Is God Going To ‘Bless’ A Government That Gives $500 Million A Year To Fund Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Holocaust?

More video has just been released which proves that Planned Parenthood has been selling off aborted baby parts to the highest bidder.  The crimes against humanity that Planned Parenthood is committing are off the charts, and yet nobody ever goes to jail, and the federal government keeps on giving them about half a billion dollars a year.  If the federal government did not give Planned Parenthood giant mountains of money every year, there are real doubts about whether it would be able to survive or not.  Planned Parenthood is the number one abortion provider in the United States, and the U.S. government is their number one financial supporter by a very, very wide margin.  So no matter how you want to look at the issue, the truth is that America’s abortion holocaust is being bankrolled by the U.S. government. (Read More...)

Science Is Not God, So Why Do So Many People Keep Trying To Turn It Into A Religion?

This article is likely to get a lot of people out there quite angry.  In our world today, many have become convinced that science has all of the answers to humanity’s most important questions, and those that question the high priests of this new religion (scientists) are often accused of a form of “blasphemy”.  We saw this clearly on display last Saturday when protesters gathered in Washington D.C. and in about 600 other cities worldwide for “the March for Science”.   Those of us that are skeptical and that don’t necessarily buy into the scientific orthodoxy of the day were accused of “ignoring facts” and being “climate deniers” by various speakers at these protests.  But of course the truth is that scientific theories have always been in flux all throughout history, and this will continue to be the case as time moves forward. (Read More...)

Henry Gruver’s Incredible Vision Of Russian Submarines Launching Nuclear Missiles At The United States

A little more than 30 years ago, God showed Henry Gruver that someday Russian submarines lurking very close to our coastlines would launch an absolutely devastating nuclear first strike on the United States.  If you are not familiar with Henry Gruver, he is truly a remarkable man of God, and I do not use that term lightly.  He has literally spent thousands of hours prayer walking through cities all over the globe, and signs, wonders and miracles have followed his ministry for decades.  He has never sought to make a big name for himself, because his priority has always been following the Lord’s agenda. (Read More...)

We Have Entered A Time When Islamic Terrorists Will Be Specifically Targeting Christians And Churches In America

One Sunday morning you may be sitting there peacefully with your family during what seems like a perfectly normal church service when a team of men dressed in camo comes storming in and starts shooting at people indiscriminately with automatic weapons.  Once upon a time, such a thing would have been absolutely unimaginable in America, but now things have completely changed.  In fact, as you will see below, something like this almost happened a little over a week ago at a hotel in South Dakota where approximately 500 people had gathered for a Christian conference.  This is a time when ministries are going to have to start paying extra attention to security, because Islamic terrorists are going to be specifically targeting Christians and churches. (Read More...)

In Anticipation Of The Coming American Apocalypse, 2 Lawmakers Plan To Create ‘Christian Survivalist Centers’ In Rural Areas

A couple of lawmakers from South Carolina want to establish a network of self-sufficient communities in their state in preparation for “societal collapse”.  In the long-term, they hope to “train and equip one million neighborhood leaders” that will be able to establish “a fresh beginning for America” in the aftermath of the great crisis that is coming.  State Representatives Josiah Magnuson and Jonathon Hill are both relatively young, they were both home-schooled, and each of their fathers are pastors.  They are calling their dream the “Virtue Solution Project”, and they are examples of a new breed of American politician that recognizes that the system is failing and that we desperately need to return to the values that this nation was founded upon. (Read More...)

12 Signs That America Has Become A Politically-Correct Madhouse

What in the world has happened to the United States? We are rapidly getting to the point where political correctness is in danger of becoming our national religion. Of course most people would not even call it a “religion”, but for most Americans this unwritten set of rules shapes everything that they think, do and say. Many had been hoping that the spell of political correctness would be broken by the election of Donald Trump, but that obviously has not happened. The forces of political correctness still have a stranglehold on our education system, on all forms of entertainment, on our legal system, and on most of the politicians in both political parties. (Read More...)

One Mother’s Chilling Close Encounter With A Team Of Child Abductors That People Can’t Stop Talking About

After reading this article, you will never be careless with your child in a public place ever again. There really are predators out there that make a lot of money abducting children. Some of the children that are abducted are abused, tortured or even killed inside the United States, but many others are quickly sent to the nearest port, shipped overseas, and ultimately used for some of the most horrific purposes that you can possibly imagine. So if your child is kidnapped by professional traffickers, there is a chance that your precious little one could end up on the other side of the planet. (Read More...)

Scientists Warn That The Coming California Megaquake Could Plunge Large Portions Of The State Into The Ocean

California Going Into The Ocean - Public DomainOver the years, many people have been shown that someday a giant earthquake will cause significant portions of California to fall into the ocean. But up until now, most scientists have disputed the idea that this could ever actually happen. Well, now all of that has changed. According to a brand new study, a megaquake along the west coast “could plunge large parts of California into the sea almost instantly”. In fact, the researchers that conducted this study say that it is almost certain to happen eventually. Of course they probably don’t believe that such an event is imminent or else they would be moving out of the state like so many other people are. (Read More...)