Is Hezbollah On The Verge Of Entering The War In The Middle East?

There are all sorts of rumors floating around on social media that Hezbollah is about to join the war in the Middle East.  In this article, I am going to go over what has been confirmed and what has not been confirmed.  If Hezbollah chooses to enter the war, things are going to get really crazy.  The terror organization has approximately 100,000 highly trained fighters, and it possesses well over 100,000 missiles.  If thousands upon thousands of missiles start raining down on Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities, the response by the IDF will be overwhelmingly forceful.  In other words, we could be about to witness a truly apocalyptic scenario play out right in front of our eyes. (Read More...)

Iranian Proxies Are Starting To Join The War, And That Is Really Bad News

It is beginning to happen.  We have been told that a worst case scenario for the war in the Middle East would be for Iranian proxies to join the war followed by Iran itself.  That sort of escalation could lead to an apocalyptic conflict that spirals completely out of control, and so great efforts have been made to try to keep the rest of the “Axis of Resistance” on the sidelines.  Unfortunately, those efforts appear to have failed, and that is really bad news. (Read More...)

Israeli Tanks Roll Deep Into Gaza As The Entire World Braces For More Escalation

There isn’t going to be peace in the Middle East any time soon.  As you will see below, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has unequivocally ruled out a ceasefire.  IDF forces will continue with their mission until victory is achieved.  So now we will keep a very close eye on all of the other interested parties to see what they will choose to do.  If all of the allies of Hamas stand aside and do nothing, the IDF will slowly but surely wipe Hamas out.  That is a best case scenario.  In a worst case scenario, multiple parties start to enter the conflict and an absolutely apocalyptic war engulfs the entire Middle East. (Read More...)

Middle East Prophecies From Henry Gruver And John Paul Jackson Are Coming To Pass Right In Front Of Our Eyes

Most people don’t realize this, but we just witnessed one of the most pivotal moments in human history.  IDF forces have entered Gaza and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is calling this a “second war of independence”.  The battle against Hamas will be long and bloody, and Netanyahu is absolutely determined to wipe the terrorists out.  But this conflict will not just be limited to Israel and Hamas.  In a previous article, I discussed the fact that while he was still alive Henry Gruver was shown that “when Israel sends troops into Gaza, it will be a sign the Middle East War has started”.  I believe that prophecy has now been fulfilled.  And please note that he did not say that “a Middle East war” would start once IDF forces entered Gaza.  Rather, he used the phrase “the Middle East War”, which implies that this is going to be a big one. (Read More...)

Is It Just A Coincidence That The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse Are The Same Colors As The Palestinian Flag?

I am going to share something with you that social media is really buzzing about right now.  If you go to Revelation chapter 6, you will find that the colors of the horses that the four horsemen of the apocalypse are riding are white, red, black and “pale”.  But the ancient Greek word that is translated as “pale” in Revelation 6:8 is more commonly translated as “green”.  In fact, the other three times that “khlōros” is found in the New Testament it is translated as “green” in the King James Version.  So if the most accurate translation of “khlōros” in Revelation 6:8 is “green”, that would give us horses that are white, red, black and “green”, and it turns out that those are the exact same four colors that we find on the Palestinian flag. (Read More...)

The Toxic Brew That Is Going To Create Endless Chaos In The Streets Of America

Really bad policies lead to really bad consequences, and our leaders have been making absolutely disastrous decisions for decades.  As a result, the streets of America are now teeming with thieves, drug addicts, prostitutes, violent criminals and sexual predators.  We have raised an entire generation of young Americans that has no moral foundation whatsoever, and every day we are adding even more immigrants from third world countries to the mix.  Many of those immigrants have no intention of following our laws, and they are fueling the explosive growth of criminal gangs all over the nation.  On top of everything else, the war in the Middle East threatens to spark an unprecedented wave of domestic terror attacks here in the United States.  Millions of radical Muslims now live in this country, and when the time comes many of them will not hesitate to commit acts of violence. (Read More...)

Will Israel Use Nuclear Weapons Against Iran And Hezbollah?

Is it possible that the war in the Middle East could eventually go nuclear?  If the fighting could have been limited to just Israel and Hamas, I think that there would have been a zero percent chance of Israel using nuclear weapons.  But now it appears that Hezbollah, Syria, Iran and potentially other parties are likely to get involved too, and that means that Israel will literally be fighting a war of national survival.  If it gets to a point where the Israelis think that they could potentially be overrun by their enemies, they aren’t going to leave their most powerful weapons on the shelf. (Read More...)

Here We Go – The IDF Is Given The “Green Light” As U.S. Forces In The Middle East Come Under Fire

Right now, we are all witnessing some of the most pivotal moments in all of human history.  For a long time, I warned my readers that a great war would be coming to the Middle East.  In fact, I specifically warned that it would be one of “the 3 wars of the apocalypse”.  I didn’t expect the Great Middle East War to arrive quite so quickly, but here we are.  Once thousands of missiles start flying back and forth, none of our lives will ever be the same again.  We are literally watching an apocalyptic scenario play out right in front of our eyes, and it is all going to begin once Israeli forces move into Gaza. (Read More...)