When I Found Out How Members Of Congress Really Spend Their Time, I Just About Threw Up

Did you know that many members of Congress spend three or four hours a day “dialing for dollars” in cramped call centers that both parties have set up in Washington? I promised that I would keep all of you updated on what I am learning as I run for Congress, and what I learned the other day just about had me losing my lunch. I always imagined members of Congress spending long hours in their offices working on legislation and other important matters, but the truth is that most members of Congress are little more than glorified telemarketers at this point. Winning the next election is everything for most of these Congress critters, and so they spend far more time making cold calls to potential donors than doing anything else. (Read More...)

A 21-Year-Old Man Has A Baby, And Doctors Say ‘Womb Transplants For Men’ Will Soon Be Possible

Do you think that men should be having babies? Years ago I remember being told that someday we would see these sorts of headlines, but such a thing seemed so impossible to me at the time. Well, now it is actually happening. Over in the UK, a 21-year-old British man named Hayden Cross has just given birth to a baby girl. But of course Hayden was not actually born a man. Hayden used to be known as “Paige Cross”, but eventually a decision was made to embrace a transgender lifestyle. However, Hayden put his transition on hold in order to become pregnant and give birth. (Read More...)

A Sign? A Badly Wounded Bald Eagle Was Rescued On The Streets Of Washington D.C. Right Before The 4th Of July

I don’t know if you believe in signs, but I do. So when I heard that a very badly injured bald eagle had been found wandering the streets of Washington D.C. right before the 4th of July, that definitely got my attention. Today, bald eagles are actually quite rare. There are only about 5,000 nesting pairs in the lower 48 states, and it is especially uncommon to spot one in one of our major cities. When I was first told that a bald eagle has been rescued on the streets of our nation’s capital right before the most patriotic day of the year, I was immediately skeptical. But this is actually a true story. The following was reported by NPR(Read More...)

It’s Official: Michael Snyder Is Running For Congress And He Wants To Turn Over The Tables In Washington D.C.

On the 241st anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, I publicly announced that I am running for Congress. If you have not seen my speech yet, you can watch it right here. In early 2016, Franklin Graham issued a nationwide call for good men and women to get involved in politics, and that is something that always stuck with me. At the time, I never imagined that I would personally answer that call, but I was hoping that many would heed Graham’s words. Politics is a very dangerous realm, and it takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there, but if we want to have any hope of turning this nation around we have got to get good people into positions of authority. (Read More...)

A Hot New Fashion Trend Has Men Dressing In Skirts, Dresses And 8 Inch Heels

How would you feel if a man walked into a business meeting wearing a skirt and 8 inch heels? 20 years ago that would have been absolutely unthinkable, but if one American designer has his way that may soon become the norm. When I saw photos on Facebook of Thom Browne’s latest line for men, I have to admit that I was floored. If you have not seen what I am talking about yet, you can do so here and here. Personally, I believe that men should dress like men and women should dress like women, but much of society is moving in the exact opposite direction. (Read More...)

I Need Your Help

I have never been very good at asking for help. My father was an officer in the U.S. Navy, and he raised me to be very strong and very independent. So for my entire life, I have been a “pull myself up by my own bootstraps” kind of guy. From a very early age I came to think of asking others for help as a sign of weakness. Of course today I know that is not true, but there is still part of me that hesitates to enlist the support of others even when I really, really need it. (Read More...)

A War On Globalism

Have you ever wondered why Donald Trump is so deeply hated by the elite?  It isn’t because he is a Republican.  In fact, there are lots of Republicans out there that the elite absolutely love.  The truth is that the reason the elite have such deep animosity toward Trump is because he is fighting their globalist agenda.  When Trump talks about a border wall or a travel ban, the elite hate that because they ultimately want a world where national borders have been made meaningless.  And when Trump talks about tearing up trade agreements that really freaks them out because they have been working very hard to try to merge the economies of the planet into a single global economic system.  Worst of all for the globalists was when Trump pulled out of the Paris climate agreement.  For decades the elite have been using such international agreements to impose their values on the entire planet, and now the leader of the most powerful nation in the world is standing up to them. (Read More...)

One Of The Main Reasons Congress Is Getting So Little Done Is Because They Will Have 218 Days Off In 2017

Would you like to have a job that gave you 218 days off a year? According to the official calendar put out by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, the House of Representatives will only be in session for 147 days in 2017. And that is actually an increase from last year. In 2016, there were only 131 legislative days for the House. So if you are wondering why Congress never seems to get anything done, this is one of the biggest reasons. The sad truth is that members of Congress simply do not spend a lot of time doing what they were elected to do. (Read More...)