Why Arizona Got It Exactly Right

The state of Arizona is taking a ton of heat for the anti-illegal immigration law that they just passed.  Barack Obama is outraged and is directing his administration to look for ways to challenge the law.  The government of Mexico has issued a travel advisory for the entire state of Arizona.  Latino groups are promising unprecedented turnouts for the upcoming May Day protest marches.  There has even been graffiti popping up in Phoenix that is threatening to “burn this racist city” among other things.  But you know what?  The state of Arizona got it exactly right.  This is not about stopping legal immigrants who want to come in the “front door” and pursue the American Dream legally.  America will always need that kind of immigration.  No, this is about stopping the never-ending wave of serial criminals, gang members, drug dealers and economic parasites that have been endlessly parading unchecked into Arizona.  If the federal government was not going to act, then the state of Arizona had to.  Now other nearby states are studying Arizona’s new law and are considering implementing similar measures themselves. (Read More...)

If The U.S. Economy Is Experiencing A Recovery Why Does It Seem Like Things Keep Getting Worse?

The talking heads on all the major news shows keep telling us that the U.S. economy is experiencing a recovery.  Usually the term “recovery” is accompanied by a qualifier such as “jobless”, but they continue to use the word recovery anyway.  We are told that the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression is behind us and that the great American economic machine is roaring back to life and everything will be back to normal soon.  So why does it seem like things keep getting worse?  Why does it seem like the American Dream is out of reach for more Americans than ever?  Why does it seem like economic pain is spreading to more families and more businesses? (Read More...)

The Health Care Bill Is Great For American Taxpayers – If You Like Being Punched In The Groin

Thanks to the health care “reform” bill passed by Congress and signed into law by Barack Obama, American taxpayers are about to be hit with the largest tax increase in the history of the United States.  According to an analysis by the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation the health care bill will generate $409.2 billion in additional taxes by 2019.  But there are also heavy fines for those who refuse to buy the health insurance mandated by the bill.  According to the Congressional Budget Office, the health care bill imposes approximately $69 billion in penalties for individuals and businesses who don’t meet mandates to purchase health insurance.  This will be the first time in the history of the United States that the federal government has ordered Americans citizens to buy a good or service.  But it is not just a small amount of money that the U.S. government is requiring all of us to spend.  In fact, the federal government will be mandating that ordinary Americans pay almost as much to private insurance companies as they do in federal taxes.  (Read More...)

10 Clear Signs That This Will Be A Double-Dip Recession In The United States

The U.S. economy has been riding out one of the worst recessions in modern history, but unfortunately every economic signal seems to be indicating that we are going to be experiencing a “double-dip” recession instead of a recovery.  U.S. government debt is out of control, a massive “second wave” of mortgages is scheduled to reset starting this year, banks have significantly tightened credit, pension funds across the U.S. are broke at a time when a ton of Baby Boomers are ready to retire, and a massive financial crisis in the Eurozone threatens to throw the world into financial chaos.  The truth is that 2010 is going to be another very tough year economically, and for many the American Dream is quickly becoming a distant memory.  The following are ten clear signs that this will be a double-dip recession in the United States…. (Read More...)

A Mistake Of Historic Proportions – 11 Reasons Why America Should Have Elected Ron Paul Instead Of Barack Obama

It is more than one year since the American people selected Barack Obama as their leader, and with each passing day it is becoming increasingly clear why the American people should have elected Ron Paul instead.  The U.S. economy continues to collapse, the U.S. government is running up a record budget deficit, our borders are wide open, hatred for the United States is at an all-time high around the world and our individual liberties continue to be eroded as never before.  The American people are becoming increasingly frustrated by the socialist big-government solutions that the Obama administration and the Democrats are coming up with.  But the truth is that both the Republicans and the Democrats have been advocating bigger government, more spending, more debt and more globalism for years, and now we find ourselves on the edge of complete disaster. (Read More...)