18 Signs That The Obama Administration Is Openly Hostile To The Military

Army Saluting Barack ObamaHas there ever been an administration that has had more disdain for the U.S. military than the Obama administration?  The way that this administration treats our veterans and the way that this administration is gutting our armed forces is absolutely shameful.  As you will read about below, Obama and his minions have been purging the military of officers that do not agree with their agenda, they have labeled veterans returning from overseas wars as “potential terrorists”, and they have turned our military into a playground for political correctness and social experiments.  Not that Obama has been afraid to use the military.  In fact, he has sent troops more places than just about any other president in U.S. history.  He is running our brave men and women into the ground at the same time that he is relentlessly reducing the size of the Army, Navy and Air Force.  As a result, our armed forces are smaller, weaker, more spread out and less prepared for a major war than at any other time in recent memory.  Please share this article with as many people as you can.  The American people deserve to know the truth.  The following are 18 signs that the Obama administration is openly hostile to the military… (Read More...)

We Now Have Scientific Proof That People Are Getting Stupider

Brain - Public DomainAre people dumber than they used to be?  Were previous generations mentally sharper than us?  You may have suspected that people are getting stupider for quite some time, but now we actually have scientific evidence that this is the case.  As you will read about below, average IQs are dropping all over the globe, SAT scores in the U.S. have been declining for decades, and scientists have even discovered that our brains have been getting smaller over time.  So if it seems on some days like you woke up in the middle of the movie “Idiocracy”, you might not be too far off.  Much of the stuff that they put in our junk food is not good for brain development, our education system is a total joke and most Americans are absolutely addicted to mindless entertainment.  Fortunately we have a lot of technology that does much of our thinking for us these days, because if we had to depend on our own mental capabilities most of us would be in a tremendous amount of trouble. (Read More...)

Large Holes Forming Near The New Madrid Fault And A Giant Crack In The Earth In North Mexico

Earthquake MapDid you know that the number of big earthquakes during the first three months of 2014 was more than double the yearly average of what we have experienced since 1979? And did you know that the number of earthquakes in the central and eastern U.S. has quintupled in recent years?  If you do not believe this, just keep reading.  We live at a time when earthquakes are increasing in frequency and severity.  And we are starting to see some very unusual activity in places that have been quiet for a very long time.  For example, large holes are starting to mysteriously appear in Indiana near the New Madrid fault zone.  And a giant crack in the ground nearly a kilometer long has appeared in northern Mexico.  Could these be indications that even greater earthquake activity is on the way? (Read More...)

Why Aren’t Americans Taking The ISIS Threat ‘To Drown All Of You In Blood’ Seriously?

ISIS Flag In IraqIf some psychopaths were running around crucifying and beheading lots of people and then they said that they wanted to drown my family “in blood” I would be inclined to take them seriously.  But so far, most Americans seem to be completely and totally unconcerned about ISIS.  Perhaps that is because we had so many years where we were told that al-Qaeda was a major threat but nothing ever seemed to happen.  Well, the truth is that ISIS is a far different creature than al-Qaeda ever was.  After 9/11, we never heard of al-Qaeda doing much of anything except for supposedly hiding in caves.  But ISIS is out there every single day taking over territory and hacking innocent people to pieces.  At this point ISIS controls vast swaths of both Syria and Iraq, and they just posted a video on the Internet of the beheading of a prominent American journalist.  These jihadists are absolute nutjobs, and if given the opportunity, there is probably very little that they would not be willing to do to us. (Read More...)

If You Promote A Cure For Ebola, Men With Guns Could Show Up At Your Door

Police State - Men With Guns At Your Door - YouTube ScreenshotIf I had a cure for Ebola, I could never sell it to you.  I don’t have a cure for Ebola of course, but even if I did I could never promote it.  And if you have a cure for Ebola and you start promoting it on the Internet, men with guns could soon show up at your door.  Unfortunately, I am not kidding.  Even if you have made a discovery that could potentially save millions of lives, that will not earn you an ounce of mercy from the FDA.  In fact, the FDA has just issued a statement that contains a chilling warning for anyone that is claiming that they know how to prevent or cure Ebola.  And without a doubt, FDA bureaucrats are scouring the Internet right now for any sign of an Ebola cure or treatment.  When they find one, they are likely to crack down very hard based on their history.  So if you do have a cure for Ebola, you might want to be very, very careful.  You could end up having men with automatic weapons conducting a military-style raid on your home when you least expect it. (Read More...)

Stirring The Pot: DOJ Sends ‘Marshals’ To ‘Coach’ The Protesters In Ferguson

Stir The Pot - Public DomainIs the Obama administration looking to stir up more trouble in Ferguson?  “Protest marshals” from the same Department of Justice division that organized protests against George Zimmerman in the aftermath of the shooting of Trayvon Martin have been deployed to the troubled city.  It is being reported that these DOJ agents will be “conducting training” for Ferguson protesters that will focus on “best practices for participating in protests”.  Local officials in Missouri hope that this will help defuse the situation, but if history is any guide it may end up doing just the opposite.  According to the head of Judicial Watch, the Community Relations Service of the Department of Justice “has a record of racially inflammatory rhetoric that is extreme in ideology and cynical in its politics”.  Could these Ferguson protests ultimately be used to take us to the next level in the inflammation of racial tensions in America? (Read More...)

The Military Occupation Of Ferguson, Missouri Is Just A Preview Of What Is Coming To America

Ferguson Militarized Police - YouTube ScreenshotLet’s be honest – Ferguson, Missouri is under military occupation right now, and the entire world is watching in horror as militarized police fire tear gas and rubber bullets at unarmed protesters.  Yes, the rioting and looting in Ferguson needed to be stopped.  If order had not been restored, more stores and businesses would have been destroyed.  However, there is no excuse for the brutal tactics now being employed.  At one point, police snipers were even using laser scopes to target protesters that were obviously unarmed.  Sadly, this is just a preview of what is coming to America in the years ahead.  As the economy falls apart and people become even more angry and even more frustrated, there will be a lot more incidents of civil unrest like we have just witnessed in Ferguson.  And in response, the federal government and our overly militarized police will seek to crush those uprisings with overwhelming force.  How is it possible that our once very peaceful nation has fallen apart so dramatically? (Read More...)

Will An Ebola Panic Be Used As An Excuse To Put Large Numbers Of Americans In Camps?

Prison Camp In America - Public DomainNow even the mainstream media is admitting that during an Ebola panic “people could be detained for long periods, merely on a suspicion they might have been exposed to some pathogen.”  As you will read about below, federal law contains some very vague provisions which could be used to indefinitely quarantine large numbers of Americans in the event of a significant Ebola outbreak in the United States.  So where would all of those people be put?  Certainly they would not be mixed in with prison populations, and our hospitals would only be able to handle a very limited number of Ebola patients.  Once our medical facilities are overwhelmed, it is inevitable that those that have Ebola or that are suspected of having Ebola would be housed in temporary holding centers, tent cities, sports stadiums, old military bases and FEMA camps.  Of course strict measures would be taken to ensure that the quarantine is not broken.  So no matter what official name is given to these facilities, they would in essence be prison camps.  No unauthorized personnel would be going in or out.  And since the federal government already has the power to round up and detain anyone “reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease”, the potential for abuse is staggering. (Read More...)