It was fun while it lasted. We actually had quite a few months without an official “global health emergency” to be concerned about, but now that streak is over. On Wednesday, the World Health Organization announced that Monkeypox has officially been classified as a “public health emergency of international concern”. Health officials have lost control of the new mutant strain that is spreading in Africa, and so that is why this move was made. Compared to the strain that caused so much chaos in 2022, this new strain has a much higher death rate and we are being told that in many cases it is spreading without any sexual contact at all. If this thing gets loose in the United States and Europe, the level of fear that we will witness will be off the charts. (Read More...)
Most Americans Believe That The U.S. Economy Is Already In A Recession
In your opinion, does it feel like we are in the middle of a recession right now? If you feel that way, you are definitely not alone. In fact, as you will see below, most Americans believe that the U.S. is currently experiencing a recession. Large employers have been conducting mass layoffs from coast to coast, the cost of living crisis is absolutely crushing millions upon millions of working families, and the number of business bankruptcies has jumped by more than 40 percent in just one year. Considering all of the economic pain that we are witnessing all around us, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that 59 percent of Americans believe “that the U.S. is currently in a recession”… (Read More...)
How Many Warnings Is California Going To Get Before “The Big One” Finally Strikes?
Time is running out for the state of California. Scientists are telling us that “the Big One” is way overdue, but most people living in California don’t seem to care. Every once in a while there is a “reminder” that they live in earthquake country, and those “reminders” seem to be coming a lot more frequently these days. Two weeks ago, a magnitude 4.9 earthquake hit southern California, but that was quickly forgotten. One week ago, a magnitude 5.2 earthquake hit southern California, but that was quickly forgotten as well. This week, southern California has been shaken by a magnitude 4.4 earthquake, but this one will soon be forgotten too… (Read More...)
We Really Are Living In The End Times
Is it possible that Jesus specifically warned us about the times that we are living in nearly 2,000 years ago? You may have noticed that global events have started to spiral out of control lately. Normally, the summer is a period when things are relatively quiet. As far as the news industry is concerned, August is supposed to be the quietest month of all because so much of the world is on vacation. But that definitely has not been the case in 2024. According to journalist Simon Tisdall, in recent weeks we have been experiencing a “peaking of volatility, instability and insecurity, unprecedented in recent times”… (Read More...)
Are Religious Leaders In Israel Getting Ready To Sacrifice A Red Heifer?
Is the world about to be shocked by the sacrifice of a red heifer in the land of Israel? On September 15th, 2022 five perfect red heifers were flown into Israel from the state of Texas. That got a lot of attention, but at that time all of those red heifers were too young to qualify for a red heifer sacrifice. A couple of years have passed since then and now they are all old enough to qualify, and it is being reported that rituals that would be part of a red heifer sacrifice are being practiced. The information that I am about to share with you is quite stunning, but it does not mean that a red heifer sacrifice is about to take place. Ultimately, authorities in Israel will decide when they feel that the time is right. (Read More...)
Is Iran About To Start World War III?
Have we reached a point of no return? As I write this article, the world is waiting for news that Iran has attacked Israel. If it happens, it is likely to be a significantly larger attack than the last one. Of course once Iran attacks, then everyone will be watching Israel to see if they strike back or not. If Israel chooses not to strike back, this could be the end of it for a while. But ultimately this is a war that is still just getting started. It is just a matter of time before all-out war erupts, and when we finally reach that point the death and destruction that we will witness will shock the entire globe. (Read More...)
Kamala Harris Just Made A Colossal Mistake – Here Are 7 Things You Should Know About Tim Walz
What in the world was Kamala Harris thinking? There is a reason why the Trump campaign is so giddy right now. Kamala Harris could have had Josh Shapiro, but instead she picked Tim Walz. When I wrote that “Kamala Harris has a tendency to really mess things up”, I was not exaggerating one bit. This election is going to be decided by the swing states, and the most critical swing state by far is Pennsylvania. Whoever wins Pennsylvania is almost certainly going to win the presidency. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro has a 61 percent favorability rating in his state, and so he was seemingly the obvious pick. The following comes from CNN… (Read More...)
Is Kamala Harris Going To Make The Entire Country As Lawless As Her Hometown Is?
Kamala Harris is being touted as the solution to all of America’s problems. Since she didn’t do much as vice-president, and since she didn’t really accomplish much while she was in the U.S. Senate, many Americans feel like they don’t really know her too well. So a lot of them are buying into the carefully crafted image that is now being projected by the Democratic Party. But is that image accurate? Harris spent many years ascending through the ranks of the Democratic Party in California, and of course the Democratic Party has been systematically transforming that state into a hellhole. There is a reason why millions of people have been moving out of California in recent years. But Harris isn’t just from California. Her hometown is literally one of the worst places in the entire country… (Read More...)