A New Bill In Congress Would Prevent Any Baby With A Heartbeat From Being Aborted

A new bill being considered by the U.S. House of Representatives would make it illegal for an abortion to be performed on any fetus with a detectable heartbeat.  This bill is known as “the Heartbeat Protection Act”, and it would be a massive victory for the pro-life movement in this country if it becomes law.  So far about 170 members of the House are behind this bill, but it will need more votes than that to pass.  And even if it passes the House, it would still have to get through the Senate, and if just a few RINOS in the Senate vote against the bill that would be enough to block it. (Read More...)

People Are Making Such Ridiculous Claims About What Is Going To Happen On September 23, 2017 And None Of Them Are True

All sorts of sensationalist claims are being made about what is going to happen on September 23rd, and all of them are false. In recent days, I have spent time looking into these various claims, and I have been deeply disturbed by what I have discovered. Yes, it does appear that there will be a unique celestial alignment on September 23rd, and it does appear that it at least bears a resemblance to what is described in the first couple of verses in Revelation 12. And yes, this alignment will happen at about the time of Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets). But people have gone way beyond those basic facts and have come up with ridiculous theories that are going to make them look like nutjobs when September 23rd comes and goes and their predictions don’t come to pass. (Read More...)

‘Aren’t You Supposed To Be Hiding In A Hole And Waiting For The End Of The World?’

Is it useless to try to save America? Since I announced that I would be running for a seat in Congress, I have had a number of people become extremely upset with me. According to these people, I am misleading the public by suggesting that we should fight for the future of our country, and that instead I should be telling people to bunker down and prepare for the worst. Of course my wife and I are definitely big preppers, and nothing about my long-term outlook for this nation has changed one bit. But I have always said that when things get really bad that instead of digging a hole and hiding, we would be running to the front lines to storm the gates of hell instead. We believe that the greatest chapters of our lives are still ahead of us, and we also believe that the greatest hour for the people of God collectively will be during the darkest times that humanity has ever faced. (Read More...)

We Cannot Condemn The Violence In Charlottesville Strongly Enough

What just happened in Charlottesville, Virginia should break all of our hearts. This is not what our country is about, and I am really struggling to find words that are strong enough to denounce the violence that we just witnessed. Hating people because of the color of their skin is evil. I know that a lot of people are trying to put a political spin on what happened in Charlottesville, but the truth is that it had absolutely nothing to do with normal political discourse. A very, very small group of people that are filled with hate have been trying to draw attention to themselves, and now thanks to a senseless act of violence the eyes of the entire world are on them. The rest of us need to join together to strongly denounce them, because their kind of hate has no place in our society. (Read More...)

WHAT? Now Hillary Clinton Wants To Be A Pastor?

How would you feel if you went to church next Sunday and “Pastor Hillary Clinton” got up to deliver the message? According to Clinton’s longtime pastor, Hillary says that she wants wants to start preaching. Considering the fact that she stands in direct opposition to just about everything that the Bible says, it is hard to imagine her doing this with a straight face. Bill and Hillary Clinton have been fueling anger and hatred toward conservative Christians for decades, but now she is suddenly going to turn over a new leaf? If Clinton announced that she had decided to denounce abortion then she would definitely get my attention, but at this point this just seems like another Clinton political stunt. (Read More...)

You Will Be Shocked When You Learn What Planned Parenthood Wants To Teach Preschoolers About Sex

What should we teach children that are three and four years old about sex? If you said “nothing” in response to that question, that was the right answer. Exposing very young children to graphic material about human sexuality at a very early age can be extremely detrimental, but that is precisely what Planned Parenthood wants to do. And I am not just talking about run of the mill sexual education. Planned Parenthood has just released new guidelines for educating preschoolers that include entire sections about transgenderism and masturbation. And remember, U.S. taxpayers are paying for all of this, because Planned Parenthood receives about 500 million dollars from the U.S. government every year. The Republicans have control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives, and so there is absolutely no excuse for not defunding Planned Parenthood as soon as possible. (Read More...)

President Trump: ‘In America We Don’t Worship Government – We Worship God!’

Donald Trump just continues to become even more bold about his faith in Jesus Christ. On Wednesday, he posted a message to Twitter about his faith which has already been liked more than 81,000 times and retweeted more than 23,000 times. I know that a lot of people have complained that Trump is on Twitter too much, but I love it. It gives him an opportunity to speak directly to the American people without having to rely on the gatekeepers in the mainstream media. If I was in his position, I would be doing the exact same thing. (Read More...)

Michael Snyder’s New Book Entitled ‘Living A Life That Really Matters’ Has Just Been Released

Have you ever reached a point in life where things have gotten so bad that it seems impossible to ever turn things around? In my new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters”, I begin by sharing such a point in my own life about 20 years ago. If someone would have told me at the time what my life would be like today, I would have laughed at them. But God took the broken pieces of my life and turned them into a beautiful thing, and He can do the exact same thing for anyone else. (Read More...)