It’s Time To Flush The Toilet

Is it fair to compare Congress to a toilet? If there is one institution that embodies the corruption that permeates Washington D.C., it is the United States Congress. Dominated by extremely selfish career politicians that are primarily interested in raising enough money to win the next election, Congress has become a cesspool of filth, fraud and malfeasance. The American people are absolutely sick of this, and that is why approval ratings for Congress are consistently much lower than for any other political institution. In fact, at this moment Congress has an average approval rating of just 18.3 percent according to Real Clear Politics. Donald Trump captured the imagination of tens of millions of American voters when he pledged to “drain the swamp” during the last election, but I say that it is time to “flush the toilet” because the only way that we will ever be able to turn the federal government in a positive direction is by clearing out as many of these Congress critters as possible. (Read More...)

Less Government. More Freedom.

What would America look like today if the dream of our Founding Fathers of a limited central government had actually been realized? We have become so accustomed to big government that many of us simply assume that this is the only way that things can be done. But the truth is that things don’t have to be this way. We can have the kind of very limited federal government that our forefathers originally intended, but it is going to take a great deal of education and an enormous amount of political engagement in order to get there. On this Memorial Day, we will remember those that have died for our country, but let it also be a call to action. In every generation, Americans have had to stand up to defend the cause of liberty and freedom, and it will be no different in our generation. Just like during the Revolutionary War, there is no guarantee that we will be able to save America from the forces that are trying to destroy it, but if we sit back and do nothing they will win by default. (Read More...)

New Undercover Video Shows An Abortionist Joking About An Eyeball Rolling Down Into Her Lap

An incredibly shocking new undercover video that was recently released by the Center For Medical Progress shows various abortionists joking about the gruesome realities of performing abortions. This undercover footage was taken during the annual conventions of the National Abortion Federation in 2014 and 2015, and perhaps the most disturbing moment is when one abortionist jokes about an eyeball rolling into her lap. All of the undercover videos that have been released by the Center For Medical Progress are very startling and very graphic, but it is absolutely imperative that the American people be told the truth about what is actually happening in these abortion clinics. If these crimes against humanity do not stop, there is no hope and no future for our nation. (Read More...)

No More Fake Conservatives

Do you want to know why President Trump can’t seem to get much done in Congress? It is because many of the “Republicans” in Congress are actually fake conservatives. For decades, conservative voters have allowed these RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) to use labels such as “Republican”, “conservative” and “Pro-Life” to get votes, but then once they get into office they govern like Democrats and we never seem to hold them accountable. So even though we have given the Republicans control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives, the government continues to function pretty much as it did when the Democrats were running things. (Read More...)

Desperate Liberals Try To Blame The Manchester Terror Attack On Anyone Other Than Islamic Terrorists

The left just can’t seem to understand that Islamic terrorists are going to try to destroy our way of life no matter how nice we are to them. On Monday night, a bombing at Ariana Grande’s Manchester concert made headlines all over the globe. 22 people, including an 8-year-old girl, were killed and 59 were wounded. It is exactly the sort of “soft target” attack that I have been warning about, and ISIS quickly claimed responsibility. Within the last 30 days, there have been 169 Islamic terror attacks in a total of 24 different countries. Last year, the number of global terror attacks was up 25 percent from the year before, and this year we will almost certainly see another all-time record high. But many liberals never even want to use the phrase “Islamic terror” because it doesn’t fit their agenda. (Read More...)

It Is Time To Put The ‘Limited’ Back In Limited Government – And Abolishing The EPA Is A Good Place To Start

The constitutional republic that our founders intended to create has become a monster, and it is time to tame that monster and restore the federal government to its proper size and scope. The left loves big government, because it allows them to impose their progressive vision of how the world should work on all the rest of us. This is why so many control freaks are drawn to liberal politics like moths to a flame. Power and control are very addicting drugs, and those that crave these things on the left are never satisfied. That is one of the reasons why the federal government just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. If our constitutional republic is going to survive, we have got to start putting the “limited” back in limited government. (Read More...)

Charlie Daniels: We Need 1000 Paul Reveres, Because We Aren’t Going To Allow The Radical Left To Steal Our Country From Us

If America is going to survive, it is time for this generation of Americans to take a stand. Edmund Burke once said that “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”, and if we sit back and do nothing now the radical left is going to win in America. In a new documentary entitled “Revelation: Dawn Of Global Government”, country music legend Charlie Daniels is calling for “1000 Paul Reveres” to rise up and sound the alarm in this country. Our constitutional republic is under serious attack from forces that are intent on transforming the United States into a fundamentally different nation than our forefathers intended. Today we know them as “progressives”, “liberals” and “Democrats”, but in the old days they were known as “socialists”, “communists” and “Marxists”. In the film, Charlie simply refers to them as “scumbags”. So many brave Americans before us have bled and died for the cause of freedom and liberty, and there is no way that we are going to allow the radical left to take it away from us now. (Read More...)

The Deep State’s Political Coup: A Special Prosecutor Means The 2018 Elections Are Life Or Death For The Trump Presidency

The deep state is orchestrating a political coup against President Trump, and this latest move makes it clear that they are going for the jugular. Now that former FBI director Robert Mueller has been appointed as “special counsel” to investigate the scandals swirling around the Trump administration, the mid-term elections in 2018 have become of the utmost importance. There is a reason why most people refer to a “special counsel” as a “special prosecutor”. Special prosecutors usually spend years digging around even if there is absolutely no evidence that any crimes have been committed, and in the end they are always going to find someone to prosecute to justify all of the time, money and energy that they have expended. According to the Wall Street Journal, Mueller “will now have unlimited time and resources to investigate more or less anything and anyone he wants.” So in the end someone is almost certainly going to get charged with something, and it could ultimately be Trump himself. (Read More...)