Shocking New Online Poll Shows That Michael Snyder’s Campaign For Congress Has A Ton Of Momentum

It is still very, very early, but we continue to get positive signs that all of the hard work that we have put into this campaign is getting the attention of the voters. Last week, the largest and most important political talk radio station in the entire state posted an online poll for our race, and we are winning. In fact, we have more votes than all of the other guys in the race combined. But let’s not get too excited. This is an entirely unscientific poll, and a scientific poll would show a much, much closer race. The truth is that most voters in this district still don’t even know who any of the candidates are, and that means that we have a ton of work ahead of us in this wide open race. In order to win, we need to effectively get our message out to all of these voters, and if you would like to help us do that, you can do so right here… (Read More...)

21 Reasons Why You Should Support Michael Snyder’s Run For Congress

We are starting to take our country back, and good men and women are rising up to run for office all over America.  I want to be part of this movement, and so I am running for Congress in Idaho’s first congressional district.  So how are things going so far?  Well, a brand new online poll conducted by the largest political talk radio station in the state shows that there is a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for my campaign.  People are sick and tired of the status quo in Washington, and the fact that I am not a professional politician is appealing to a lot of people.  But it is still very early, and we need as many people to get involved and to contribute as possible.  It is going to take a tremendous effort to win this race, but there is definitely a very clear path to victory if we work really hard. (Read More...)

Thanks Obamacare! Health Insurance Premiums Are Projected To Spike Dramatically Once Again In 2018

Are you ready for your health insurance premiums to go up again?  Ever since Obamacare became law, health insurance premiums have been rising dramatically year after year.  In 2016, one study found that the average Obamacare premium rose by about 24 percent, and similar increases have been seen all around the nation in 2017.  As you will see below, large premium hikes are on tap for 2018 as well, and rates are going to continue to rise until lawmakers finally do something about this nightmare. (Read More...)

Americans Have Never Been More Overweight Then They Are Now – New Survey Finds 40% Of U.S. Adults Are Obese

Americans have never needed to lose weight more than they do right now.  According to brand new numbers that were just released by the National Center For Health Statistics, nearly 40 percent of all U.S. adults are now officially obese.  That is an all-time record.  And as you will see below, more than 70 percent of us are officially overweight.  Of course most of the population does not even understand what is being done to them.  The elite that own our major food corporations know that eating heavily processed foods is a highway to heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other deadly diseases, but they keep pushing those foods on us anyway.  The average American diet is extremely self-destructive, and it is time for a change. (Read More...)

Media Attacks Republican Candidate For Congress For Asking Hard Questions About The Las Vegas Shooting

I didn’t expect that I would be getting “the Trump treatment” this early in the campaign.  Last week, I wrote an article about the Las Vegas shooting that posed 16 questions that I did not feel were being addressed by the mainstream media adequately enough.  That article was picked up by Zero Hedge, and it has now been read more than 1.6 million times.  All along, I have never claimed to know exactly what happened in Las Vegas.  But I feel very strongly that there is nothing wrong with asking questions.  In the old days, that is what real journalists would actually do.  Unfortunately, the art of critical thinking has almost entirely disappeared from the field of journalism, and so it is up to us in the alternative media to ask the hard questions that “professional journalists” used to pursue. (Read More...)

You Have Got To Watch This Video – The Corruption In Washington D.C. Is Off The Charts!

The video that you are about to watch shows exactly why we need to “drain the swamp”.  In Washington D.C. it is all about the money, and those that don’t play by the rules get punished severely.  But if we don’t start to fight back against this corruption, we will never have a chance to turn our nation in a positive direction.  I want to go to Washington and start “flushing the toilet”, and I am asking for your help.  I can’t do this alone, but if you help me get there, I promise to be your voice against the insidious corruption that has taken over our federal government. (Read More...)

A Michigan Woman Is Sent To Prison For Refusing To Vaccinate Her Son

Should parents that don’t vaccinate their children be locked away in prison?  That is a very chilling question, because there are literally millions of parents all across the country that don’t vaccinate their children for various reasons.  Personally, I have been writing about vaccine safety concerns for the last seven years, and as a member of Congress I will fight extremely hard to make sure that parents always have the right to make health decisions for their own children.  Over the years I have read so many vaccine horror stories from distraught parents, and nobody should ever be forced to vaccinate their children against their will.  Unfortunately, that is something that just happened in Michigan(Read More...)

5 Examples Of Heroes That Risked Everything To Save Lives During The Las Vegas Shooting

The Las Vegas shooting was evil on a level that is difficult to comprehend, but when things are the darkest that is also when the light shines the brightest.  Even in the midst of all of the chaos and all of the bloodshed, there were acts of great heroism that need to be applauded.  It takes great courage to run toward gunfire when it seems like everybody else is running away from it, but that is precisely what many brave individuals decided to do.  And some of those that risked everything to save lives ended up paying a great price for doing so. (Read More...)