Getting Trump Elected Was Not Enough – We Need A Thousand Liberty Candidates To Run For Office All Over The Nation

The last few weeks have shown us that getting Donald Trump elected is not enough. This Congress is being called “the most unproductive in 164 years”, and thanks to all of the RINOs in the Republican Party Trump’s agenda is sitting dead in the water. Obamacare has not been repealed, taxes have not been cut, there is no funding for a border wall, and Planned Parenthood is still fully funded. It has become clear that simply getting the Republicans control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives is not going to get us where we want to go. Starting in 2018, we are going to have to work very hard to replace bad Republicans with liberty candidates that will fight relentlessly for our values. (Read More...)

We Need To Pass ‘Stand Your Ground’ In Every State, Abolish The BATFE, And Repeal The Major Federal Gun Laws

Throughout history, dictators and tyrants have always wanted to take guns away from the people. Hitler confiscated guns once he took power in Germany, Stalin confiscated guns in Soviet Russia, and Mao confiscated guns when the communists took power in China. An armed population is one of the cornerstones of a free society, and our founders understood this very well. Unfortunately, most Americans don’t seem to understand the Second Amendment in our day and time. The following is what the Second Amendment actually says… (Read More...)

We Need To Build Trump’s Wall, And We Need To Build It Tall And Strong

Did you know that Mexico is the second deadliest nation on the entire planet? The drug war down there continues to spiral completely out of control, and often the violence spills over to our own side of the border. Thanks to President Trump, security along the border is improving, but we still have a long, long way to go. Ultimately what we need is a physical barrier, because large numbers of illegal immigrants continue to pour through the soft spots in our border security. I know that a lot of liberals don’t like the idea of a wall, but that is the only way that we are going to make sure that everyone comes into this country through the front door. (Read More...)

Hordes Of Anti-Trump Democrats Are Lining Up To Run For Congress In 2018

If Republicans don’t wake up, there is a very real possibility that we could lose control of the House of Representatives in 2018. And if that happens, Donald Trump’s agenda will be dead in the water because the Democrats will use their majority to block everything. Trump’s surprise election victory last November was perhaps the single most galvanizing moment for grassroots Democrats in this generation. Just as the election of Barack Obama gave rise to the Tea Party movement, we are now seeing a tremendous amount of energy among liberals all over the nation. If Republicans cannot match this energy, we are going to be in for quite a shock in November 2018. (Read More...)

Michael Snyder’s New Book Entitled ‘Living A Life That Really Matters’ Has Just Been Released

Have you ever reached a point in life where things have gotten so bad that it seems impossible to ever turn things around? In my new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters”, I begin by sharing such a point in my own life about 20 years ago. If someone would have told me at the time what my life would be like today, I would have laughed at them. But God took the broken pieces of my life and turned them into a beautiful thing, and He can do the exact same thing for anyone else. (Read More...)

The Republicans In Congress Have Betrayed Us Again

I guess by now we should be accustomed to politicians lying to us. For years, Republicans have been promising to repeal Obamacare if we would just give them control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives. We did that, and now they are breaking that promise. Because even if “Obamacare 2.0” miraculously gets through the Senate, most of the essential elements of Obamacare will survive. If you look at the latest Senate bill, most of the Obamacare subsidies are still in there, many of the Obamacare taxes are still in there, and most of the Obamacare regulations are still in there. On top of everything else, the bill would create an absolutely massive health insurance company bailout superfund, and that is something that the Democrats never even dared to do. The bill being pushed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wouldn’t actually fix much of anything, and it certainly cannot be called a “repeal” of Obamacare. (Read More...)

Why Are Naked Men Being Allowed To Expose Their Bodies In Front Of Young Children During Gay Pride Parades All Over America?

It it okay for naked men to flaunt their completely exposed bodies in front of young children as they march down the street during pride parades? Summer is a time when all sorts of groups hold parades all over America, and even if we disagree with what certain groups have to say they still have a First Amendment right to say it. But nowhere in the U.S. Constitution is there a right to public nudity. Every year completely naked and nearly naked men participate in these parades in cities all over America, and we never hear of anyone getting arrested. (Read More...)

The Most Unusual (And Significant?) Solar Eclipse In U.S. History Will Happen Next Month On August 21

August 21st is the date of “the Great American Eclipse”, and the hype around it is already starting to reach a fever pitch. It is being called “the Great American Eclipse” because this will be the first total solar eclipse ever that is only visible in the United States. In other words, since the United States became a nation there has never been a total eclipse that was only visible here and nowhere else. And this will be the first total solar eclipse to cross from the west coast to the east coast in 99 years. So for those that love astronomy, this is bigger than the Super Bowl. (Read More...)