kilpatrick has issued an urgent prophetic warning to the public. The first warning came just before 9/11, the second warning came just before the COVID pandemic, and now this new warning is the third one. Kilpatrick has ominously declared that “the land is going to manifest the sins that are proliferating” in our nation. He says that there will be problems with “earthquakes”, “volcanoes” and “the weather”. Of course this lines up perfectly with what Perry Stone was just shown and with what I warn about in my latest books. Our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and we will soon witness unprecedented shaking. (Read More...)